I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1247: Slaughter's Blade

   Chapter 1247 The Blade of Slaughter

   Dai Changhao put down the woman on his body and threw her to sit on the ground with a smirk, and the two of them were ready to fight!

"Why are you here?"

Li Xiaoyan took a few steps back and asked suspiciously, to tell the truth, when he saw the hatred, his heart suddenly burst, just like walking on a gloomy alley and suddenly seeing a woman in red in front of him, Coincidentally, I kept thinking in my heart that a ghost suddenly appeared in front of me.

   I'm really afraid of what to do!

  As Li Xiaoyan's voice sounded, the hatred sitting in the pile of ruins not far away turned to look at him, then stood up and walked towards Li Xiaoyan step by step.

   He came to Li Xiaoyan with no expression on his face, but said in his mouth, "It's finally time for you."

   The voice of disgust is like speech synthesis, only this emotion fixed to death, without any soul, at the same time, his words made Li Xiaoyan's heart beat again.

   "You've been waiting here for me?"

   "Yeah." The hatred didn't hide, and he nodded cheerfully.

   "You want to kill me?" Li Xiaoyan asked again.

   Shake his head in disgust.

   "You didn't come to kill me? Then why are you waiting for me here?"

Abomination glanced at Dai Changhao behind Li Xiaoyan. He looked like he was ready to fight at any time, but Abomination ignored him. He put his hands behind his back, walked back and forth in front of Li Xiaoyan twice, looked at the sky, and seemed to be in his head. Organizational language.

"In the past few days when I was captured by the paint man, I didn't try to escape like you did. There, I felt an unprecedented quiet. During this time, I thought a lot, and suddenly I figured out a lot of things. From the beginning, I It doesn't seem to be with..." The disgusted tone paused, and his brows wrinkled into Sichuan characters all of a sudden, he seemed to have forgotten it, he tried to remember it, but he couldn't remember it at all.

   "This is... so it is, he is not Li Henian, who could it be? Could it be that he is really Li Henian?"

The doubts in the hated eyes quickly disappeared, he didn't spend too long on the issue of other people's names, and soon he returned to the topic, he shook his head and said, "I didn't seem to be with Li Henian from the beginning. , I figured it out."

  Li Xiaoyan looked at the hatred and was silent for a while, then said: "So, you betrayed the Peace Conference? Betrayed the oath you made?"

   "No, I didn't betray him, I just wanted to leave, that is, my choice was a mistake from the beginning. Li Henian's path was different from mine. When I found out, I still remember that I just left."

   "But what are you doing here?"

   "Leave with you, Li Xiaoyan, you should be with me, and Yan Jie, let me leave the Peace Conference with you, this place does not belong to us."

The air between the two was silent for a while, and Li Xiaoyan looked at him in disgust and shook his head: "You know, your name is Chen Chaoyang? I didn't expect you to be such a person when I came out, but you have changed, I don't know you anymore, you have to know, if it wasn't for the marshal, would you be able to avenge your revenge?"

   "Don't you want to leave here? Or, can't let go of the glory and wealth here?"

   "It can be said that although the marshal is a zombie, he is no different from a human being. Compared to you, I would rather choose the marshal's side."

   Hatred didn't speak any more, but a cold and murderous aura began to radiate from him.

   "You want to kill me?"

  Li Xiaoyan became vigilant, hatred did not answer, but his actions have proved everything!

   Spiders strode out from the back of Abomination, and the wind lifted by the battle from a distance blew Abomination's white-haired bangs.

"Li Xiaoyan, be careful!" Dai Changhao reminded loudly, of course Li Xiaoyan knew what hatred was going to do, he hurriedly hugged hatred and shouted: "Changhao, take that mad woman and hurry away! He doesn't have to kill me, but you Not necessarily!"

  Cai Changhao of course understands that Li Xiaoyan and Abomination have known each other for a long time. Abomination has the shadow of Li Xiaoyan when he was born in this world, maybe Abomination really won't kill him.

   He didn't hesitate, picked up Bai Yujie on the ground, and ran towards the back!

   Hate ignored Dai Changhao, he just exerted a little force, the force from his body had already made Li Xiaoyan fly upside down!

   Before Li Xiaoyan got up from the ground, a serrated knife was aimed at his neck, looking down at him with disgust!

   "You want to kill me? Chen Chaoyang!"

   Hate looked at Li Xiaoyan coldly, as if he had lost his language function from the beginning.

  Li Xiaoyan had fearlessness in his eyes. He said, "Uncle Chen and Aunt Zhao are already dead. In this world, you only have my relatives. After so many years of relationship, I don't believe you can do it!"

For Li Xiaoyan, hatred is also his relatives, and he is also his hated relatives. In the last days, they trust each other the most. How can their relatives kill themselves? Li Xiaoyan is very clear about their direct feelings. There was not much fear in my heart.

   However, Li Xiaoyan has not yet understood that Chen Chaoyang is Chen Chaoyang, hatred is hatred, the two are not the same person at all!

   So, Li Xiaoyan was wrong!

   As soon as his voice fell, the serrated knife was sent down. The sharp blade and the serrations on the back of the knife easily tore apart the flesh and blood on Li Xiaoyan's neck, and passed through the hole on the spot!

   The expression on Li Xiaoyan's face instantly froze, with disbelief in his eyes, staring blankly at hatred.

   "Chen Chaoyang...you..."

After saying these few words, Li Xiaoyan fell to the ground. The powerful vitality of the sixth-order new human beings can extend Li Xiaoyan's survival time to the greatest extent, but if such an injury is not treated in time, it will not take long for Li Xiaoyan to die. here.

Abomination ignored him, turned and walked towards the depths of the red ear area, leaving Li Xiaoyan lying on the ground breathing heavily, but every time he took a breath, he felt an air flow from his neck, and he covered his neck with his hands. The blood hole, but the bright red and bright red quickly covered his hands.

   "Save...Save me..." After saying these words with difficulty, Li Xiaoyan didn't move.



   Near the headquarters of the Peace Conference Building, with a **** roar, all the soldiers in the melee stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

   "Tang...Vice President~"

The soldiers looked terrified. At this moment, they didn't know who was the enemy and who was the friend. They would kill anyone they saw, for their own lives. But now, when Tang Fu, one of the three presidents, appeared, they would naturally be afraid. They are killing each other now, which has seriously damaged the red line set by the Peace Club, but the bigger reason is that the three presidents seem to be zombies!

   (end of this chapter)

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