I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1231: "Hunter" Appears

   Chapter 1231 "Hunter" Appears

  Yu Hangwu, also known as Tang Ye, got up from the sofa and moved his body, then walked outside.

   "You guys go back, I'll deal with it."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Ye developed his inhuman speed and galloped towards the place where the Yajin exchange was located.

   Just like a few days ago, when Tang Ye arrived, the dozen or so powerhouses who were making trouble inside began to flee. With the cheers of the surrounding staff, all these powerhouses were knocked down.

  Tang Ye glanced at the familiar faces, then excluded these people, and finally locked on a few guys with eyes, and the first shot was a killer move! Several people died on the spot.

   As for those actors, they looked miserable on the outside, but in fact they didn't suffer much injury. After a few hours of rest, they would be alive and well the next day.

   "Brother Wu, you are finally here." After Tang Ye took action to deal with this matter, several wounded soldiers ran over with relief on their faces.

   "Are you all right?"


The soldiers shook their heads, Tang Ye glanced at them, the body was light or heavy, some people only suffered a little skin trauma, while some were lying on stretchers and no longer able to move, it seems that these people have bad intentions and participate in The guy who came in hit hard.

   But it also means that they did not die wrongly.

   "Well, go back first and cultivate for a few days. During this time, let someone else come over to replace it."

   "Yes, Brother Wu." Several soldiers with serious hands struggled and thanked Tang Ye before being carried away by others.

  Tang Ye glanced around, his eyes couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes, it seems that nothing happened today, he has been expecting that guy to appear, and then he will take good care of him!

   "Brother Wu, let's take you back. If you stay here for a long time, you may be in danger."

  Some soldiers came to Tang Ye and said with concern, and Tang Ye also knew what they were worried about, it was nothing more than that guy who loved to kidnap people.

  I saw Tang Ye shake it, his face relaxed and casual, and he didn't look worried at all.

"It's okay, I've been out for so many days in a row, and I haven't seen me missing. What are you afraid of? That guy may have been frightened away by our marshal's fear." Tang Ye didn't forget to brag when he said this. Take a look at yourself, but the soldiers don't think it's strange that he is wearing Yu Hangwu's face. After all, this man is one of the supreme powers in the Lianhe District. People can only blindly take care of his strength.

   After chatting with these soldiers for a while, Tang Ye returned with a few people to the Central Command Area. Before leaving, he whispered, "Today is another boring day."

  Although Tang Ye said this in a very low voice, he still let the surrounding two fifth-order new human soldiers hear some, and immediately, their faces showed a very strange expression.

The Wu brother in front of him seems to be afraid that no one will kidnap him, but it seems that he was cautious when he came out at first, and it has been almost a week in a blink of an eye, and the guy who loves to kidnap people has not appeared, maybe Because of this, Brother Wu didn't have too many worries.

The journey from Yajin Exchange to Zhongtong District is relatively long. Tang Ye chose to take the car and watched the buildings outside the car window in the back row. In his eyes, he quickly regressed until they disappeared. However, they did not wait for Tang Ye and others to leave. Halfway through the journey, several soldiers around him, including himself, suddenly felt an indescribable feeling looming over him.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced this feeling to tell what kind of experience this is. If you have to explain it, you can only say that it is like a group, locking yourself in an instant, and it is like a person's. Looking at himself, that wonderful feeling arises spontaneously, just like an ordinary person feels that someone is looking at him behind him at an inadvertent moment.

   is wonderful and accurate.

   It was also at this moment that Tang Ye, who was still casual, suddenly became energetic, and two big words flashed quickly in his heart.


  Tang Ye's body muscles began to stretch, and in his eyes, the violent aura belonging to zombies spread out!

   "Brother Wu, it's not good, you may be targeted!" A soldier sitting in the passenger seat reminded, when he spoke, Tang Ye could clearly hear the panic in the soldier's tone.


Two or three seconds after the voice fell, the soldier driving the car suddenly screamed in panic, and then the whole car made a 90-degree turn, directly across the middle of the road, and the scenery around the car was fast in Tang Ye's eyes. Passing by, these soldiers did not see it, but he did. A few tenths of a second before this scene happened, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the car, and the soldier driving the car did this to avoid this guy.

   A black hooded sweater and a pair of dark-colored jeans that seem to have been worn for a long time, which is exactly the same as what A Fu described.

"Brother Wu! Hurry up! His goal is you!" Several soldiers shouted to Tang Ye quickly. The soldier in the driver's seat is also a fifth-order new human. Although the strength is not as strong as that of the sixth-order new human, the reaction force is also Not an ordinary person can compare, soon start the car again, turn the corner and leave.

   But just after doing this, the mysterious person who appeared had already appeared in front of the car, and the speed was as fast as a flash.

   "Want to go?"

   The other party uttered a question sentence, then grabbed both sides of the front of the car with both hands, and when he exerted force, the whole car was directly dragged by his strength, adjusted in one direction, and aimed at the front of the street.

"Damn! Let you taste this!" Several soldiers were not willing to be manipulated like this, and immediately the soldier sitting in the co-pilot and the soldier who was sitting in the back row with Tang Ye took out a heavy-duty about one meter long The laser weapon was aimed at the mysterious man, and without further ado, he pressed the launch button!

  The laser quickly condensed on the muzzle of the touch! In the next second, with the sound of a "squeaky", a laser as thick as a python blasted out!

However, this mysterious man is not a weak person. Seeing the laser slamming towards him, he immediately dodged with a flash. The sturdy laser with a strong burning aura almost rubbed his body and flew past, and then slammed hard behind him. on the street!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

   Intense flames spread in front, and the air became unbearably hot. These lasers didn't hurt the mysterious man at all, and their only effect was to push the man back to a place more than ten meters away.

   "I thought that what happened in the past few days would make you hide in there and never dare to come out. I didn't expect you to show up frequently when I didn't know it. What should I say?"

   (end of this chapter)

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