I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1236: An unforgettable scene!

   Chapter 1236 An unforgettable scene!

   Soon, Lin Jie's abdomen made a "pop" sound, and a large number of tentacles like snakes broke out from the inside. I can't count how many, but at least hundreds of them started!

   With such a huge change in his body, Lin Jie's scalp shrank step by step, squeezed by the growing flesh and blood until he couldn't see it, starting from his ears, pieces of scale armor appeared and spread toward his back.

On the heels, the thick bone spurs followed the flesh and came out. It was hideous, and the teeth were also skyrocketing. Soon they turned into a pair of fangs, and four thick fangs broke open. The limit that the mouth can wrap is drilled out.

  Those black stripes covered his whole body, up to the head, down to the heels, everywhere, and as he turned around, the color of his whole body suddenly turned dark silver, shining in the sky!

   All this sounds long, but it only happened in a few seconds, which is such a short time. Lin Jie, who looked like a normal person in clothes, turned into a monster with a body length of seven meters and a height of three meters!

   Tang Ye's head, which was moving at a high speed, crooked, and his eyes narrowed.

   "Interesting, it turned out to be an anti-host!"

The term "anti-host" was obtained by Tang Ye from today's Internet. They are rarer than zombie dominators. After the anti-living substances enter their bodies, ordinary people will be at the slowest twenty-four hours or more. It turned into a zombie within twelve hours, but some people did not completely occupy their consciousness with anti-life substances. Their consciousness was divided into an independent part, and the consciousness of the zombie became another part.

After a person becomes a zombie, his feelings and cognition will be wiped out a little bit in the mutated time, and then a new consciousness of action will be born, but there will always be some accidents, the consciousness originally belonging to human beings has not been destroyed. Destroyed, but the consciousness of zombies has appeared, in modern parlance, that is schizophrenia.

   This is the anti-host, their bodies have been changed by anti-life matter, it can be said to be parasitic, but they also rely on this anti-life matter to survive, or it can be said that they in turn parasitize anti-life matter.

And Liang Hanyang is such an existence, but none of the anti-hosts have different situations, and none of them have the same distinguishing characteristics like the resting ones and zombie dominators. Take Liang Hanyang as an example, her zombie personality It was no different from her own personality. They shared memories. Sometimes she suddenly changed her personality and Tang Ye couldn't recognize it.

Lin Jie in front of him also accidentally became an anti-host because of Tang Ye's own anti-living substance. Unlike Liang Hanyang, after he exposed his zombie side, he had lost all reason and turned into a pure The eighth-order zombies!

   He's not there! It's him! But a zombie!

   Without Lin Jie's original memory, consciousness is just a blank piece of paper!

Those blood-red eyes that belonged to the silver-armored corpse saw him for the first time. Tang Ye stopped abruptly. He finally knew why Lin Jie's burst of power was so weak before, surpassing the seventh rank, but not worse than the eighth rank. One star and a half, it turns out that because of this, Lin Jie maintained his appearance as a human being, but his strength was weakened by the blow, until he became a real silver armored corpse, his strength completely reached the eighth-order strength of the eight classics!

   "You are my kind!"

  Tang Ye immediately sent an EEG to Lin Jie, but he did not receive an answer from the other party. He only heard a roar from Lin Jie, raised his paw, and delivered a powerful blow!

  Although Lin Jie completely showed his zombie appearance, his body size was not as big as some fourth-order and fifth-order zombies, but the power that burst out was astonishingly destructive!

  This claw hits the ground, can you imagine it? Most of the buildings on the ground actually flew up! Smashed to the ground and shattered!

   "Can't communicate?"

   Tang Ye frowned. Could it be that Lin Jie still retains his consciousness after turning into a zombie? However, after Tang Ye carefully observed the zombie's eyes, he denied this possibility. Lin Jie had completely turned into a zombie, and he had no consciousness of his own at all. The reason why he attacked himself was an instinct. A zombie instinct!

   And this instinct seems to have been suppressed for a long time!


   Just as Tang Ye's thoughts flashed in Tang Ye's mind for a moment, the zombie that Lin Jie had turned into roared again, his limbs moved, like a big truck running at full speed, ramming towards him!

   "A beast! Get out of here!"

  Tang Ye's eyes instantly became icy cold. With his loud shout, he jumped into the air and kicked the zombie's forehead hard! The huge force made the other party involuntarily take a few steps back, not giving him the slightest time to react! Tang Ye sprinted at an accelerated rate and came to Lin Jie, his two hands turned into sharp claws in an instant, breaking through the opponent's skin defense with ease!

  Lin Jie roared and wanted to fight against the power that erupted from Tang Ye, but Tang Ye took the lead and didn't give him his full power, so Tang Ye's power would take the lead!

  The huge body was abruptly lifted into the air by Tang Ye and smashed heavily towards the ground!

   Immediately, all those tentacles on Lin Jie's abdomen were launched, heading towards Tang Yezha!

"That's it!"

  Tang Ye's eyes were full of fierce light! He faced a pile of disgusting and dense tentacles! With the arms stretched, all the clothes on the body burst! Lines of blood appeared on the back, and the pieces of flesh lifted up, wriggling into flesh flaps, killing Lin Jie!

The opponent's tentacles wrapped around his body, and his own flesh **** also firmly grasped Lin Jie's huge body. Painful wailing!

More cracks were dissatisfied on the ground. Tang Ye was thrown out because of his body shape. He wanted to control Lin Jie, but there was no entry point at all. It's as if the person in front of him is a person with the essence of a human being!

Tang Ye reversed extremely fast in the air, and didn't stop until he was more than 7,000 meters away. As he landed, a large piece of gravel flew into the air and turned into a small black spot. The earth exploded and made a rumbling sound. Long's continuous voice, and then, fleeing in the distance and preparing to leave the Liantong District, saw a scene that he could never forget for the rest of his life.

   A piece of earth whose length and width can be calculated in kilometers is lifted high from the entire ground, pointing straight to the sky! Endless dust fell from above, and on this piece of debris, streets and buildings can be clearly seen, as well as people panicking on it!

   (end of this chapter)

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