I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1162: Show my fangs!

   Chapter 1162 Show my fangs!

   After being severely injured several times, the expression in Ning Tianlang's eyes still did not change, as if he was not a human at all, just a zombie wearing human skin, but in reality he had no pain nerves and could not feel pain.

   In pain, he still mobilized all the strength in his body to wield what might be the last blow he would wield in his life.

   His voice has become extremely hoarse, and he can feel how much pressure he is carrying when he exerts force.

But after this sound, there was no chance for the punch that he wanted to throw out, and it was time to prepare. In the next second, Tang Ye suddenly raised his body, raised one foot, bent his knee, and pushed the other knee heavily. Hit his jaw!


With a crisp sound, even the aurora breather, which was so hard that it was almost impossible to damage, made a crisp sound under the full blow of Tang Ye, the eighth-order zombie, and then a large piece of parts fell down. Ning Tianlang's **** chin could be seen.

  Ning Tianlang's whole body softened, losing the support of his strength, Ning Tianlang's body could no longer achieve stagnation in mid-air, and after swaying for a while, it fell from below.

   However, Tang Ye was quickly caught by one hand, pulling a piece of armor that protruded from the outside of the Aurora Breather, and threw it in front of other Ning Tianlang like a dead dog.

   "Back off, I'll pack them up."

  Tang Ye said with a frown, it was very easy to say in front of this seventh-rank Ning Tianlang, but the defensive power of the Aurora Breather really cannot be underestimated.

Maybe Tang Ye looked very relaxed when dealing with this seventh-order Ning Tianlang, but his own strength belonged to the eighth-order level, and the defense power of the A-level exoskeleton suit was not enough in front of him, but he had to break through this. Tang Ye still felt the resistance of the Aurora Breather's defense.

   If this is for a seventh-order powerhouse, wearing this aurora breather is tantamount to wearing a B-rank exoskeleton suit in front of a sixth-order new human being.

   But what really made Tang Ye jealous was that he didn't know how many Aurora Breathers were in stock at Yunxia Base.

If Yunxia Base still has a large inventory of aurora breathers, it will be a troublesome problem for the Liantong District. What makes Tang Ye even more puzzled is that the A-level exoskeleton suit with such a powerful defense can still be developed. , What happened to the people who developed him?

   Following Tang Ye's words, the powerhouses in the Liantong District quickly spread out to the surrounding areas, only the hatred rushed towards the sixth-order Ning Tianlang who was fighting against him!

And the remaining Ning Tianlang, without these people blocking them, looked at each other, and in the next second, he burst out the speed of his whole body, pulled up sonic booms in the air, and slayed Tang without fear of death. industry!

   "Jie Jie~ I don't know whether to live or die!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was a little angry in his heart. If he wanted to say what kind of people he hated the most, it was undoubtedly the one who was not afraid of death. He had no fear of death on his face. Killing them would not relieve the hatred in his heart. dissatisfaction or other dissatisfaction.

The five Ning Tianlang didn't have anything to use to fly in mid-air, only relying on their own speed to allow themselves to glide for a short period of time, their own strength blessed the speed, and fierce winds blew around them, entangled with each other, and the surrounding In the eyes of people, those storms can almost be said to be materialized, and they can even see the trajectory of this gust of wind.

Tang Ye stood in front of and in the middle of the huge gust of wind blown by the five people. The raging storm did not shake his body. His body was floating in the air. Not moving, in the eyes of the people around him, his figure seems to be a **** from the nine heavens, and many people's eyes are full of worship.

   He raised a hand, and a nameless and invisible force began to move. No one noticed that the dust that had fallen on the ground seemed to have escaped the gravity and slowly floated up.

  The power of the eighth-order zombie is awakening, and it will show its terrifying fangs in front of everyone here!

   In the next second, a terrifying aura erupted, and behind Tang Ye, a storm that was dozens of times bigger than the storms set off by the five Ning Tianlangs formed.

  Ning Tianlang and the others just approached, except for the seventh-order Ning Tianlang, the remaining sixth-order new humans were directly blown away by this violent wind to the extreme.

"Kill!" Ning Tianlang, the seventh-order rookie, made a firm voice. Those sharp eagle-like eyes stared at Tang Ye, waving the blade in his hand, and the cold light drawn from the blade crossed the sky. , along with his extremely fast movement, he came to Tang Ye in an instant!

  The cold light flashed recklessly, and Tang Ye's clothes flew even more!

   This space seems to be cut open in front of this terrifying knife, and then stick it to Tang Ye's clothes!


   A slight tearing sound rang out, and the cloth on Tang Ye's shoulder was easily cut open by Ning Tianlang's knife, but when it hit Tang Ye's skin, it made a crisp "click"!

   Tang Ye's skin was not damaged in the slightest. Instead, the blade in the hand of this seventh-order rookie Ning Tianlang was hit by the rolling blade, and there were dazzling cracks on the blade surface.

  Ning Tianlang was about to close his sword, but it turned out that as the evolutionary level of the creatures in the end-time is higher, the difference is one level, which is heaven and earth!

This action was just passed through Ning Tianlang's mind. He didn't do anything yet. A huge force was exerted on his neck from all directions, and the blood vessels inside were compressed in an instant. Tangye is just a short distance away!

   He squeezed his neck with one hand, the strength in his hand made him feel like an ordinary person.

   This is a... eighth-order powerhouse!

   He was aware of this problem, but he didn't regret it. Immediately after everything in front of him descended at an extreme speed, Tang Ye's body leaned down, and the storm caused by the rapid descent made him feel as if countless knives were slashing his back!


   Landing from a height, like a stone falling into the water!

   The aurora breather on his body was twisted out of shape in an instant, and the white light spots on his body that were supposed to glow were all extinguished at this moment!

   Before he could say a word, there was a fist that grew from a small to a huge one!

   There was another loud bang, and the surrounding ground sank abruptly several meters deep!

  Tang Ye raised his **** fist, and with the other hand pulled away the face of the opponent's exoskeleton suit, which was disfigured, revealing a **** face.

   shook his head slightly, the remaining Ning Tianlang was killing himself.


   The four Ning Tianlang made loud voices in unison, and they locked Tang Ye with murderous intent!

   (end of this chapter)

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