I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1200: Demon Dragon 10

   Chapter 1200 Demon Dragon 10


With a loud bang, under the impact of the corpse dragon's body, a part of the first anti-corpse wall of Yunxia Base was collapsed by the corpse dragon's body. From the inside, it can be seen from the gap between the gravel and the gravel. Arranged to the scales of a body of the corpse dragon.



   Seeing this scene, all the soldiers on the second corpse wall cheered. The corpse dragon was not moving. This showed that Ning Tianlang had won and proved his strength!

   As soon as the corpse dragon died, the biggest obstacle to the work of resisting the corpse tide was resolved, and the soldiers did not have much worry in their hearts.

   After all, the corpse dragon's record is there.

   At this moment, the soldiers felt that the haze that covered everything in their hearts was completely dispelled, and they became wider and brighter.

  Ning Tianlang didn't pay attention to what happened in front of him, he turned around and walked in the direction of the corpse tide.

   Their mission this time is not only to kill the corpse dragon, but also to capture the man who can control the corpse tide.

  His means make them very interested.

The moment they saw Ning Tianlang, the surrounding zombies rushed towards him like crazy, but how could these zombies get Ning Tianlang, who was a seventh-order rookie, before they touched a single hair on his body and blinked. In between, this Ning Tianlang overturned the corpse tide dozens of meters in front of him, approaching the depths of the corpse tide step by step.

   With such strength, even if more zombies come to suppress him, it will not be able to stop his almost destroying power!

   But soon, his progress stopped, he noticed something was wrong, and when he turned around, he saw that the corpse dragon who had been killed by him had raised his body again!

   And the knife inserted under his head has been covered with flesh and blood again. He can see that the knife is entering the body of the corpse dragon little by little, but the corpse dragon can't see the slightest difference.

   His eyes collided with the corpse dragon's pupils. Compared with the corpse dragon at that time, the corpse dragon at this time was very strange. The look in his eyes was very strange, as if he was mocking something, and it felt very evil.

The corpse dragon twisted his body in front of this Ning Tianlang for a moment. Suddenly, his thick and long black body began to turn, and it turned from black to silver quickly. The lights inside the Yunxia Base appeared to belong to Hard sheen.

   Ning Tianlang, who was in front of him, saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and the identity of the corpse dragon was exposed!

   It's not an ordinary zombie, it's a silver armor corpse that is extremely difficult to deal with!

  The Shining Armor Corpse has many names, and a lot of research has not been able to clearly analyze the principle of the Shining Armor Corpse's resurrection.

   However, the difficulty of Shining Armor Corpse is very certain!

  Ning Tianlang took a few steps back, making sure that he was relieved after the injury that he hadn't been wounded by the corpse dragon before and caused bleeding.

   He tilted his head, as if he was going to talk to someone, and only heard him whisper: "Don't look for him yet, come back, this corpse dragon is a silver armor corpse, it's not easy to deal with, so I also dealt with him."

After speaking, Ning Tianlang's legs bent, and the whole person jumped up and rushed towards the huge and magnificent body of the corpse dragon. At the same time, a large number of zombies were blown up by a huge force in the corpse tide in the distance In mid-air, then, like a thunderbolt that suddenly flashed by, a figure also came towards the corpse dragon!

   The second Ning Tianlang!

Two seventh-order new humans, even if the corpse dragon is a zombie, there is no fear of this kind of emotion, but he and Ning Tianlang have made such a deal, they naturally know the strength of the other party, and now such a person has changed from one to two, the corpse dragon. I also felt unprecedented pressure.

  Yes, this feeling is called stress.

   However, it will not agree to retreat by itself!

  Because at this moment there is only anger in the corpse dragon's heart, he wants to shred them and shred all those who offended him!

   Facing the rushing Ning Tianlang, he moved at a high speed, and the gust of wind caused a large chunk of the ground to be lifted!

The corpse dragon's mouth opened angrily, and soon the two collided. The moment they met, Ning Tianlang grabbed a piece of skin on the corner of the corpse dragon's mouth with one hand, and turned around in the air. Immediately, the two feet under him madly output to the body of the corpse dragon!

   bang bang bang!

One after another, the corpse dragon was bombarded with heavy blows. Pieces of scale armor were forcibly shattered by repeated blows. The corpse dragon wanted to swim and change his body, but Ning Tianlang also It will move according to its reaction.

The corpse dragon attacked wildly, and the black light kept shooting indiscriminately, but they were all dodged by the powerful and cautious Ning Tianlang. The originally hard scales on the corpse dragon were so fragile.

   Soon, the second Ning Tianlang also came to the battlefield where the first Ning Tianlang fought with the corpse dragon. The two of you punched me and kicked me, and the corpse dragon kept retreating.

  Because it is still evolving, the pain caused by the corpse dragon makes shrill screams from time to time, and the flesh and blood on its head melts quickly.

   The first Ning Tianlang jumped back to the corpse dragon's head, opened his hand and grasped the long knife inserted into the corpse dragon's head, and then pulled it hard.

"Huh?" He was stunned for a moment, his own strength was not able to hold the sword, the next second, the corpse dragon raised his head, the Ning Tianlang on the top of his head did not throw it out, but soon, another Ning Tian Lang chopped his foot from the sky and kicked the corpse dragon out more than 20 meters away.


The large area of ​​the anti-corpse wall collapsed again. Before the corpse dragon could express his anger, the first Ning Tianlang inserted a hand into his abdomen. The huge force erupted, and he even pulled himself up. He slammed into the distance fiercely, his long body like a whip, and smashed the surrounding buildings with a "crash".

This Ning Tianlang released his hand, and the corpse dragon flew out again. The corpse dragon, who could not feel the pain, roared and continued to move forward without fear. In the past four or five seconds, it was bombarded again.

hold head high!

   roared, the corpse dragon charged again, and the second Ning Tianlang rushed directly in front of him.

   One slash horizontally, one slash down! One more slash, another slash, and another slash fell on the corpse dragon like a torrential rain. The flesh and blood on it was slashed horribly by the blade in Ning Tianlang's hand at an extremely fast speed.

The corpse dragon wanted to stand up, but the first Ning Tian slammed into his body directly from the side, knocking the corpse dragon out more than ten meters, and the second Ning Tianlang jumped up and raised the knife in his hand. , inserted into the corpse dragon's head.

   (end of this chapter)

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