I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1322: not the only

   Chapter 1322 is not the only one

   Su Sigui in the car pondered for a while, and did not know the past. Their motorcade had stopped in front of the center building of the political and legal hub. The surrounding soldiers watched them vigilantly, but no one dared to act rashly.

At this time, Su Sigui said: "I heard that Ning Tianlang had a daughter who, in the last three or four months, passed through the city center with the strength of an ordinary person, walked more than ten kilometers, and came to the new city in the south of Linshi. The established safety zone, and during this period, Ning Yuer was not injured at all. A person, still an ordinary person, walked through a city unharmed. Say, is this Ning Yuer being protected by something? ?"

   After she said such an inexplicable remark, she didn't give Tang Ye a chance to speak, she just opened the door and got out of the car.

  Tang Ye sat in the car and pondered what she had just said. For a while, the car was quiet.

   After more than ten seconds, Tang Ye murmured this sentence: "Is it a test?"

After the words    were exited, Tang Ye got out of the car and walked to the building with a group of zombies and people.

The building of the Political and Legal Center in the field of vision, the building is straight into the sky, the building is 200 meters high, and the surrounding buildings are like the difference between a giant and a dwarf. sharp contrast.

  Here, Tang Ye doesn't need anyone to lead the way. In his eyes, he can see that in the upper floors of the building, there are groups of deep and deep colors blocked by many colors. These colors are arranged with each other and are so intense that they almost turn black!

  Tang Ye knew that those were the colors of the eighth-order new human beings. It seemed that there were at least a hundred eighth-order powerhouses gathered in that place. Obviously, that place was also the guys who had been watching their live broadcasts.

  Under the different visual perception, this Gundam's political and legal hub center building is like a person who strips off his clothes to reveal all the details in front of Tang Ye's eyes. He can't escape his eyes and hide anything!

Su Sigui wanted to lead the way, but when she saw Tang Ye leading the way, as if she knew where she should go, her star eyes flashed with a thoughtful look, and then she walked behind Li Henian like a valet. .

   "One hundred and fifty-two floors"

  Tang Ye didn't think too much about it, he directly found the elevator, estimated the floor where the group of colors was, said to the people around him, and then directly pressed the button for the 152nd floor.

  Others occupied the other seven elevators, and the staff who came out or wanted to enter did not dare to move at all, and could only wait for them to finish using the elevators, and at the same time observe a moment of silence for the eighth-order new humans on the upper floor.

Su Sigui should have reminded Tang Ye that the group of people who had been monitoring them was actually on the 150th floor, because only the 150th floor was a conference room, and that conference room was the eighth floor of the Yunxia Base. A place where new-born humans meet to discuss things.

   However, she did not say.

  The elevator went up under Tang Ye's control. Every now and then, the elevator stopped at a certain floor, but when the person who was going to use the elevator saw the fierce-looking Wang Ting strong man, his face turned pale and ran away.

   When the elevator ascended to the 90th floor, Su Sigui suddenly called out the name "Li Henian". She did not face Tang Ye, but looked at the elevator door, as if she was talking to herself.

   "Huh?" Tang Ye turned to look at her and responded.

"What's wrong?"

   "I want to ask you something?"

   "What's the matter? I don't know if I won't answer, but I'm a good face."

   "It's not that complicated."

"what is that?"

   "You said that to evolve to the ninth level, what do you need to have?"

   "Evolving to the ninth level is actually not difficult. Anyway, I haven't reached that level, but I can tell you a quick method. My method will definitely allow you to evolve to the ninth level!"

   "What?" Su Sigui's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked.

"Well... it's very simple, just think of a color by yourself, this color is something we have never seen before, it has no name color, it is different from red, blue, yellow, green and purple, and it is the same bright color as these colors! If you If you can imagine this color, it is not far from the ninth order." Tang Ye said naturally.

After his words, Su Sigui's voice was no longer heard. She fell into silence, as if she was thinking hard about a problem, but it didn't last for too long. Suddenly, she looked up at Tang Ye, Those eyes were so bright that they seemed to illuminate everything, with bright stars dotted in them.

Tang Ye looked at her strangely, but quickly withdrew his gaze. For some reason, the look in Su Sigui's eyes made him not dare to look at her. He saw a light, a soft light, named Hope of light.

   Is there something wrong with what you just said, but it doesn't seem to be a problem?

  Su Sigui's eyes kept on looking at him, as if there was something in him that made her unable to look away, making Tang Ye feel uncomfortable.

   "What's the matter with you?"

  Tang Ye couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't help but ask, but Su Sigui directly looked away and said something lightly.


She shook her head and seemed to be calm, but her slightly trembling hands already showed that her heart was not calm. The heart lake seemed to be smashed like a huge stone at this moment, stirring up thousands of cascading waves, letting that The perennial calm lake water has become turbulent! Unable to calm down for a long time.

  Su Sigui doesn't know what he's thinking now, it's very complicated!

Excited? Happy? Relieved? Or angry? resentment? Outraged?

  These thoughts are all in Su Sigui's heart at the moment!

She couldn't be sure what kind it was, she only knew that before she did it all over again, in that previous life, in that ordinary world, besides Ning Tianlang, there was also a ninth-order new human being, all of them. The world, the ninth-order new human is not the only one!

  Humans, there are two ninth-order new humans!

   One is Ning Tianlang and the other is Li Henian!

The former, for the sake of mankind, vigorously developed agriculture and heavy industry, opened up the freedom of promotion, constantly updated the protection capabilities of Yunxia Base, established a large number of human bases, and accommodated more population, but such a great man was still dead when the corpse king came. In the hands of the corpse king.

   On the other hand, he ignored the future of mankind, just like an audience, watching the scenes before him, watching mankind go to extinction step by step! And indifferent, or even shot, to drive mankind into a deeper abyss!

   (end of this chapter)

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