I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1338: Come out

   Chapter 1338 Come out

  Tang Ye looked at Su Sigui a little strangely, if it wasn't for his ability to see colors and distinguish the emotions and physical structures of different people, he might not have been able to see that the soldier was a woman even standing in front of the soldier.

   The other party's makeup skills are very good, and all the facial features that men should have have been highlighted, but because of the identity of women, the other party's temperament appears a little feminine.

   And Su Sigui could see it directly at a glance, which made Tang Ye feel a little surprised. It seems that she has done this kind of thing too much, and she is very experienced in this area.

   Seemed to be aware of Tang Ye's thoughts, Su Sigui glanced at Tang Ye and said, "Sometimes, it is more convenient to use a male identity to do certain things."


  Tang Ye simply responded, and then, together with Su Sigui, stared at every move of the soldier disguised as a man.

It should be the soldier who just replaced the previous soldier. This guy wandered outside the group of soldiers for a while. After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he walked towards the hall of the second ward as if nothing had happened. She did not immediately go to see Lin Jieliu. The words that came down, first, together with other soldiers, cleaned up the corpses inside and appeared. During the process, only a few soldiers were puzzled and asked which formation she was in. The other party also answered fluently. People deliberately doubted her words.

   Until she ran back and forth to the second ward four or five times, when she went in again, she did not come out for five or six minutes.


Tang Ye on the other side could see clearly that the disguised soldier seemed to have entered a utility room after entering the second ward for the last time. He took off his clothes in it, and then took off his military uniform. Escaped, jumped over the wall and went away.

   "No hurry." Su Sigui raised a hand, his face was calm, as if he was waiting for something.

After the words Su Sigui came out, in the next second, Tang Ye noticed that the eighth-order powerhouses who were hiding in the dark had moved. They seemed to have also noticed the soldier who was disguised as a man. Two minutes later, some soldiers in the mine hospital covered their ears and didn't know what to say, and then the team assembled and chased in the direction the "soldier" left!

   On the street, a large number of heavy weapons suddenly appeared, blocking an unknown number of roads in an instant, narrowing the area a little bit, some residents seemed to smell the abnormality in this piece of air, and hurriedly brought them back to their residences.

   "The speed is very fast." Tang Ye sighed a little, he didn't pay attention just now, didn't think that the woman ran away, and Yunxia Base suddenly became like this.

   "Are you going to chase?"

   "You don't seem to be in a hurry?"

   "I don't want to go, otherwise that guy might not dare to look for Lin Jie."

   "Yes." Tang Ye recognized this sentence very much, but Su Sigui seemed to have another meaning, and he did not refuse, and directly contacted Xu Haihui and others at the Yunxia Base.

For a while, Geert, who was taking people everywhere to collect debts, Xu Haihui, who had just poured a spoonful of spicy pepper into the coffee, Hazhen who attacked his organs in his hands, and Ah Fu, who was hanging out in the slave market, were teaching Zheng Minghui and Shen Mingke a lesson. Ah Beng, who was about to lose everything in poker and started to cheat again, and Ji Ma Chuza who looked indignant... They all stopped what they were doing and looked in a certain direction.


   On the street, one strong man after another appeared, dressed in simple and unpretentious clothes, as if he was just a passerby, slowly following towards the place where the woman passed.

The "soldier" in the military uniform before has taken off her clothes, wearing a long-sleeved red shirt with white sleeves, and blue jeans. She put on a peaked cap that she didn't know where she got it from. On the top of his head, he took out another mask from his pocket, put it on quickly, and then walked into a building and went directly to the second floor.

   After a while, several passers-by disguised as passing by appeared here. They glanced at the place where the woman entered, and divided them into two parts. One part entered the building, and the other part changed direction and continued to walk forward.

But this part just went to the second floor of the building. The woman didn't stay there for too long. The door on the other side of the building was opened, and the figure of the woman appeared again. The dress on her body changed directly. The jeans turned into a short-sleeved black dress, and there was no hat and mask, and her hair was loose, showing her beauty.

She slowly walked down the stairs outside the building, her dress and good face attracted the attention of many passers-by, people were a little surprised, this woman dared to walk on the street so generously, is she not afraid of being beaten Halo take away?

However, she didn't pay attention to the gazes of the people around her. Naturally, she passed by another group of trackers who were looking for her. Her appearance made these trackers look sideways, but they quickly moved away. His eyes turned in the opposite direction of hers.

  Waiting around here for nearly a while, the person who took the lead suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became ugly.

   "Not good! We were careless!"

   Everyone hurriedly turned around and walked towards the place where the woman appeared before! But at this time, it was already too late, and they had long since known the woman's whereabouts.

As for the woman, she got rid of a few short-sighted guys along the way, and then got into a narrow alley, but at this moment, she suddenly noticed something, raised her hand, spread her five fingers, and there was actually a "mosquito" in the palm of her hand. "?

"what is this?"

Although her strength is nothing in the Yunxia base, she is still a sixth-order new human being. Of course, she can tell from her eyesight that this "mosquito" is not a mosquito at all. It is just a kind of insect, but it does not belong to any insect. division!

She hurriedly waved her hand, slapped the worm on the ground, stepped on it, and smashed the mosquito-sized worm to pieces. She didn't look at what the worm on the ground was like now, and accelerated her pace toward the front. Move quickly.

   After crossing a cross bridge, she suddenly stopped in an open area.

   "Come out, I know you're following me."

   "Huh?" Chu Zha wanted to jump out subconsciously, but was stopped by Ha Zhen next to him, and used his eyes to signal to himself not to act rashly.

  After the woman said these words, the group saw two other people rushing out from one side and outflanking from the front and rear.

   "Very vigilant, but what if you found out? Now there are only two choices in front of you. First, come with us. Second, I will knock you out and take you away."

   Both of them are eighth-order new human beings, and just standing there brings an unparalleled sense of oppression!


   Good evening everyone.

   (end of this chapter)

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