I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1268: royal court

   Chapter 1268 The Royal Court

   And it was precisely because of these four words that she started this journey with her four most powerful subordinates.

   Just now was just an episode, but this episode made it impossible for the five people in the car to look at the beautiful scenery outside the car window with the mentality just now. The vast and shocking hills and meadows and the mountains in the distance seemed to be full of unknown dangers at this moment.

Su Sigui hugged her arms and propped herself by the window, looking at all this with exhaustion in her eyes. At the moment when peace would disappear, she felt that some of the burdens that had disappeared before had returned to her shoulders again, overwhelming her. When she was angry, she wanted to be like some lucky women she had seen, marry a husband who she loved and love her deeply, and live a plain and beautiful life under his protection. As for the fate of mankind , that has nothing to do with him at all, it is nothing more than a death, and there is no need to consider the so-called future.

   Maybe she can really live this kind of life, but when she reopened her eyes while lying on the rails and was about to commit suicide, at that moment, the invisible responsibilities were firmly bound together!

   There seems to be a deep voice telling myself that all this is what you have to bear!

   At the beginning, you may find this very interesting. You have mastered a lot of things, and you can easily enter the train of the times that is constantly advancing, and make up for all your regrets! But over time, that sense of responsibility was born, and she had to do something! But gradually, she got tired, and began to get tired, and even started to get tired of it. Just like a game, she was attracted by its gameplay at the beginning, and slowly, she came into contact with the rank, and she killed the Quartet in it, and was called a great god. Sometimes, there are times when people are scolded as garbage, but as the rank continues to rise, I become a high-end game player, and will find that the reason why I can still play this game is only the people I met at the beginning, that paragraph Duan memories, as well as rank and rankings that cannot be given up.

I no longer focus on happiness, I have become very concerned about my combat power and stars, and I have a nickname that is close to the top of the rankings, and I am no longer expecting others to be tortured and killed by the other party so that I have the opportunity to show operations, and I began to worry that I would be matched. Teammates, their mentality began to burst at every turn, but I didn't know that I was already tired of this game, and all that was left was the memory, but I couldn't let it go.

Several people in the car were silent, but except for one person, who was the only ordinary person among the six people, the old man didn't care about their worries at all, but smiled. Speaking of which, it was the first time that he had been sitting so comfortably. car.

   He could see the worries of several people in the car, but he didn't know how to say it, so that these boys and girls who were more than ten years younger than him should not worry about what danger might come.

   And the old man did not know that he was the hope among this group of people.

   "Come on, it's time for dinner."

   At this moment, a person's voice broke the gloomy atmosphere in the car, and took out some instant lunch boxes from the bag. The packaging on it was very unfamiliar, and it should be a product produced by a food company in the end of the world.

The man talking took out a total of six boxes of instant lunch boxes, and skillfully tore open all the packages, poured the various side dishes and main food packages into them, and then tore the packaging water open. After a while, six boxes of instant food were found. After all the bento boxes were processed, as white smoke was sprayed from the six plastic bento boxes, the men distributed the bento boxes one by one, and the old man was no exception.

Some Chinese are written on the packaging, such as a certain food company, and some materials. The old man obviously knows Chinese. He can't help but be surprised. He sighs in a language that other people can't understand: "My darling, these are evolutions. The meat of the beast, I can eat a bite of it for several days for an ordinary person, it is worthy of being eaten by the evolutionary gentlemen, it is good."

  No one could understand the old man's muttering. They all looked at the old man strangely, and the other party glanced at them and said hesitantly, "You guys, are you really willing to give me such a precious thing?"

The old man's Chinese is very awkward, he feels grumbling, and his tongue snaps. However, judging from the facial features of the old man, we know that he is not a Chinese, but a mixed blood of Tsarist Russian and Outer Mongolian Khan. Although he can speak Chinese, he can will carry some features of their native language.

Despite the old man's words, several people in the car looked at each other and immediately understood that at Yunxia Base, ordinary people can only eat after two years of work without eating or drinking. It is said that this is just a meal, but this meal is enough to consume a high-level new human, so the ingredients are taken from some evolutionary plants or evolutionary beasts.

   Ordinary people who save money get this meal, and I am afraid they will treasure it and be satisfied with a glance at it occasionally. In extreme cases, they may not be willing to eat such a mouthful to death.

   And the expression on the old man's face also verified their conjecture.

   Immediately someone said: "Old man, you can eat it with confidence. We have this thing for you."

   "Thanks then."

  The old man had a very sincere smile on his face. To be honest, it was the first time he had met five evolutionaries who were so approachable.

   For a while, the car was full of people tearing the bento cover. Someone asked the old man while eating, "Hey old man, is there really that place you took us to?"

   "I don't know where the Northern Empire is. I only know of a place called Royal Court, but I think that place should be where you are going."

  The old man said with a smile, as if the smile on his face was his mask, always so kind.

   "Royal Court?"

   But when they heard the two "Royal Court", the others in the car looked at each other. They had never heard of this place.

   "The Royal Court? Is it a city? How big is it?" After a while, a young man beside Su Sigui asked cautiously.

  The old man nodded and smiled: "It's a city, it's huge! It's the largest city in the world, and the surrounding tribes are directly under the jurisdiction of the royal court, but..."

   While speaking, the old man's voice paused for a while, and the reverberation from his throat seemed a little strange, but Su Sigui and the others were not fools, this was because they understood what the old man wanted to remind them.

   "The old man?"

   "Hey, it's alright, I don't think you guys are bad people. Looking to Wang Ting, there should be something to ask the people inside for help, right?"

   At this moment, Su Sigui nodded. Although he didn't know if the person he was looking for was in the so-called royal court, he couldn't deny it just because he wasn't sure.


   "I'll just say it, but you guys are very lucky. If it were an ordinary person, I would directly say that I don't know. No outsiders have entered the royal court for many years."

   (end of this chapter)

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