I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1168: snow is moving

   Chapter 1168 Snow is moving

Thick dark clouds in the sky cover the whole sky tightly, heavy snow keeps falling from the sky, strong winds blow from time to time, rolling up white waves, and people's footprints appear deep and shallow in the snow piled up. On the streets of China, cars cannot move, so they can only park on the street like this, allowing themselves to be covered by heavy snow. For people, on this thick snow, the next foot can step on the car of a certain car. The top is the luckiest thing.

  Song Muyuan and Thornscale, like the pedestrians around, most of their bodies were buried in the snow, and they kept walking forward. After a while, their figures disappeared in the heavy snow.

About two hours later, in Xigo City, which is near Dongsheng Hezhi, on the streets covered with heavy snow, one hand after another, extremely rotten hands broke through the snow layer and drilled. Come out, a large number of zombies crawled out of the snow.

Since the third year of the end of the world, the greenhouse effect has gradually disappeared, and every subsequent winter has become longer and longer, and the snow has become heavier. Every winter, the once prosperous city streets will be completely covered by heavy snow, especially Towards a city closer to the north, such as Hezhi, in the east, the heavy snow was even more severe.

   Therefore, in winter, the densely packed zombies on the streets will be covered by the snow, and in the cold weather, the zombies will also go dormant, and their sense of smell will also be weakened in such an environment.

The streets will only be snow-white, and there will be no zombies in sight, because the zombies in the city will be completely covered by the snow. Therefore, in winter, it is the best chance for the survivors to enter the old city to find supplies. This way would be safer.

   You don’t need to guard against the dense zombies on the streets, you only need to pay attention to the zombies that randomly jump from the tall buildings.

On a street in Xigo City, a group of survivors in thick clothes and full equipment are walking forward in the snow. They wear strange shoes with wide soles on their feet. Walk on the layer, will not fall into the snow to be covered.

   "Hurry up. There are fewer people going to the city center this year. In the past, you could have harvested a little more early."

Among this group of people, the person walking in the front urged the person behind, no one responded, they were all walking on the snow layer carefully, no one knew that the snow layer nearly two meters high was piled up. How many zombies are buried under it, once it sinks and wakes up the zombies below from its dormant state, it will be doomed.

Those who enter the old city in winter are generally survivors with a low status in Dongsheng Hezhi, not only Dongsheng Hezhi, but also other survivor bases and shelter cities in other places, because most of them are ordinary people. People, who enter the old city in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are likely to be injured by zombies and become infected with viruses and then become zombies. Only those new human beings dare to enter the old city in these three seasons to search for substances, while ordinary people And some low-strength survivors like to set out in an environment like winter where they can save their lives with greater effort.

   So, once you accidentally get stuck in, it's okay not to wake up the zombies, but once you wake up one zombie, it's not a matter of one or two, but hundreds of thousands! What's more, they have already entered the downtown area, and there will only be more zombies covered below!

   More than 20 people took one step at a time, and each foot compacted the snow in front of them. Every step was in such an orderly manner that no one dared to take an extra step, so they moved the distance one after the other.

  A few minutes later, a woman in the middle suddenly let out a scream.


   "Call your sister!" The woman shouted, which also startled the others, and hurriedly turned her head and shouted.

The woman quickly realized what kind of mistake she had made, and hurriedly shut her mouth and pointed to a place not far in front of her. When the others looked over, they saw one slowly sticking out from the snowdrifts over there. , the rotting skin also explained to everyone the identity of the owner of this hand.

"What the **** are you doing, you're making such a fuss, you're just a zombie." A man said in a very unhappy way. Iron rods, and such iron rods, everyone in this group holds one in their hands, the function is to see the zombies whose bodies are exposed outside the snow and stab them to death!

  The man walked in front of the zombie, observed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no movement, he raised the long iron rod in his hand, pointed the sharp end downwards, found a good angle and then fell hard!


With a crisp sound, the man pulled out the long iron rod, followed by a jet of black liquid. The man stepped back a few steps, and seeing that the rotten zombie hand had stopped moving, he said to the woman, "It's alright, let's go. "

  The woman nodded, looking at this man and couldn't help but feel a little bit of goodwill in her heart.

   But just when the man just returned to the team, there was a "woooo" sound around them.

"what sound?"

"What's wrong?"

   "What's that sound?"

  The crowd suddenly panicked and turned their heads to look around, but they didn't see anything strange.

  The sound of "woo woo woo" is like listening to music with headphones and turning on the 3D surround sound effect, which makes people confused.

"What's wrong?"

"what's up?"

For a time, the team of this group of people suddenly became chaotic and began to disperse in all directions. Everyone had a look of horror on their faces. They usually go out in winter and rarely see some zombies, not to mention those terrifying high-level Zombies, even third-order zombies, they don't know what they look like.

And this strange scene suddenly made them all panic, and they didn't know what to do next. The sound of "woo woo woo" seemed to have some kind of magic power, which not only made people feel upset, but also a kind of An extremely uneasy feeling arises deep inside.

   "Nima...Nima Gobi, I would have known earlier...I had known that Lao Tzu would not come out, ah ah ah!"

   "Yes, yes, I knew I wouldn't come out."

   "What the **** is going on, where did this sound come from?"

  People turned their heads to look around, but they didn't find anything unusual.

  About half a minute later, someone suddenly noticed that the snow layer in front seemed to be moving, and then hurriedly pointed to the place: "Look there."

   Hearing this sentence, everyone quickly looked forward, on the snow layer in front, it was really moving!

   I just looked at it for a while, and soon, everyone's eyes became terrified. At first, it was just that place, but it was only a short time in the past, and soon, the snow layers in other places began to squirm!

   (end of this chapter)

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