I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1314: Rules of Yunxia Base

   Chapter 1314 Rules of Yunxia Base

In the conference room, a middle-aged man stood up abruptly when he found that Su Sigui was walking with Tang Ye and his party towards Ye's house.

   "Everyone, I may be in trouble, so I'll go back first."

  No one responded to this middle-aged man. Everyone knew that he was the current ruler of the Ye family. Ye Zhong and Su Sigui went to the Ye family for only one reason, and that was the old man of the Ye family, Ye Changgong!

Among the four major families, there is still such a generational existence, only Ye Changgong is left, and the other three, two of them have not been evolved, and ordinary people are dying. Bai Epeng, the former high-ranking leader of the Peace Association, was killed.

The current Ye Changgong, even Ye Chong, the ruler of the Ye family, is his grandson, and he is the youngest among all the grandsons. It stands to reason that Ye Changgong's seniority is definitely a heavyweight in the Ye family's voice. , However, in the last days, strength is the most respected, Ye Changgong is stuck in the sixth rank, and the filial son Ye Chong will listen to Ye Changgong's words on weekdays, but after all, he is a new human being of the eighth rank, how can he always obey?

  When the two superpowers united to deal with the City of Bright Moon, Ye Changgong was the only one who helped her. He directly ignored the council and ordered Ye Zhong to gather all the strength of the Ye family to help Su Sigui, but how could Ye Zhong be like this? As a result, he ignored Ye Changgong's roar, forcibly placed him under house arrest, and was not allowed to go out. Every day, someone would deliver meals specially.

What made Ye Zhong and many people puzzled was that during the process of him putting Ye Changgong under house arrest, Ye Changgong kept scolding himself for being confused. The consequences of offending the two superpowers are obviously very irrational.

  Ye Changgong was a shrewd one. From the time of World War II, he was able to survive with a bayonet with devils until now. His courage and strategy are far beyond ordinary people. In the whole of China, Ye Changgong can be said to be a national treasure-level figure, and also the strongest heritage of the entire Ye family.

  Although people are always confused, it is impossible to be confused at this time. How could Ye Changgong not be able to see clearly?

  Why pay such a high price to help Su Sigui, this is a riddle in everyone's mind. If it is an ordinary person, they can laugh at the other side as a fool, but it is Ye Changgong! Every decision he made, someone had to go over it and think about its true intentions!

  You must know that once Ye Chongzhen becomes a big dutiful son and does what Ye Changgong said, the moment Su Sigui falls down is the moment when his Ye Family Langer becomes extinct!

   I couldn't figure it out before, but now, Ye Zhong seems to have thought of why.

   "Could it be that my grandfather asked me to do this when Li Henian would appear."

  Although he thinks so, Ye Zhong is not sure at all, it is one point! He didn't think it was that simple. He felt that there was something deeper, like the bottomless abyss. Although it was below and wanted people to look down on, the darkness of the abyss shrouded everyone's heads!

   He has decided that if nothing happens to him today, he has to get the real reason for this from Ye Changgong's mouth!

Ye Zhong just went out the door. In the conference room, no one asked him what he needed help. Even the dozen or so disciples under the Ye family did not see it. Now the Ye family is facing as many as one hundred people. Come to an eighth-tier powerhouse, so many powerhouses, they will go out to Ye's house with Ye Zhong. Once a battle breaks out, the opponent will probably spray them to death with a single mouthful of phlegm!

After Ye Zhong left, the meeting room fell into silence again. Ye Zhong hurried downstairs and waved his hand at the entrance of the first floor. The whole person disappeared in place in the next second, and the speed of the eighth-order new human being instantly showed, running towards the direction of the Ye family with extreme speed.

   At this time, Ye Zhong can no longer care about his decency, and go back to Ye's house by car, then Li Henian and Su Sigui must be dealt with!

   This is the only thought in his heart!

As for Tang Ye's side, he was not as anxious as Ye Chong. The car they were riding in was not fast and dissatisfied. They encountered some soldiers on the street. When they saw Su Sigui, they not only did not stop him, but hurried as if they had met the **** of plague. Move aside, the journey was smooth, only the drone moved in the air following the movement of himself and others.

In the    Yunxia Base, you can see a lot of Gundam pillars going straight to the top. You can see these Gundam pillars before you enter it. It’s hard to really think about it or not.

The Yunxia Base is divided into two floors. After Tang Ye's inquiry, he also learned that these pillars are elevators leading to the Sky City. There are ten such pillars in the entire Yunxia Base. During the conversation, their The vehicle stopped unknowingly, and they were right next to one of the pillars.

  Su Sigui got out of the car calmly, and the others followed her out of the car door.

   "Now we don't need a car, we take the elevator up, and it's not far from Ye's house."

   "Let's go."

  Tang Ye took a funny look at the group of soldiers with complicated expressions, shook his head, and followed Su Sigui into the "pillar" without hindrance.

The staff here are very clever, and within ten seconds after all of them entered the elevator, they began to ascend, and soon reached the city of the sky, the elevator door opened again, and reflected in Tang Ye's eyes, was a mysterious different cities.

   He touched his chin and asked Su Sigui curiously, "Oh, you don't need an elevator to get up from this height, right?"

   When I was just below, Tang Ye also saw that the height of the "City in the Sky" was a little over 200 meters. At this height, the eighth-order new humans could jump up with one jump.

Su Sigui shook his head and said, "You can also get up in a shorter time without taking the elevator. However, you can't cause damage to the Yunxia Base. This is the rule here. If everyone is like this, the "Sky Continent" will also be It won't appear, maybe those guys have regretted it, when the Yunxia Base was just established, those people would not have thought that the new humans could evolve to this level, if they knew, there would be no Sky Continent at the Yunxia Base."

   "Hey, what would happen if I demolished that building?" Tang Ye said wickedly.

Su Sigui cast a glance at him, spread his hands and said: "That may be surrounded by many new eighth-order human beings, but now, no one should want to trouble you." At the end of this sentence, Su Sigui endured I can't stop looking at Ah Fu and the others. With so many rank eight new humans and zombies, it will be a disaster for Yunxia Base if they get really mad!

   (end of this chapter)

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