I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1294: final payment

   Chapter 1294 Last paragraph

In front of an inconspicuous little yard, a man suppressed the throbbing pain from inside his body, slammed the gate of the yard, looked around, no one seemed to notice his side, the man was slightly relieved .

   In the next second, the door to the yard opened, making a "Zi" sound, revealing another middle-aged man who looked old.



"Come in."

After a brief exchange, the middle-aged man let the injured man into the yard. There were more than 20 people in the yard, including the low house in front. If there were outsiders here, they would find that these People are all high-level people in Mingyue City, and everyone's strength is a powerful existence at the eighth-order level, but compared to their past scenery, many people here are injured.

  Some people's injuries have even threatened their lives, but fortunately, they were caught in a sigh of relief by being treated in time, just waiting for the powerful vitality of their eighth-order new human beings to recover a little bit.

   Su Sigui's voice appeared from the man's perspective, and he couldn't help feeling a tinge of shame in his heart.

   "Mayor, Qu Hui and Jin Lai defected, and Luo Wenshu is already... he's dead, sorry..."

Su Sigui was silent for a while. At this time, she suddenly realized that she had not been properly prepared before facing many things, such as such a violent conflict with the two superpowers of the Hidden Dragon Society. Something I didn't think about.

   There was no expression on her face, but after hearing Luo Wenshu's death, her face showed a touch of emotional fluctuations that were difficult to detect.

Like those outside, she and the people around her are already numb, because death will always accompany them, no one knows when they and their companions will die suddenly, they are ready and will be at any time. The grief that emerged was pressing in his heart.

   More than 30 rank eight new human powerhouses in the capital of the bright moon have now killed 11 people, and only 22 people are left at the scene, which is already a traumatic loss.

Although the Qianlong Association and the Judgment Office also suffered losses, most of the losses they suffered were Order Guards, and Order Guards were like robots. They could be rebuilt if they were damaged, but when a real person died, there would be nothing Opportunity now.


  Su Sigui shook his head at the man. He looked at her expressionless face and felt more and more uncomfortable. Where should they go next?

   No one knows.

  The air at the scene was quite quiet. About a minute later, Su Sigui glanced at the gate of the yard and said, "It seems that everyone is here, let's go."

The people around    silently prepared their belongings, most of them went outside, and the other three went in the opposite direction.

After taking people out, there are three armored vehicles on the street waiting for transparency. Just like Su Sigui, everyone here did not speak, and got on the three armored vehicles in an orderly manner. After confirming that everyone came up, come up The engine of the armored vehicle began to roar and walked towards the east of the Yunxia Base.

  This is the most chaotic place. They saw a lot of ragged people on the street. After seeing the three armored vehicles, they quickly avoided them subconsciously, and didn't even dare to approach.

Under the full speed of the armored vehicle, it didn't take long for them to come to one of the exits facing the east, but the other entrance and exit gates were the same, the gates here were also closed, but the three armored vehicles did not care, still Driving forward, the three armored vehicles slowed down a bit until the soldiers guarding there opened the gate.

   A woman in the car picked up the four large bags that had been prepared, and threw them out when she passed by the soldiers in front of the gate, saying four words: "This is the last payment."

   Then, the three armored vehicles left the Yunxia base without any hindrance and headed towards Changchang City.

The door was then closed, and a man who seemed to be a non-commissioned officer ordered several soldiers to open the four bags, which were full of Yakin, and he couldn't help but smile, but soon, the smile was suppressed by him, and he glanced around. , he said: "Today's event, as if it never happened, we can share these Yajin equally, and we can all share more than 600 pieces, enough for us to live in Yunxia Base for a lifetime."

   "I hope you are not stupid."

  The soldiers knew, of course, they shared all the Yakin in the four large bags equally, and then continued to guard the door as if nothing had happened.

   And their hearts turned from apprehension to excitement at this moment, the 600 Asian golds that they got equally was a huge sum of money for them! Enough to let them live a rich life in Yunxia Base, and the smiles on their faces could not be controlled.

  Things seemed to be stable, everyone was thinking this way, but the next second, a cold female voice suddenly sounded.

   "Look at you guys laughing so hard?"

   Hearing this voice, the expressions on the faces of the soldiers instantly froze.

  The sergeant turned his head slowly, the fear on his face was so obvious.

   "Sixth order!"

  The soldiers didn't even think about it, they just started to flee for their lives. This is the inspector who specially monitors them. Every one of them is not low in strength. Could it be that a group of soldiers who are only two or three tiers can stop them?

   However, these soldiers didn't run very far. With a few cold lights flashing, all the soldiers who had received the huge sum of money before fell into a pool of blood, without a sound.

   Su Sigui and the others on the other side saw many drones and reconnaissance helicopters hovering in the sky less than two kilometers away from the Yunxia Base, and they were also discovered immediately.

   "Report to the headquarters that Yudang, the capital of the bright moon, has been found. It is located in the sixth isolation area to the east, and the direction is Changchang City. Please give instructions."

   "Received, the three groups informed the other group members, please don't panic, and wait for the next instruction before taking action."

   "Three groups received, the target has noticed us, whether to act?"

In the    Yunxia Base, in a command room, a group of high-level executives looked at the content on the screen, which was a picture of three armored vehicles moving forward.

   "Su Sigui and the others are indeed heading to Changchang Market."

   "It's full of zombies, they..."

   "With Su Sigui's strength, he will not fail to notice the three groups. Since they haven't started, they are ready to fight to the death."

   "Just what I want."

There were smiles on the faces of a group of high-level executives. Su Sigui wanted to put the battlefield in Changchang City. Although there were a lot of zombies there, after the previous corpse tide receded, a large number of zombies stayed in Changchang City. The number of zombies is so large that if a war breaks out there, the destructive power will be terrifying, but it will not shake the foundation of Yunxia Base and will reduce losses.

  People can't wait to see this scene.

   (end of this chapter)

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