I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1244: illusion

   Chapter 1244 Illusion

   "The boss must be notified quickly."

   Gong Xiao thought so in her heart, but after a while, her spirit relaxed, and the zombies that were originally under her control suddenly ran towards the Liantong District, no longer blocking the zombies behind.

   This scene surprised Gong Xiao.

   "What's going on here?"

   Her face is full of doubts, she has clearly controlled these zombies, but why, under her control, are they moving in the opposite direction of her own thoughts?

   "Are there other high-level zombies?"

   "No! No zombie control?"

   Gong Xiao is completely messy. What is happening now is completely outside of his own spirit. You must know that low-level zombies controlled by the spirit of high-level zombies will be controlled by the thoughts of high-level zombies!

Abandoning the idea of ​​contacting Tang Ye and the others, Gong Xiao re-ordered the corpse tide to retreat. Soon, the zombies who had established a mind control connection with her stopped and blocked all the zombies behind, but after a while, these zombies Once again out of control, stop blocking, keep going.


   Gong Xiao bit his teeth and ordered again, the controlled zombies stopped again and stopped the zombies behind, but then, these zombies moved forward again, depending on Gong Xiao's mental control as nothing.

  In this way, the zombies controlled by Gong Xiao stopped and walked, and the zombies in the back kept hitting the same kind in front. The situation in the corpse tide was even more chaotic, and at the same time, it was also very funny.

   is also because of this, Gong Xiao was entangled in this corpse tide for a while and couldn't get away.

   Jiang Chentong and Yan Jie looked at the situation outside, and couldn't help but get anxious. The corpse tide suddenly attacking the Liantong District was obviously abnormal, but what could they do.

At this moment, Yan Jie's cell phone rang, and he looked at the notes. It was one of his subordinates. At this time, he informed himself that something must have happened. When he picked it up, he frowned in a short while. .

   He looked at Jiang Chentong, who was also wondering what the man on the other side of the phone said.

   "Old Jiang, Ruan Chaoen has appeared."


   "In the cloud area, the small square formed by Longyuan Interchange Road."

   "Go! That guy has betrayed, I don't know how much trouble he will cause!"

After   , the two of them and Gong Xiao looked at each other and left quickly, heading for that place.

On the other side, a large number of soldiers moved quickly in the Liantong District, which had been horribly destroyed, and soon gathered in a square somewhere. In the middle, many people had already died on the central flower bed. From these Among the corpses, many people can recognize that several corpses are the sixth-order powerhouses of the Peace Club.

   For example, Yu Hangwu, Wu Zhanping, and some sixth-order powerhouses who joined the Peace Club into the Union Area.

On top of these corpses, Ruan Chaoen looked like a madman, covered in blood. His clothes had long been torn apart in the battle just now. Although the skin on his arms was covered with blood, he could see that he There were many cracked parts of the flesh on Ruan Chaoen's arm, and shredded flesh grew out of it, as if alive, squirming on Ruan Chaoen's arm.

   "Who else! Come!"

Even if he was surrounded by a large number of soldiers of the Peace Conference, Ruan Chaoen couldn't see any fear on his face. On the contrary, he was excited. From the battle to now, he didn't know how many strong men died in his hands, and the soldiers below also With a dignified face, the current Ruan Chaoen is not a sixth-order new human, but a seventh-order!

   Of course, they also know what the price Ruan Chaoen paid. Just by looking at his arms, they can tell that it was the result of forcibly evolving by swallowing a large number of evolutionary crystals.

   "Come on! Come on! Come on together! Let's see if I don't tear you all to pieces! Hahaha!"

   Ruan Chaoen, who was standing on the flower bed, roared at the soldiers below, his facial expression distorted to the extreme.

   When Ruan Chaoen was roaring, a non-commissioned officer suddenly appeared from the group of soldiers. The momentum of a fifth-order new human burst out from his body.

However, when the sharp blade was still a few centimeters away from Ruan Chaoen, one hand suddenly grabbed his wrist. The sergeant was shocked, and then he found that the world in front of him had turned upside down, and he was smashed to the ground. An aura called death enveloped his heart in an instant!

   "No..." He subconsciously let out a scream, and when he reacted, he was lying on the ground, while Ruan Chaoen stepped on his head with one foot, constantly ravaging him.

   The sergeant reluctantly raised his head and looked at Ruan Chaoen's ghost-like face.

   "Just you? Also play sneak attack? Who else is coming?"

Ruan Chaoen looked up at everyone again, the morbid smile on his face was so obvious, for a time, many soldiers were scared to step back by him, and the soldiers under his feet also died on the spot under Ruan Chaoen's force, tight His flesh and blood turned into dregs in the face of absolute power!

   One person is the gate, and ten thousand people are not allowed to open it!

At this time, Ruan Chaoen felt like this, especially seeing the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Peace Conference who were scared back by him, not to mention how cool he was. He had a smile on his face, but the smile disappeared when he was very open. Said: "I know you don't believe me, but don't worry, soon, our great and respected Marshal will reveal his face! Let you see, he is a zombie!"

   "A vicious, violent, omnipotent zombie!"

   "Hey, hey~ When the time comes, let me see what you choose. Do you choose to betray him? Or continue to be loyal? To be a traitor to mankind? To stand against the human beings all over the world?"

   "I believe that you all have choices. The reason why I do this is that I chose the most correct one among the two choices! Between humans and zombies, I chose to betray the Peace Club! Because, I am a human!"

   Following Ruan Chaoen's words, the expressions in the eyes of the soldiers below gradually became hesitant, and only some two-bar soldiers roared at Ruan Chaoen: "You fart! How could the marshal be a zombie?"

   But he can only say these words, but the next moment he will be killed by Ruan Chaoen on the spot and become one of the corpses.

   Among the soldiers at the scene, the powerhouses above the fifth-order strength have all died in the hands of Ruan Chaoen, and the rest of them can't make any waves at all.

Due to the danger of life, I dare not say anything, but more people have begun to doubt in their hearts. Many of them have joined the Peace Conference for a long time, but they have not been able to understand the principle of zombies not attacking people. It can be said that peace Some of the rhetoric that will be given is a bit far-fetched.

   And what Ruan Chaoen said before, the three presidents are high-level zombies disguised as human beings, so it is very reasonable. High-level zombies control low-level zombies, which can easily create the illusion that zombies do not attack people.

   (end of this chapter)

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