I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1171: corpse tide closes

   Chapter 1171 The corpse tide closes

   "This day has come too."

  Su Sigui looked at the sky. No one knew how thick the dark clouds were. Heavy snow fell, and some snowflakes fell on her face, which was quickly melted by the temperature on her face.

This scene was both familiar and unfamiliar to her. Because of her appearance, this incident was four days earlier than in her previous life. The same thing had not happened yet, that snowflake that fell on her face and melted. After that, Su Sigui couldn't remember what she was thinking.

  A lot of things have really changed. In the previous life, when this corpse wave attacked Yunxia Base, the scale was 1.4 million. Now, in the same event, the scale of the corpse wave has doubled!

However, she quickly understood the reason. In the previous life, the commander-in-chief of the Lianhe District in Dongsheng Hezhi was named Liang Hanyang, but now, the commander-in-chief of the Lianhe District in Dongsheng Hezhi has become a man named Song Makihara's man.

  What happened in the middle?

   Watching the snowflakes fall on the ground one by one in the sky, Su Sigui suddenly smiled, the smile on his face was very strange, with anticipation but also a bit of worry.

It was getting closer, and as time passed, she was getting closer and closer to those familiar events. She didn't know how much things would be changed in this world because of her appearance. , or will it always exist in the public eye?

  The timeline of this world will develop according to the original trajectory, but will it change greatly?

   All this is unknown.

   Therefore, Su Sigui is both looking forward to and worried.

   "Long Autumn."

  Su Sigui called out a person's name to the side, and soon a woman came forward and bowed respectfully towards her.

   "Mayor, what's the matter?"

  Su Sigui said casually: "Wait for your notice, and let those who ordered the following people act like they can, save a little bit."

   "Huh?" The woman named Chang Qiu was taken aback, this matter is not comparable to the past, it was a tide of two million corpses! Once the Yunxia Base is breached, not only the Judgment Office and the Qianlong Association will be lost, but the Mingyue City will also lose its vitality. How can this be done?

  Chang Qiu was a little confused, with a strange look in his eyes, he looked at Su Sigui, thinking she was wrong.

   "Mayor, this is not good for others and not for yourself."

   "It's alright,... Okay, you haven't reacted yet. Let me tell you this, those corpse tides are not targeting people from the Yunxia Base, but in the outlying planting areas. This corpse tide is artificially controlled."

   "Human control, mayor, do you mean the Peace Conference?"

   "Well, prepare a lot of food. Yunxia Base will be very sad for a while. Those residents, let them live as long as they can, don't worry about the scarcity of food."

   "I understand, I can pick up those people's wool afterwards." Chang Qiu smiled.

The same is true for Su Sigui, who looked at Changqiu with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but soon, the smile on Su Sigui's face disappeared, looking at the large number of soldiers from the Judiciary and the Qianlong Society who rushed over, His face became colder.

   "This time, not only for their wool, but also for their skins!"

On the anti-corpse wall, the commanders watched through the binoculars and a long black line gradually appeared in the distance. With the passage of time, the black line became thicker and thicker, and the content of the black line gradually became clear. , is a zombie with a rotting body!

"I'll go." The non-commissioned officers who were ready to fight saw this scene of corpses and corpses, and couldn't help but exclaimed. It was the first time they saw the dense zombies. However, the non-commissioned officers here and those below Didn't that soldier experience the battle of the regional corpse tide?

   Especially those non-commissioned officers, they can't even remember how many times they fought with the corpse tide, and they have an absolute understanding of the corpse tide, so they can see at a glance that the corpse tide this time is a bit different.

Let’s just say that the million-scale corpse tide attack four years ago, although it was also a sea of ​​corpses, but the zombie army had no formation, scattered and messy, not dense, just an army composed of countless zombies. It will be extended to ten kilometers away.

   And this time, these zombies were all crowded together, the density can be described as a stick cannot be inserted in this group of corpses, as if the zombies cannot set foot in other places other than this road, and must move forward next to each other.

   But this is such a scene, one's scalp is numb, and intensive phobia is aroused all at once.

   "The statistics are not available."

   "There are too many, and no results have been obtained for the time being."

   "How long is the distance between the zombies?"

   "About seven kilometers."

A non-commissioned officer held a tablet and clicked on a video. The above was recorded by the investigation team on the roof of a certain building. On the street below, the dense zombies flowed like water, and many zombies did not go there. Obeying the traffic rules, seeing that the companion in front was blocking his way, he roared and climbed over the head of the same kind, but soon, other zombies also climbed on it and went further ahead.

  This video is enough to make people’s heart stop. The video is only 20 seconds long. Although the photographer moved the camera to the distance, he still couldn’t see where the tail troops were after the corpse tide.

  Always, Yuanjiang City, 20 kilometers away from Yunxia Base, is still completely occupied by zombies!

   In the video, the people of the reconnaissance team couldn't help turning pale when they saw the corpse tide below.

   "Mag's rotten skin, this Nima corpse tide is rushing to buy promotional products with uncles and aunts."

   "Your sister, I'm sad now."

   "Okay, keep your voice down, bring up the zombies below, and the few of us will also become the ones running below."

   Looking at this video, every non-commissioned officer couldn't help frowning. The spectacular scene presented by the two million corpse tide exceeded their expectations.

   But the non-commissioned officer thought so, and soon, another reconnaissance team also reported a very bad news.

"No, according to our testing and inference, the corpse tide came from Xigo City, and did not attack Dongsheng Hezhi. It came directly from Xigo City over a hundred kilometers to our side, and this The corpse tide collided with the zombies in Yuanjiang City, and now the zombies in Yuanjiang City have also been brought up!"

   "What do you mean, explain it to me, it's more serious?"

   "It can be said that the corpse tide is more than 2 million, and it is likely to reach 4 million! Now all the zombies in Xigo City have left, this is the corpse tide gathered by the zombies in the two old cities!"

   "Four million?" Hearing this number, the non-commissioned officers present only felt a little dizzy in their heads, and their limbs could not help but soften.

   (end of this chapter)

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