I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1251: bad fight 2

   Chapter 1251 Fierce Battle 2

Just this moment, Tang Ye understood what happened to these corpses. They were not controlled by the spiritual lines or their own will of high-level zombies, but controlled these corpses in a way that he could not understand. tide.

  This ability should be Li Qingtian's ability, but it's just confusing, how can she control zombies as a human?

The zombies around    were extremely ferocious, and they didn't care that Tang Ye was also a zombie. At this moment, their thoughts had been injected with a strange cognition. Tang Ye in front was their enemy!

   After a while, the crazy zombies came to Tang Ye, showed their sharp corpse claws, and killed him, not afraid of any death.

   However, the suppression of their numbers obviously had no effect on Tang Ye, and before they touched Tang Ye's body, the dust floating in the air seemed to be half-controlled by someone and swept toward the corpse tide!


In the corpse tide, many zombies roared with some pain at the same time, and then, their bodies seemed to be eroded by a force that could be beaten, and suddenly turned into flying ashes, the field around Tang Ye , just in this second, a large blank space is left!

But the other zombies didn't feel fear, they didn't recognize the danger, they would just do what they wanted to do according to what they thought in their minds, and now, what they want to do is to tear up this seemingly very Mighty kind!

However, after they approached, it was discovered that the figure of the same kind had disappeared in place. There were many zombies at the scene, and the number was immeasurable. Now, all the zombies entering the Lianhe District are consciously or unintentionally supplying electricity to Changheng. go ahead.

   Because of such a huge number, when Tang Ye's figure reappeared, he was quickly noticed by other zombies, and roars sounded in all directions.




  Roars poured into people's ears from everywhere, and the residents of the Liantong District who survived and hid in a corner were even more frightened.

   As for Tang Ye, there are enemies on all sides, the corpse tide seems to have no edge, and it keeps coming towards him like waves.

   However, his eyes were not on these corpses from the beginning. His attention, from beginning to end, was on Li Qingtian, and it was the same at this moment!

   No matter how huge the corpse tide is, it is so fragile for eighth-order zombies.

   "I don't have time to play with you."

   Tang Ye said in a low voice, and then the figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, hundreds of silver armored corpses appeared from a distance, roaring and smashing into the group of corpses, waving their sharp corpse claws, tearing the zombies in front of them into pieces!

   The silver armored corpses locked up in the major restricted areas of the Liantong District also rioted and poured out one after another, killing the zombies when they saw them! For a time, the Lianhe District became a melee between two groups of corpses. Everywhere people went, there was no pus left by the corpses of the zombies.

As for the distance, a figure flew into the air like a god, and then stayed there. Among the huge team formed by the retreat of the residents of the Liantong District, many people saw the figure, and for a while, many people knelt down, I prayed to that figure, praying that I could survive this disaster.

Li Qingtian's eyes rose with the rise of Tang Ye's figure. The aura on her body was very violent, and the anti-life substances on the zombies swallowed all the part of her that belonged to a human being. At this time, she was no longer human, but A complete zombie!

In order to take revenge, she has given up everything, and she does not know when her consciousness will be swallowed up by the consciousness born after turning into a zombie, but in the time when this consciousness still exists, she will use all her strength to go Get revenge for your brother and kill the murderer!

   Then... silently waiting for his end.

   "Since you can't deceive yourself, why do you still come! You shouldn't come to me!" Tang Ye roared at Li Qingtian, his rage turned into boundless killing intent!

   As soon as the voice fell, Tang Ye pushed straight forward with one hand, and the flesh and blood on his arm rolled and contracted toward the back! Revealing a slightly dark purple hand bone!

It seemed that he felt the anger in Tang Yi's heart, and the bones of his hand began to swell, stretched several hundred meters in an instant, and thorns grew out and forked, like a giant tree that was born horizontally, facing Li. Sunny day to attack!

   "Hehehe... It's not all because of you! It's all because of you! It's obviously you who did something wrong, but you put all the blame on others! This is you!"

  Li Qingtian was equally angry, the tail feathers behind him bent in front of Li Qingtian when the bone spurs hit him in the sky, and then merged one by one to become a giant shield!

  A large number of bone spurs collided with this giant shield, and the huge force directly rubbed the air to explode! A large amount of thick smoke was produced, and the collision of these two forces seemed to shake the whole world!

   On the ground, I don’t know how many cracks appeared. Divide the earth into several parts like a cake! Some cracks are so deep that you can even see the dark red magma flowing below!

   In the thick smoke, Li Qingtian leaped into the air, and all the tail feathers that formed the giant shield were scattered, as if they had become sharp weapons!

   After she turned into an eighth-order zombie, her speed increased several times, and she moved at high speed in the air, leaving a white moving trace!

   In less than a second, she had come to Tang Ye's side, and the tail feathers attacked Tang Ye like a rainstorm of pear blossoms! The speed of the attack was so fast that it left afterimages in the air!

   And the bone spurs that Tang Ye swung out also closed in an instant, under Li Qingtian's attack one by one, the strong wind lifted by the huge force made his long white hair fly.

The best defense is to attack. Tang Ye didn't stay in this state for long. A hand grew from his chest. He grasped the dozen or so bone spurs that were attacking or was about to attack, and pulled out an afterimage with his left hand. , squeezed Li Qingtian's neck fiercely, and the scales on it were crushed by himself in an instant.


   roared, revealing two rows of inverted triangular white teeth, Tang Ye exerted his strength, carried Li Qingtian's body, turned his inner anger into a steady stream of strength, and made his body sink!

   The two zombies in midair smashed towards the ground like meteorites!

   In the next second, a cloud of mushrooms appeared, and the fire almost covered the area of ​​​​a control area!

   On the ground, a large pit with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of 20 meters appeared directly!

"I want you to die!"

   Shaking the dust accumulated on his body, the four flesh **** on his back fell towards Li Qingtian with boundless force, but he had not yet succeeded. The same huge force erupted from Li Qingtian and blasted Tang Ye into the air!

PS: Brothers, I recommend a few books, "My Son Quickly Fighting Dad", "I Have an Invincible City", "The All-Heaven Patriarch Simulator", "I have become an emperor before the golden finger came", and "The Eternal Who Traveled to All Worlds". The books are all recently chased by the author. In front of "My Son Quickly Fighting Dad", part of the original version is read, but the rmb economy is not enough, so I can only read the free version later, and I can only use this method to compensate those authors, there is no way , the author is really poor. Among them, "My Son Quickly Fighting Dad" is highly recommended. The plot is very cool and the routines are very novel. Thank you all!

   Forgive the author for prostituting so many books during this time, hehe

   (end of this chapter)

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