I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1320: Excellent candidate 2

   Chapter 1320 Excellent candidate 2

   "Do you know the Independent Gold Association?" Ye Changgong asked Xiang Tangye.

Tang Ye shook his head, he remembered where he had heard of his "clone", but for his corpse king, it was too small, like an ant crawling over his feet, he had Illness will deliberately remember.

To talk about the word "meeting", he only knows that the Peace Society and the Qianlong Society also have an old meeting of Shilaozi. These are all things in the past, and the death of the Qianlong Society is only a matter of his own thoughts. , casually organize a corpse tide with a scale of more than 10 million, not to mention the Qianlong Club, the entire Yunxia Base will push you horizontally!

   Fortunately, Su Sigui quickly replied: "It is the largest slave trading organization on the mainland of China now."

Crowded with people from all over the world who came to China mainland to seek a stable living environment and local Chinese people, a total of 700 million people, although this number does not sound like a lot, but China mainland is not only people, but also zombies, many places They are all occupied by zombies. The only places where people can survive are those bases and shelter cities. So many people have created a crowded and cluttered environment in all shelter cities, including Yunxia Base, which breeds industries such as slave trading.

   In this industry, the Dujin Association is one of the leaders, and it is also the largest slave trading organization in the entire Shenzhou continent and even all mankind!

In this organization, slaves are divided into three grades, namely A, B, and C. Among them, grade A is the best and grade C is the worst. However, even slaves of grade C are better than others. The slaves in the slave trading organization have more gold content. Generally, they are women with good looks and a little beauty, or men with strong bodies. However, these slaves are ordinary people, and they can be bought back and used as labor. Many ordinary people choice, and the price is much friendlier than other slave trading organizations.

The B-level slaves are more beautiful women and some talents who have made great achievements in certain fields, but the slaves of this level are mostly those who have special status before the end of the world, such as the children of a well-known rich man Or the rich man himself, or even the officials before the end of the world, such slaves can make the purchaser feel a sense of conquest.

As for A-level slaves, either the beauty can directly support a live broadcast platform, or some high-level new human beings. The former can satisfy their dissatisfaction with the society before the end of the world, and the latter can act as their own bodyguards, but such slaves are rare. Usually, it is just released, and it will be bought quickly. Even for a slave trading organization of the size of the Du Jinhui, it is difficult for A-level slaves to have inventory, and they generally need to be booked in advance.

Su Sigui explained the general situation of the Dujin Club to the other party, but just after he finished speaking, he heard Ye Changgong smile: "There are more than three grades of slaves in the Dujin Club. Above the A grade, there is another S grade. !"

   "Huh?" Su Sigui was stunned for a moment. The A-level slaves of the Dujin Club have sold three new human beings of the seventh order. Is the S-level selling the new human of the eighth order? If so, what did the eighth-order new human who wanted to be a slave think?

Ye Changgong seemed to see Su Sigui's doubts, and said with a smile: "S-class does not sell bodyguards, but only one type, and that is looks! Su Xiaonizi, think about those chief guards of order that you have met in the past few months. How's it going? Is each one comparable to a rare treasure?"

"S-level slaves of the Dujin Club are young boys and girls who need to be extremely good-looking. Such slaves, in ancient times, are all at the level of trouble, tsk tsk, but from the beginning of the Dujin Club to the present, they have only been found. Three, and these three slaves, I have never seen them sold, nor have I seen these S-rank slaves appear in the homes of any new eighth-rank human beings, these three S-rank slaves seem to have been sent somewhere..."

   "Sent to that research institute?" Tang Ye questioned.

"I'm not sure about this, and I don't know what secrets there are inside the Independent Gold Council. I just judged that there is a connection between the Independent Gold Council and a certain existence in the council through these things, but whether there is one or not, someone needs to verify it. ." Ye Changgong gave Tang Ye a mysterious look, he seemed to see what Tang Ye was thinking.

"This old guy!" Tang Ye was also stunned, and looked at Ye Changgong vigilantly. The other side's eyes that saw the vicissitudes of life seemed to be unable to hide anything from him, and it also made this old man more refined than the fox spirit who has practiced for thousands of years in mythology. !

"If you want to find that research institute, the Dujin Club should be an entrance, and the handsome boys and girls are a ticket, but you must ensure that you can find someone who can catch their eyes, if the research institute is very interesting to you. Importantly, the cost of verifying this problem should not be too high, but it is hard to find.”

"If Su Sigui wasn't the mayor of Mingyue Zidu, it wouldn't be a problem to help you get into the S-rank based on her appearance, but she is the mayor of Mingyue City. The people of the Independent Gold Association still have the vision, and she is the only one. No one dares to touch her casually, so you have to find another person, and it depends on your luck whether you can find it or not."

When Ye Changgong spoke, the atmosphere at the scene was silent for a while. Su Sigui, who was on the side, looked at Ye Changgong, then looked at Li Henian, and finally put his eyes on Ye Changgong's identity again, and said solemnly: "Someone in the council knows about the institute, Even know where the institute is."

   "Huh? Who?" Ye Changgong was a little confused.

Su Sigui continued to speak, repeating what the Yunxia bases said about the research institute before she fell into a coma. She would not forget that a minute before she fell into a coma, the eighth-order newcomers kept saying He sent himself to the research institute to become a so-called protist, but most of those people have been killed by the people of Wang Ting. It seems that there are two more, who became Xu Haihui's experimental mice. They should be able to get from their The mouth gets the position of the institute.

   Don't forget, these eighth-tier powerhouses around Li Henian are not ordinary people. With such a powerful manpower, it is not difficult to forcibly invade the research institute.

   But in the next second, I heard Tang Ye say: "No, it's too loud, it's not what I want, as for the "ticket", hum..."

   said, Tang Ye had a very strange smile on his face, as if he had absolute control over everything.

   At this moment, both Su Sigui and Ye Changgong were stunned, not only Tang Ye thought of a good solution.

   And Su Sigui and Ye Changgong didn't even know that, in Tang Ye's heart, there was already an excellent candidate!

Isn't the existence of    Gong Xiao born for such a task? It really suits her!

   (end of this chapter)

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