I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1202: The merits of the corpse

   Chapter 1202 Credits to Corpse God Sect

  In the beginning, each of their attacks could make the corpse dragon go back more than tens of meters, but now, their power is gradually unable to shake the corpse dragon.

   The fist that the first Ning Tianlang swung over was like raindrops, pulling out phantoms in front of him, as if more than one hand had grown.

   And the second knife in Ning Tianlang's hand, not to mention how fast he swung it out, just from the cloud-like light of the knife in front of him, he could clearly understand how closely the connection between his attacks was at this moment.


At this moment, the corpse dragon suddenly let out a low roar, and the knife stuck on its head slammed into the flesh and blood and disappeared completely. Spit it out!

   The first Ning Tianlang hadn't reacted yet, but the knife hit his chest, and he flew out backwards, spitting out blood.

The red light on the corpse dragon's head became more and more intense. He lowered his head and looked at the second Ning Tianlang. With one blow, but the corpse dragon's head was deflected, this Ning Tianlang returned directly to the ground, and subconsciously slashed the corpse dragon's body with his knife!


   A piece of scale armor shattered and fell from the body of the corpse dragon.


   Another knife slashed on the other side, revealing a crack in the scales.


   With a low voice, Ning Tianlang grabbed and stabbed forward. This stab only left a concave point on the scales.

   He was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't believe it, suspecting that he was dreaming, so he waved the knife in his hand like crazy, and what happened next made him dumbfounded.

   KAKA DA Bang Dang Dang ~

The    blade slammed into the corpse dragon's scale armor. From the crisp sound of impact at the beginning, it gradually turned into a dull sound of metal collision.

   At this moment, he stopped attacking, looked up dumbly, and saw the big eyes of the corpse dragon looking at him.


   A giant tail smashed down, and a crack that was more than 40 meters long appeared in the ground, and the second Ning Tianlang, turned into meat mud on the spot!

   All this was seen by the soldiers on the second corpse wall. The soil that kept falling into the cracks seemed like the hope that was gradually fading in their hearts.

   "The seventh-order order guards, are they dead?"

   The supreme commander swayed a few times and looked at the huge corpse dragon. It seemed that it was bigger now than before?

The body of the corpse dragon ran over the disastrous farmland and came to the second anti-corpse wall. A suffocating sense of oppression struck instantly. Unconsciously, the soldiers on the wall all stopped their hands. Action, the laser torrential rain in the sky also stopped.

The soldiers stared blankly at the corpse dragon in front of them. Time seemed to have stopped. There was an aura of despair in the air. They lost the control of the soldiers. Those members of the corpse **** sect returned, facing The corpse dragons bowed in unison, shouting the word "corpse god".

But soon, the voices exhaled by the members of the corpse gods gradually became loose, and they stopped after a while. The huge sense of oppression from the corpse dragon made them not sure whether they would suffer Corpse Dragon's attack.

   At this time, in the boundless corpse tide, a figure came out, covered with pus and blood from the zombies. He looked at the corpse dragon in the farmland area, and his face was a little surprised.

   "Fuck, so awesome?"

  Song Muyuan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his body. At this time, his body was stained with the blood of zombies. If he didn't look carefully, he thought it was really a zombie.

   "It should be almost there, right?"

Standing on tiptoe, Song Muyuan could only see the high body of the corpse dragon, but he could not see most of the farmland area of ​​Yunxia Base, so he climbed on top of a fourth-order zombie and went to the first anti-corpse wall Looking inward at the gate of the house, you can see where the farmland has been completed from a pleasing golden yellow to a polluted black.

   Moreover, on the other side, the corpse groups are still frantically destroying the intact farmland.

   "All right, all right."

  Song Muyuan nodded and silently dispersed his spiritual consciousness.

   And the corpse dragon also moved, glanced back, and inadvertently swept the place where Song Muyuan was. It could resist Song Muyuan's mind control, but it didn't.

Then, it looked past the soldiers on the second anti-corpse wall and looked at the people behind. In addition to the members of the corpse **** sect, there were also some ordinary people whose eyes had turned dead gray. Some people even took out their mobile phones. , began to record, ready to record the last scene before his death, so that people who were not at the scene could see that there is still a demon dragon in this world that can harm one side.

  The corpse dragon swept around like this, and in the next second, two white air spit out from its nostrils. The soldier in front of him didn't react, and was rushed out by the two white air.

   After doing everything, the corpse dragon turned around, and a powerful mental force instantly covered the audience, and all the zombies were shocked, and then they even retreated with the corpse dragon.

   At this moment, the faces of the soldiers became extraordinarily wonderful, and the residents behind were also stunned, and the members of the Corpse God sect were sluggish at the same time.

   But soon, the scene of the corpse tide receding outside made them crazy, and they seemed to know something.

  The retreat of the corpse tide is because of them?

  The atmosphere froze for a while, and soon, a member of the Corpse God raised one with uncontrollable madness on his face.

   "God of Corpse!" He shouted loudly. This sound was like a domino. As the first piece fell, it would affect all the following dominoes to fall one after another.

   In the next second, hundreds of people shouted together.

   "The Corpse God!"

   Immediately afterwards, other members of the Corpse God sect also reacted, raising their hands and shouting loudly: " Corpse God!"

   "The Corpse God! The Corpse God!! The Corpse God!"

   shouted one after another, shaking the sky. Under the cries of the members of the Corpse Sect who had almost lost all reason, the huge and dense tide of corpses slowly receded, leaving behind a patch of farmland riddled with holes.

  The corpse tide left, they thought it was because of themselves, and the retreat of the corpse tide should be their credit!

  The corpse **** they believe in is protecting them!

The soldiers did not stop the members of the Corpse God Sect. A seventh-order corpse dragon was invincible by reason. Even if the mysterious organization behind the Yunxia Base sent out more orderly guards, it would not be able to take down this wild beast. The bloodthirsty nature of zombies should have brought the corpse tide to break through the defense of Yunxia Base and enter it to massacre. Although Yunxia Base can kill this corpse dragon, it also needs to pay a very heavy price.

  Unexpectedly, the corpse dragon retreated. On the surface, it seemed that it was really the credit of the corpse **** sect.

   (end of this chapter)

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