I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1316: alienation

   Chapter 1316 Alienation

   After entering the basement, they were still going deep, until they reached the second floor of the basement, only to find Ye Changgong in a specially remodeled cage.

The privacy of this cell is very good. It should be cleaned by someone who enters. It has also installed some equipment that is convenient for people to live in. Compared with the first floor of the basement, the environment here is relatively dry. It may be that Ye Zhong specially prepared this place for Ye Changgong. , did not let Ye Changgong fall into the same situation as other prisoners, which made Ye Zhong's unnatural expression recover a little.

In any case, he did not really regard Ye Changgong as a prisoner of the Ye family, he just put him under house arrest, but because the other party is a new human being with powerful destructive power, he had to use this method. If it is really just ordinary house arrest, ghost Knowing when Ye Changgong escaped silently.

   After seeing the different cell, Su Sigui said, "Open it."

  Ye nodded his head, gestured to Ye Liuyi, then walked to the front, performed iris verification, followed by a series of complicated steps with fingerprints and passwords. After a minute, Ye Changgong's cell was opened.


   The sound of the gears turning sounded, and the things in the cell were displayed in front of everyone.

   But just when the thick door was just opened enough to allow a person to enter on his side, a teacup flew over.


   Ye Liuyi was so frightened that she slumped to the ground and looked inside in horror!

Next to   , there is Ye Zhong, a new human of the eighth order. The teacup that suddenly flew over was caught by him, and Ye Liuyi was not injured.

   "Liu Yi?"

Inside the cell, there was an old voice, and he seemed worried when he heard the tone. He thought it was Ye Zhong, an unfilial grandson, who came to see him, and subconsciously smashed the teacup in his hand, but it turned out to be Ye Liuyi, who came here. The granddaughter is the person he loves the most. Fortunately, the teacup he went out just now killed her by mistake. Ye Changgong couldn't imagine how he would face himself.

Ye Liuyi was half-sitting on the ground, her face was as pale as paper. The teacup that flew over just now had a strong wind noise. She seemed to see the **** of death waving the sickle in his hand and hooking it to her neck. From childhood to adulthood, these sixteen Years, this time is the closest to her death!

   The scene just now reminded her of the corpses she had seen in the past, how desperate those corpses felt at the moment of death before they were alive.

   Ye Liuyi's body was stiff, and she didn't stand up for a long time.

Li Henian was the first to get into the cell, and looked at the surrounding environment. The cell was very large, and the upper and lower sides were decorated. , was shaken into powder by the terrifying force, and there were many concave and trampling marks on the surrounding walls.

Tang Ye just swept around and didn't care much, but it is worth mentioning that Ye Changgong's strength does not seem to be sixth-order. Tang Ye knows what the material of the upper and lower four walls is, which is enough to make eighth-order new human beings. There is no way to take this, a sixth-order, how can it leave a dent on it?

   Therefore, Ye Changgong's strength is definitely the eighth rank!

   "You old man is rude?"

   Seeing Tang Ye's figure, the old man lying on the ground looked back and frowned, this person is very strange to him.

   This gray-haired old man was Ye Changgong. Although he was locked in this cell, his clothes were not dirty at all. He didn't look like a prisoner at all. He looked like he came to this place for vacation.

   The other party turned his head and saw Tang Ye's face, and Tang Ye himself saw the old man's appearance.

However, it is different from what Tang Ye imagined. The Ye Changgong in front of him does not look like a normal person, but looks like a zombie. His hair is meticulous and well groomed, but on the left cheek, the skin is wrinkled to describe a Zhang's very blurred face, some black blood vessels can be clearly seen on the neck, one is thicker than the other, as if an earthworm is crawling on it!

The face with fuzzy facial features on the left cheek, its mouth seemed to be trembling, babbling something, and Tang Ye, even though he was more than ten meters away from Ye Changgong, he could hear the voice from the face, This is not what normal people should have at all.

But Tang Ye soon knew what happened, Ye Zhong was right, this Ye Changgong was a sixth-order new human, but in order to become stronger, he forcibly swallowed a large number of evolutionary crystals. Although he evolved to the eighth-order, his body also Serious alienation occurred.

   The moment he saw Tang Ye, Ye Changgong narrowed his eyes and asked subconsciously, "You are... Are you Li Henian?"

  In the early stage of Yunxia Base, Ye Changgong's power could be very large. Naturally, he knew the situation at that time very well. The four overlords were at their peak at that time. Ye Changgong was very familiar with what the four overlords looked like.

   "What are you doing here with me?"

   In the next second, Ye Changgong showed deep doubts on his face.

  Tang Ye spread out his hands and said, "I don't know you. What am I looking for you for? Someone named Su Sigui is looking for you. I'm just following along."

   "Su Sigui, she's not dead? Where is she? Let her come to see me!"

   Hearing the three words Su Sigui, Ye Changgong's eyes burst into a burst of light, and he said quickly.

   "Master, I'm here."

   Soon, Su Sigui walked in. Then, a group of zombies and new humans from the royal court came in one after another, and Ye Zhong walked in the last one.

   The moment he saw Su Sigui's face, the big stone in Ye Changgong's heart seemed to dissipate completely at this moment.

   He let out a loud laugh and said, "Hahaha, I knew how could your little girl die so easily. It was Li Henian who helped you."

Su Sigui smiled and nodded. Although she didn't say anything, her meaning was obvious. However, after seeing the human face on Ye Changgong's left cheek, she was stunned for a moment, and her face became solemn. Nod at him.

   Ye Changgong nodded and looked at Li Henian, with that expression, it seemed that he was very pleased to see his younger generation becoming more and more mature under his witness.

   "Young man, you are very good, you did not choose the wrong person, it seems that there are still many smart people in this world, not everyone is an idiot!"

   After saying that, Ye Changgong's eyes turned to Ye Zhong who was hiding in the crowd, and he snorted coldly, with a faint murderous intent.

  Ye Chong was speechless for a while, just pretending that Ye Changgong didn't see him, and continued to hide in the crowd, but Ye Changgong wouldn't give him face, he gave him another cold drink, and directly asked Ye Chong to come out by name!

   "Ye Zhong, come out, how long do you want to hide!"

   (end of this chapter)

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