I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1184: generous

   Chapter 1184 Generous

  What is the population of Yunxia Base? There are a total of 100 million people. Not only a large number of Chinese people, but also survivors from all over the world.

   And with so many people, the amount of food that needs to be consumed every year is also an astronomical amount!

In order to supply this huge population, not to mention all but most of the people, the food they need will definitely not be less. What's more, there are some new human beings among these people who need several times more food than ordinary people. to maintain the vitality of its own super cells.

Such food consumption naturally requires a huge planting area, and in the Yunxia base, how big is the area used for agricultural planting, it can be said that in the Yunxia base, this area can be compared with a small province. Sanctuary City, its agricultural planting area has accounted for more than one-third!

   After the corpse tide entered the agricultural area, what they saw was the endless wheat ears outside the isolation fence!

The heavy snow above fell on the transparent dome and melted, and the winter snow turned into water and continuously flowed down the dome. It was not covered by the heavy winter snow. See the thick dark clouds in the sky.

  The endless wheat ears can see straight street lamps.

   That is not a street light, but a light heater that allows crops to photosynthesize.

   At the moment when the protective cover was broken, a large number of zombies poured in through the gate of the anti-corpse wall opened by the soldiers!

  The huge corpse tide really looks like running water, and it spreads out as soon as it enters the agricultural area of ​​Yunxia Base.

   A few kilometers away, as soon as the zombies came in, bloodthirsty eyes looked towards the direction the soldiers retreated!


  A large number of zombies let out a deafening roar.

"close the door!"

As the last batch of soldiers entered the second anti-corpse wall, in the next second, a blue beam of light rose into the sky at the very center of Yunxia Base. People looked up and were shocked. The beam seemed to have pierced the sky. The broken blue beam of light, like a miracle, is unforgettable.

  Song Muyuan was also stunned for a while, and became suspicious in his heart.

"what is this?"

   But soon, Song Muyuan knew what it was.

I saw that about four or five seconds passed after the beam of light entered the clouds, and the beam of light suddenly spread out, as if a banana was chopped off by a sharp circular cutter, and suddenly split into countless tiny rays of light. Then these rays of light hung down towards the surroundings, and the second anti-corpse wall began to emit light spots along the light connection points. For a time, countless light spots shone on the inner wall of the anti-corpse wall, and flew out from the center of the Yunxia base. The thin pipes split out of the beam of light are firmly locked after touching these light spots!

As a result, Yunxia Base started from the industrial area, as if it had become a prison. It was locked in by these countless blue lights hanging down. Then, these lights were scattered, and the color of blue began to fade, and countless blue lights were hanging down. The blue light of the roots fades, thins, and then connects to each other to form a membrane, which covers the entire Yunxia base airtightly.

   "It turned out to be another protective cover, eh?" Song Muyuan was greatly disappointed, he thought it was some kind of killer, it turned out to be just the process of opening the protective cover.

Song Muyuan didn't know how many corpses died in the corpse tide he brought, because the scale of the corpse tide was so huge, even if the corpses were piled up outside, the corpse tide could not see any decrease at all. .

   is still so huge and so shocking.

   "What's the use." Shaking his head, Song Muyuan waved his hand and ordered all the zombies to enter the Yunxia Base.

   The zombies roared like crazy, and they approached the fields full of wheat step by step! Like a wave, I want to wash down these fragile wheat poles in an instant!

   On the other side, all the soldiers entered the corpse wall, the wide-open iron door closed with a bang, and the second corpse wall was also full of soldiers.

   On the majestic high wall, rows of long-range cannons were turning, aiming at the zombies.

   "Fire!" The top commander saw that he was almost there. When the zombies approached, they would touch the farmland in front of them. If they opened fire at that time, it would cause a lot of damage, so he shouted.

   Accompanied by the commander's voice, all the soldiers roared in unison, full of energy. They were all soldiers who had just been replaced, and they were in good condition, just to deal with the tide of four million corpses at this moment!

The soldiers' murderous voices sounded, and in the next second, a laser formed firepower like a waterfall, and the zombies fell in pieces, and their heads exploded under the powerful laser. Tide was blocked in front of the gate of the first corpse wall.

Some zombies wanted to break through the anti-corpse wall to enter, but they punched the wall, and they just smashed a piece of hard skin from the anti-corpse wall. The pit, but did not completely knock out the anti-corpse wall.

  Song Muyuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

   "Good guy, this is really big!"

The general anti-corpse wall is made of reinforced concrete before the end of the world. Its purpose is to block a large number of zombies and give the soldiers an excellent output environment. After all, the main purpose of the anti-corpse wall is to block the tide of corpses. The corpse tide is generally low-level zombies.

There is a saying that is good, ants kill more elephants, no matter how unbearable those ordinary zombies and first- and second-order zombies are, but the killing ability of zombies is extremely powerful, even if a sixth-order powerhouse falls into the corpse, unless there are rich experience, otherwise it would be difficult to get out of the zombie tide.

   If it is serious, it is very likely to be bitten to death by the corpse or torn to pieces!

These anti-corpse walls are only useful for zombies below the third-order. Once faced with zombies above the fourth-order, they have the ability to dismantle the anti-corpse wall by hand. For the sixth-order zombies, such an anti-corpse wall can completely It is said to be tofu dregs, and it breaks when touched!

Of course, it is also possible to upgrade the anti-corpse wall, but building an anti-corpse wall is a very huge thing in itself, let alone upgrading the defense of the anti-corpse wall. The survivor base did not dare to have this idea at all. Only those superpowers would upgrade the anti-corpse wall so that it could block higher-level zombies.

   But the corpse-proof wall at Yunxia Base, the corpse dragon did not break open when it hit it with all its strength, which surprised Song Muyuan.

   "This group of grandson thieves will be finished."

   In this regard, Song Muyuan just smiled, without the blocking of the soldiers on the first line of defense, wouldn't it be easy to enter the agricultural area?

   (end of this chapter)

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