I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1182: Dragon fog rises

   Chapter 1182 Long Teng Mist

What these sixth-order new human powerhouses did not expect is that the scales on the body of the corpse dragon are unimaginably hard, and the H-steel weapon that has been smelted five times in their hands is smashed on it, and the sharp blade surface is only on the corpse dragon. There was only a small white mark left on the hard scale armor, but the blade in their hands had cracks that could not be ignored!

   "Quick, withdraw!"

   Seeing that the attacks of herself and others could not cause any substantial damage to the corpse dragon, one of the Dongying women subconsciously shouted in her own language to remind others.

But she didn't need to remind her, the people around them quickly knew that something bad would happen soon. With their legs swiping, the strength of the sixth-order new human burst out. , the four people who were still alive after being rushed out saw that they were not in danger, they looked at Song Muyuan again, their eyes were cold, and regardless of the pain in their bodies, they immediately got up and killed in the direction of Song Muyuan!

Two of them were quickly surrounded by a large number of zombies after falling to the ground. They waved their weapons to break through the corpse tide, but the four million corpse tide was no joke. The huge number also caused zombies in the corpse tide. of high density!

Therefore, after these two sixth-order new human powerhouses entered the corpse tide, no matter how strong they were, there were more and more zombies around, and countless corpse claws were grabbing their clothes. , the zombies all screamed with excitement when they saw two people with such powerful blood! A large number of zombies flew up, and the two were instantly surrounded by the corpse tide into a big dumpling. After they broke a hole, other zombies quickly filled it.

   On the other side, the two sixth-order powerhouses, taking advantage of the corpse dragon to deal with others, quietly pointed their blades at Song Muyuan.

But they were destined to get what they wanted. The moment they rushed towards Song Muyuan, more than a dozen strong men there screamed one after another. Flowing out from their abdomens and being crushed by the body of the corpse dragon, it can almost be described as an ordinary person being crushed by a train.

Their companions suffered heavy casualties, and these two people ignored them. For them, these two people were not companions, they were just working together by chance, but as long as the goal was achieved, everyone could benefit, and the lives of others were put on the back burner. In this case, it doesn't seem that important.

The distance between   's eyes and Song Muyuan was narrowing wildly.

   Getting closer and closer, Song Muyuan's weak and weak body seemed to be within reach, and the two strong men couldn't help but get excited.

   But at this time, they suddenly heard a strong wind breaking in their ears, and subconsciously turned their heads to look, and a huge shadow drowned the figures of the two in an instant!

I saw the corpse dragon twisting its huge and slender body, with a human body dangling in the corner of its mouth. The white smoke on the body was scattered in large quantities. The twisted body suddenly stopped, and its tail was facing the place where the two were like a long whip. Draw!

   Even if the corpse dragon is a sixth-order zombie, its size is enough to show that it is not something that humans of the same level can deal with. Every creature has its own advantages, and even the evolutionary system in the end times cannot make up for this gap.

Under the full force of the corpse dragon, its tail was drawn at a high speed, and the tip of the tail drew a straight white line, which was so conspicuous. !

   That is, when they turned their heads, the huge dragon tail came to them, and in an instant, they started to urinate! Hit them hard!


   The crisp and loud sound burst out! Where the huge dragon tail swept, a cloud of blood-red mist suddenly burst out, and the bodies of the two strong men were suddenly blown up by the tail of the corpse dragon!

The two strong men who were trapped by the corpse tide didn't even know what was going on outside. Suddenly, the surrounding environment became dark and dark, and one of them smashed a large number of zombies with one knife. In the next second, a pressure attacked from all directions. Come!

   Then, he felt that everything around him was lifting into the air, and his head was pitch black, and the zombies under his feet fell down, revealing everything on the ground, and he realized that he was in midair! And that terrifying corpse dragon actually swallowed dozens of zombies, including himself!

   "No!" He let out an unwilling roar, and soon, the corpse dragon's mouth closed together, and the body of this sixth-order powerhouse, including the zombies that besieged him, was buried in this abyss mouth!

After    dealt with this sixth-order powerhouse, the corpse dragon turned his attention to another sixth-order new human powerhouse, and did the same as before, swallowing the powerhouse and a large number of zombies and chewing wildly.

After eating another sixth-order powerhouse, their flesh and blood quickly melted in their mouths and turned into something similar to "qi" into their body. This "qi" seemed to carry some temperature. , how obvious it is to flow in the body of the zombie without temperature.

   Let the corpse dragon feel something called warmth.

After a while, the corpse dragon spewed out white smoke in all directions without any dead ends. Its body swam and moved towards the front. Gradually, its dragon head left the ground. Then, the body behind the dragon head also began to levitate and leave the ground. , more and more bodies leave the ground, take off slowly against the scientific method, from the dragon head to the body, and from the body to the tail, and finally, the huge body of the corpse dragon is swimming in the air, the air, like water, that A corpse dragon is a fish, swaying freely in the water.

   This scene made many soldiers stunned, and three question marks seemed to appear on their heads.

   "This Nima... Really can fly?"

   "Why am I dreaming?"

Looking at the huge body winding straight up in the air, although it is a little different from the dragon in the image of the Chinese people, for example, the corpse dragon has no limbs, but it has a bit of dragon intent. If you don't look carefully, it will be true. I thought it was a real dragon!

It is said that Yun Conglong seems to be really the case. When the corpse dragon flew into the sky, the thick white mist sprayed from it blocked a large part of the soldiers' vision. Only the giant dragon was there. Hidden in the thick white fog.

It all sounds very long, but in fact it only took less than a minute. After swimming in mid-air for a while, suddenly, the corpse dragon turned his head to face the dozen or so strong men, and his eyes suddenly turned all the The dazed strong man woke up.

   "Not good!" Someone's heart was beating wildly, and an extremely uneasy feeling rose up, making them shout!

  Some people started to retreat, but it was too late for them to react at this time. The corpse dragon opened its mouth, and thick black smoke, which was the exact opposite of the white smoke, spewed out of its mouth, and the white mist was dissipated in an instant!

   (end of this chapter)

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