I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1164: another one

   Chapter 1164 Another one

   This behavior of the ruler of Dongsheng Hezhi certainly caused dissatisfaction among many people below, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the Liantong District, which was one of the four kings, was not so easy to provoke.

During this period of time, of course, some people secretly went to find trouble with the officers stationed in the united area, but basically they went in vertically and came out horizontally. Some people even went in and waited to come out without all the corpses, only some stumps and broken arms. , According to some "informed people", those who deducted too much were thrown directly into the zombie group by the Peace Club and fed the zombies.

  It should be said that the management system in the Dongsheng Hegemony is partly the same as that of the Lianhe District. One of them is that fighting is prohibited in the Dongsheng Hegemony, no matter who, including ordinary people, is the same.

For those who cause death at will, when the death penalty is directly executed, many rules will be consistent with the peaceful society before the end of the world, but the criminal law is many times heavier than before the end of the world. To deal with some criminals who do not repent, Dongsheng Hezhi directly Prohibited torture was used, which made the security of Dongsheng Hezhi much better than that of other superpower management areas.

   Not only direct death, but also indirect murder. For example, luring someone into a dangerous area to be killed by dangerous creatures inside, which is also subject to the sanctions of Dongsheng Hezhi Law.

It stands to reason that those who entered the Peace Club stationed in Dongsheng Hezhi and were killed should also be punished by the law of Dongsheng Hezhi. After all, this is the territory of Dongsheng Hezhi, but the rule of Dongsheng Hezhi Zhe Miaoluo didn't seem to want to take care of these things, and even directly declared that the west side of Dongsheng Hezhi had nothing to do with Dongsheng Hezhi.

  No one knows why Miao Luo did this. Miao Luo, the mayor of Dongsheng Hezhi, seemed to bet all of the above on the Peace Conference. Even though he was warned repeatedly by Yunxia Base, Miao Luo still did.

   The soldiers who cleaned up the snow on Changhang Avenue were just to draw a line to completely divide the west and east of Dongsheng Hezhi. People on both sides of the street looked at it with different expressions.

  Some people have dissatisfaction on their faces, some don't care, some have gloomy faces, some are thinking about something, and some coax: "Hey, hey, do you want the place where the yellow line is drawn? No one wants it, it's mine!"

  Similarly, in front of the entrance of the branch building where the Peace Council troops were stationed, there were also many people who were looking inside expectantly, not knowing what was going on inside.

   After about two or three minutes, the crowd started to roar.

   "Come out, come out!"

   "It took half an hour to come out. The people who entered this time are amazing."

The people who were already noisy became even more noisy, and at the entrance of the Peace Club branch building, two soldiers came out with a man like a dead dog. When they saw the crowd outside, the two soldiers snorted coldly and fought. The man who was holding it was thrown out at once.

  The people in the crowd hurried forward, took a breath, and said to the people, "This guy is lucky, he didn't die."

   "Hey, he didn't die."

Hearing that this person disappeared without death, some people in the crowd couldn't help but feel disappointed. To be honest, this is strange. When others die unexpectedly, people will not hesitate to express their pity and sympathize with the deceased, but if the other party is lucky After escaping the catastrophe, people can't help but feel disappointed, as if death is the ending they want to see.

   "Is there another person? Why didn't you come out?"

   "Yeah, two people in, how come only one person comes out?"

   "Where's the other guy?" someone asked the two Peace Corps soldiers.

But the two soldiers didn't answer them at all, just cast a glance at them, and then walked into the building, and on the stairs leading to the second floor, a person was dragging a half-dead guy up go.

   came to the door of an office and waited quietly without speaking, as if waiting for someone inside to open the door.

   After a while, the door was opened, revealing a figure, this person was Song Muyuan.

   "It's the first time that another person is looking for trouble."

  Song Muyuan said dissatisfiedly, but the person in front of him did not answer him, he seemed to be a mute, just dragged along the leg of another person silently.

If you look closely, you will find that this person does not have the blood and energy of a new human being, and the person he is dragging in his hand is a genuine fifth-order new human being, that is, this fifth-order new human being, by one of the I can't stand up with a slap.

   The deeply sunken and bright red slap print on his face can explain it all.

   The other party didn't respond to Song Muyuan's unhappy muttering. He didn't seem to hear it, but when his eyes stretched out, a strange and inhuman expression flashed from time to time.

"It's alright, let's put it here. It's all labeled like this. It seems that he came from the Yunxia base again." Song Muyuan waved his hand. He didn't know how many people he had killed this month. It took less than a week for the ruled area to occupy the general management area of ​​Dongsheng Hezhi. The residents of Dongsheng Hezhi would feel dissatisfied and Song Muyuan could guess.

In the beginning, many residents of Dongsheng Hezhi came to find trouble for themselves, especially the underground black forces of Dongsheng Hezhi. The commander of the Peace Association army in Hezhi in Dongsheng, of course, changed all the rules here for the first time, exactly the same as in the United States, but this will inevitably affect the interests of those underground forces.

At that time, some strong men from underground forces came to make trouble. Usually, Song Muyuan was beaten and thrown out, but within a few days, someone on my side discovered that some of these troublemakers were from Yunxia. The one who came from the base only lurked for a few days and then came here to make trouble.

The purpose is very strong, so from that time on, Song Muyuan changed the method. If the original population of Dongsheng Hezhi came to ask for trouble, it was usually just to beat the disabled. No, if you can't recover, you're unlucky, but you won't take people's lives. If Yunxia Base comes, especially those people who belong to the Qianlong Association in Yunxia Base, don't even think about going out.

   As soon as Song Muyuan's voice fell, the man at the door dragged the fifth-order new human at Yunxia Base and walked in. After placing it on the ground, he walked out without a word.

   "Thornscale, remember to close the door." Song Muyuan reminded him later that the person who walked out would nod his head at Song Muyuan, looking a little dumb.

   (end of this chapter)

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