I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1306: Livestock to be kept in captivity

   Chapter 1306 Livestock to be kept in captivity

   Those pale white eyes flashed with deep doubts, but after a while, the zombies interspersed by the flesh-and-blood tree suddenly made a terrifying "giggling" sound, as if a resentful spirit was giggling somewhere!

   It seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and jumped up quickly. The next second, those zombie bodies connected by the "big tree" exploded!

   Those flesh and blood, like a living independent individual! Roaring, roaring, some flesh and blood even grew out of human faces, revealing a sluggish, frightening smile!

   Flesh and blood are flying like rain, no matter how fast this shadow is, it will be difficult to stay in the "heavy rain" without touching your body at all. On the contrary, the faster it is, the more "rain" it will be contaminated with!

   A large number of living flesh and blood are crawling on this dark shadow like lumps of disgusting bugs!

   It stopped abruptly and looked at Xu Haihui and others, there was obvious malice in the eyes of those corpses!

   "There's something wrong with this guy!" said a strong man in the royal court, and in the next second, Xu Haihui shouted angrily!

   "Fast out of the way!"

   The corner of the mouth of the zombie in front was suddenly torn open, and blood mixed with yellow pus and blood spattered out. This crack suddenly expanded its mouth more than twice!

   It faced the zombies and people in Xu Haihui, its throat trembled, and it made a slightly strange sound, and then the sound became louder and sharper!


   In less than a second, the decibel from this guy's mouth exceeded the level that very people could resist!

   As time went by, the sound became more and more exaggerated, and the air in its mouth was distorted visibly to the naked eye. The gravel and dust on the ground in front of it were blown by this sound wave, and it rushed towards the front!

   Like an invisible giant broom sweeping across the street.

   "Cover your ears!"

   Hazhen let out a loud roar, and took the lead to step out of the action of covering his ears, and even the zombies couldn't bear the cry from the other party.

"Damn it!" Geert couldn't help roaring. Xu Haihai and his party had different expressions on their faces, some with confusion, some with happiness, some with pain, and some with memories. The other part of the people seemed to be staying awake, but their facial expressions seemed a little distorted by the magic sound!

   "This guy is a follower!"



   In the sound waves, Geert finally broke out. He suddenly let go of the hand covering his ears and rushed forward with a few others!

   "Amber, gag that guy's mouth first!" Geert yelled at a new human next to him!

Hearing this, the other party nodded, enduring the piercing sensation in his eardrums, his body flashed, and he came to a street light pole. He held it with both hands and only exerted force. Down, the wire connected below was torn apart like a smash!

  Amber pointed the end of the street lamp at the zombie, and one rushed over at an accelerated rate!

The other party felt bad when he saw this scene, but when he wanted to shut up, it was already too late. Amber burst out very fast, and he rushed in front of him like lightning in a short while, and the street light pole in his hand was like lightning. Like a javelin, it was inserted straight into its huge mouth!

  The huge force set off a storm, but also caused the mouth of this zombie to splatter with pus and blood. At the neck, it was squeezed by the thick street light pole for several times!

   Another **** and deep throat, who can stand this?

   The opponent's body started to turn red slightly, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably. He plowed out a deep ravine on the ground and accumulated a lot of dust before stopping!

The    sound wave also ended, and the others slowly recovered.

   "Very good, very good!"

   Xu Haihai, who has just recovered, not only has no anger on his face, but on the contrary, the smile on his face is so perverted, looking at the zombie's eyes as if he saw a peerless treasure!

   "Magic Zombie?" Xu Haihai said with narrowed eyes.

The people behind came to the zombie one after another. The other party wanted to stand up, but the next second, there was a "bang". Geert squeezed his neck and slammed it on the ground. He raised his foot and stepped on its chest to knock it out. Hardly fixed.

   "Magic sound zombies? Isn't this kind of zombies only found in Lan O's place?" Ha Zhen looked puzzled.

The characteristics of the zombie in front of him are obviously only found in the demonic zombies on Lan'o's side. Although they have always been in the royal court, they don't know anything about the outside world. They also know something. In the world now, there are four kinds of royal zombies, which are the silver armored zombies, the radiated species, the extreme northern giant monsters, and the demonic zombies.

The reason why these zombies are called royal zombies is because they have a certain "blood relationship" with the zombie king. The evolution route is no different from the zombie king to which they belong. Geert, Hazhen, Xu Haihai and other zombies, They all belong to the zombie type of Yinjia Zombie, and the Demonic Zombie is the royal zombie below the Nightmare Zombie King on the Lan'o Continent.

   But what does the appearance of such zombies in Shenzhou Continent indicate?

   A few zombies and a few people looked at each other, and there was an instant guess in my heart.

The demonic zombie who was stepped on by Geert continued to struggle to get up, but Geert pressed it hard again, it wanted to make a sound, but Geert grabbed it with one hand. A street light pole was forced down, directly blocking the air hole from which it made the sound.

After struggling for a while, he seemed to realize that he could no longer break free from Geert's palm, and it also began to quiet down, and his eyes swept over Amber, Blanche, Xiang Zhengyi and a few other zombies besides Geert. The eighth-order new human, its eyes flashed with obvious doubts.

   It doesn't understand why these same species are with these foods, but now it doesn't want to think about it. Since it can't break free, it will try to communicate.

   After only a few seconds, a "woooooo" sound came from its mouth, as if to say something.

  Ha really looked at it. Said: "What are you going to say?"

The voice fell, and the guy quickly became quiet again. After thinking for a while, it seemed to realize that these same species and these foods in front of him didn't seem to understand his own language, so he started to emit brain electricity, and each message was in a wonderful and indescribable way. The form appeared in Xu Haihui's mind.

   "You are also royal zombies... I am of the same kind as you, our corpse king is already watching you, let me go, we... let it go..."

   said, the zombie raised a hand and pointed at Amber and other five royal court's eighth-order new human powerhouses, with a strong bloodthirsty in his eyes.

   "They're... just rats, our food, our... beasts that are going to be... captive..."

   (end of this chapter)

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