I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1234: I send you to hell!

   Chapter 1234 I will send you to hell!

   Huang Quanjiu was a little stunned, thinking that Yu Hangwu was shocked by the unexpected news, so he dangled it in front of his eyes.

"Are you OK?"

His hand was shaking, but Tang Ye's eyes kept staring at Huang Quanjiu's. In fact, he knew that his secrets were exposed a long time ago. It came so suddenly, people were not prepared at all.

   "Two options, which one did you choose?"

   Huang Quanjiu did not answer his question directly, but said: "When you make that choice, you will know."

   "What about Ruan Chaoen, Abomination, and Xuchang Pond? Where did they go?"

   "They chose a different choice than us."

"do you died?"

  Huang Quanjiu was about to answer when, on the other side, the familiar woman who was imprisoned here with them gave a "hahaha" crazy smile. He glanced at the madman and replied:


Tang Ye was silent for a while, and soon, he nodded to Huang Quanjiu, no emotion could be seen in his eyes, he raised a hand and patted Huang Quanjiu's shoulder, neither light nor heavy , with a slight smile on his face.

   "You guys are fine, but I don't need to choose, you will go out."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Ye didn't say anything, and the rest of the people didn't know what he was trying to express, but intuition told Huang Quanjiu that he had to shut up at this time!

Dai Changhao and Chen Zhouan next to    didn't speak either. At this time, they had already noticed that something was wrong with Yu Hangwu in front of them.

After a while, the mysterious man who went out came back here. He opened the door, and his eyes were on Tang Ye for the first time. With a wave of his hand, the blood threads wrapped around Tang Ye's hands and feet were automatically untied, and then he looked like maggots. Usually crawling towards the mysterious person, the other party bends down and touches these bloodshot hands, and they melt into it.

   He waved at Tang Ye and said, "New here, come with me."

  Tang Ye stood up, moved his body, and followed the mysterious man out.

   He took himself, and did not go to any place like a secret room, but came to the stairs on the second floor and stopped.

   "New here, although I don't seem to bother you, I still can't help but want to tell you some very bad news."

  Tang Ye twisted his wrist. When the mysterious man's voice just fell, he glanced at the other party, and then interrupted the other party's words directly.

   "I don't think you need to talk nonsense, I already know, tell me, what are these two options."

  Tang Ye looked into his eyes, the other party was a little surprised, no reason, because there was no fear in Tang Ye's eyes at this time.

   The mysterious man laughed and let out a low and slightly hoarse laugh of "hohoho". He seemed to think that the person in front of him had already made a choice.

   "It seems that your colleagues have already told you, I thought they were unconscious."

"Alright, I don't need to talk too much, there are indeed two choices. The first choice is to join us and overthrow the rule of those zombies. After all, you are all human, but don't be locked up like your few. The colleagues inside are the same, and, don’t forget, the reason why we humans are in such a situation is because those **** zombies are ruled by zombies, are you happy?”

"Of course, we don't have absolute certainty that we can win. If we lose, it will be very sad! The second option is to continue, go back to your colleagues, and slowly wait for death. Maybe you are lucky and can The peace that gets those zombies will come to rescue you, but once we succeed, hehehe, you all have to die!"

   "Choose, two choices, which one do you choose?"

  Tang Ye's face was the same as usual, and he didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation. He just said lightly: "So, Huang Quanjiu and the other five chose to stand on the side of the zombies?"

   "Yes, you are ridiculous, zombies bring disaster to us, but there will still be some sandbags willing to be ruled by them hahaha!"

  Tang Ye shook his head. He lowered his head and stroked the little finger of the other hand with one hand. After a while, he heard Tang Ye say, "You just said, we humans? Excuse me, are you human?"

   As soon as the voice fell, the little finger of Tang Ye's hand suddenly stretched and turned into a sharp spike, which was stabbed into the mysterious man's body in an instant.

  Tang Ye looked at the other party's face and showed a gloomy smile, a face that he could still recognize even though he had changed a bit.

   "It's not a person, why do you call yourself a person? You say, right? Painter? No, I should call you Lin Jie, hehehe~"

"Who are you?"

   The mysterious man, that is, the painter Lin Jie, inserted the spikes into his body, which did not cause him to feel pain. He ignored the spikes, looked at Tang Ye, and the expression on his face returned to the gloomy expression just now.

"Who are you?"

   "Oh, I didn't let it go. I was your prey just now, and now, you are my prey!"

After saying this, the skin and flesh on Tang Ye's face began to fall off, pushed away towards his neck, and then merged into the flesh and blood. His height was slightly raised, and his body shape also changed slightly, but in the next second, he was not alone at all. The appearance of Li Henian was displayed in front of Lin Jie.

   "It turned out to be you! No wonder."

   "Nothing strange."

   Just as Lin Jie was about to start, the flesh and blood on Tang Ye's back suddenly gushed out, ripped open the clothes on his body, turned into a big hand and grabbed Lin Jie's neck all at once.


   With a loud noise, the entire residential building trembled, and a big hole was broken in the ground. Tang Ye grabbed Lin Jie, and the two of them fell from the second floor to the first floor!

   Lin Jie struggled to get up, but Tang Ye's third hand, which had just been born, pulled Lin Jie up and threw it into the air!

  Tang Ye also immediately volleyed, one foot was heavily chopped on Lin Jie's abdomen!


   There was another earth-shattering loud noise, and the ground on the first floor suddenly sank into a large area!

   "You are very lucky, you are still alive after all this, but it's okay, dare to come to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will send you to **** now!"

While speaking, Tang Ye raised his leg again and slashed Lin Jie's body again. Then, with the third, fourth, and fifth slashes, he slashed with all his strength, and his flesh splattered. Black blood flew everywhere, and all of a sudden, the surrounding area was dyed an evil dark red!

The power of the eighth-order zombies broke out, and the aftermath caused the area of ​​more than ten kilometers to tremble violently. In the Liantong District, one building after another collapsed, like an earthquake. The crack of rice appeared on the ground, and soon it turned into a bottomless abyss!

   (end of this chapter)

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