I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1218: don't need you to die

   Chapter 1218 Don't need you to die

Huang Quanjiu was stunned for a moment. In his mind, from the moment the sixth-order zombie broke through the ceiling and appeared in front of them until now, scene after scene flashed in his head. For a moment, Huang Quanjiu felt as if there was a group named The shadow of conspiracy will cover itself.


   After thinking for a few seconds, Huang Quanjiu realized that he didn't have that much time, so he jumped to the upper floor and quickly chased after the paw prints caught by the zombie on the ground.

He stepped forward and maximized his speed. The traces of the sixth-order zombie crawling on the wall quickly passed in his eyes. Gradually, he saw the back of the zombie, and Ruan Chaoen was desperately tangled. Bone whip on himself.

   "You hurry up!"

   Ruan Chaoen urged that he was also a little uneasy when he was carried away by this **** zombie, as if he would encounter very bad things as long as the zombie was brought to his destination.

   Huang Quanjiu's speed is very fast, at least the speed of the sixth-order zombie is not as fast as him, and the distance between the two is constantly narrowing.

   But when he chased the zombie to the periphery and saw the door leading to the outside, he suddenly saw a figure!


   he asked, his footsteps slowly slowed down, he felt a very dangerous aura from this figure!


   The sixth-order zombie wrapped in Ruan Chaoen roared, and Huang Quanjiu saw that the man not far from the door took a step to the side, and it seemed as if he could not see the man, and passed by him in diameter.

Huang Quanjiu stopped slowly, trying to feel his qi and blood from this person, and judge the strength of the other party, but the next second, his brows wrinkled, this person is very strange, he can't feel the qi and blood, and It's not that the blood emanating from the other party is weak, but that the other party has none at all!

It may be that he drank the blocker, but the blocker can't cover up all the blood in a person's body. The blocker only reduces the vitality of part of the flesh and blood molecules in the organism, and does not force all the flesh and blood molecules to dormant, even if No matter how much blocking agent you drink, as long as it is not a corpse creature, there will be a little blood energy on your body. If the flesh and blood molecules have no vitality, sorry, it is a dead person!

   The moment Huang Quanjiu saw him, the other party obviously saw him too, he turned his head, his movements were a little sluggish, like a robot, doing stiff and soulless movements.

Immediately, he started to take a step, walking towards Huang Quanjiu step by step without haste or slow, his hand swayed, and as he approached, Huang Quanjiu saw a dagger in his right index finger, and he was drowsy outside. The light reflected a faint cold light.

   Huang Quanjiu's heart beat fiercely, but he was quickly suppressed by him.

   "Go away!" He shouted these two words loudly, exuding amazing murderous aura, and then strode towards the mysterious man.

This person was wearing a black shirt with a shoulder cap, dark jeans on his lower body, and his head was covered by a shoulder cap. From Huang Quanjiu's point of view, the other party looked like a black shadow with a human-shaped triangular head. The figure is very unfamiliar to Huang Quanjiu, and it should not be from the Liantong District.

Huang Quanjiu moved faster and faster. Every foot he stepped out trampled a pit on the ground. After a while, he came to this mysterious man. Without any nonsense, he raised his fist to face the opponent's head. Just blasted over!

But just listening to the sound of "bang", Huang Quanjiu's face twisted in pain, the punch was blocked by the opponent's hand, and at such a moment, he only felt that his punch seemed to hit a piece of steel, The power that he exerted was rebounded, and he was in pain!

   "So strong!"

   In addition to the pain, Huang Quanjiu only has these two words in his heart, the opponent's strength is definitely above the sixth order!

The next second, the opponent's hand that was blocking his fist suddenly loosened, and instead kicked Huang Quanjiu's abdomen with a heavy kick. A huge force erupted. Huang Quanjiu spit out a mouthful of blood without any accident. He took this blow, but he didn't even see the trace of the opponent's shot!

  The blood sprayed from his mouth splashed onto the ground like splashing ink. Huang Quanjiu, like a kite with a broken string, slammed into the black prison ground building behind with a strong storm.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

   There were several loud noises, and the black prison affairs management building more than 30 meters high collapsed, and the dust roared, covering the night.

   "Cough cough~"

   After a few dry coughs, Huang Quanjiu felt that his neck was hot, as if someone had stuffed a piece of extremely hot chili into it.

   Blood flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably. He struggled to straighten his body and looked at the mysterious man.

   "You...cough...you're at least seventh-order, and you were able to kick me to death just now, why...cough! You want to keep your hands?"

   "You don't need to die."

Almost at the moment when Huang Quanjiu's voice had not fallen, the mysterious man replied, there was no emotion in his tone, let alone any kind of feeling that belongs to a human being. His words and Huang Quanjiu's words were seamlessly connected and connected. Just like a sentence.

   "Who are you...what are you doing?"

  Huang Quanjiu was full of doubts in his heart. He wanted to know who this mysterious person was. When did a powerful existence above the sixth rank come in from the Union Command District, and he didn't even hear any news?

   But the other party didn't answer his consciousness, just raised a hand and aimed at Huang Quanjiu who was paralyzed in the ruins. The next moment, he saw a scene of horror.

I saw the flesh and blood on the arm of this mysterious man separated one by one, turning into dense bloodshots swimming towards Huang Quanjiu, he avoided, but under the blow of this mysterious man just now, as a sixth-order new human, he He has been seriously injured, and every movement of his body will make him gasp in pain.

   In the end, the bloodshot came to Huang Quanjiu and slowly climbed onto his body, starting from his feet, twisting a little bit until he knew that Huang Quanjiu would be wrapped up and turned into a blood cocoon.

   The mysterious man dragged the blood cocoon and walked out into the distance. Not only the squirming blood cocoon also showed that Huang Quanjiu was struggling frantically, but his strength was limited, and he couldn't break the blood thread that wrapped him at all.

   He dragged Huang Quanjiu and disappeared into the darkness like this. After a while, a large group of soldiers from the Peace Society rushed over, including the top leaders of the Peace Society.

   "Marshal, the body has been found!"

   "It looks like they were all killed near the black jail."

  A soldier opened an inconspicuous garbage dump, which was full of corpses, and each corpse was pushed so neatly.

  Tang Ye looked at the corpses of the soldiers in the uniform of the Peace Conference, his eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light flashed from them.

   (end of this chapter)

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