I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1344: To wear a crown, one must bear its weight

   Chapter 1344 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

   "I'm going! How come people aren't there anymore?"


   "Someone just disappeared here. If you don't believe me, ask them and see them all."

   "Yes, yes, someone suddenly appeared from the side just now, holding a stick, ran here and suddenly disappeared."

"what's the situation?"

   "I feel like we may have touched some of the world's secrets?"

   "It's nothing, why did people suddenly disappear?"

   "Where did that foreigner go?"

   "Isn't it a space crack? That old man traveled to another world?"

   "Made, what a joke!"

Next to Tang Ye, people began to gather, with a strong curiosity on their faces. If someone suddenly disappeared in front of him, it was the scene where the whole person disappeared directly. No matter who it is, they can't help but think about it. This scene is really It's so weird.

   But even though they couldn't see him, Tang Ye frowned a little when so many people came around.

   Soon, he turned his eyes away, the eighth-order new human in front of him seemed to be stunned, and kept repeating, the three words were "why"!

   "Why! Why? You can obviously do this..."

   "Don't yell, hurry up and choose, where does Xi Qing live?"

Hearing Tang Ye's words, the other party's legs subconsciously distorted, but they were locked and fixed by Tang Ye, and he couldn't see any effect on him. Building 39, where she lives, with her son."

   "Building? I'll go, the housing area is quite large."

"She is a member of the Judgment, a sixth-order new human, you don't have to worry about the trouble she can bring you, I beg you, let me go, I want to live, as long as you let me live, starting today, I will use you You can get whatever you want at the Yunxia base, and I will be your most loyal servant!"

   The moment he guessed that Tang Ye was a ninth-order new human, his attitude immediately took a 360-degree turn!

   He deeply understands what a ninth-order new human represents in Yunxia Base! That is a symbol of the bloodbath of all the eighth-order new humans, and it is also a symbol of the unity of all human beings!

   Follow each other, even if it is just a servant, but in the case of the birth of a ninth-order new human being, he is the most profitable among all the members of the council, even if the interests are damaged! But just live! That is also the biggest gain!

   Yunxia Base is just one ninth-order new human being!

   He only had this thought in his mind, but as soon as he finished speaking, he heard cold words coming from Tang Ye's mouth.

   "Want to live? It's not impossible, but what you did just now, I think you already have your own choice. There is no regret medicine in this world."

  Tang Ye shook his head, his words were like the ravings of death, and the souls to be harvested were already predetermined!

   "No! No! I beg you, no! Let me live and let me follow you, there is no harm! I am alive and can solve many things for you! No! Many, many things!"

   "Alas, but I don't need it."

Tang Ye's words made him feel half cold. He didn't dare to look into each other's eyes and lowered his head. However, he no longer had the chance to look up. A finger was like a tofu head. Inserting it into my brain without resistance, it brings a heart-piercing pain!

With the appearance of a touch of purple, the world in front of us seemed to be covered with a mosaic, and everything became extremely blurred. Then, the world was shrouded in darkness, and nothing could be seen again. An eighth-order new human powerhouse with a body Softened, cut off all vitality, everything about him has nothing to do with him anymore.

   Tang Ye let go of him, and the other party's body quickly fell down limply.

   He looked at each other's wide eyes, he couldn't rest his eyes!

After watching this for a while, Tang Ye suddenly shook his head, as if he was talking to himself: "If it was before, I might still be interested, dictators are similar to emperors, and no one seems to be willing to refuse, but Now……"

His tone paused for a while, remembering everything Su Sigui had shown himself, he thought of a sentence, and finally said it: "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. The right is very exciting, but if you want to accept it. The responsibility is greater than the right, I would rather not have anything, you have said something right before, I don't like trouble, especially I don't like it, and this kind of thing, the level of trouble is far beyond the range I can accept."

   turned his head, Tang Ye's eyes looked into the distance.

   "Where is Su Si going back?"

Then Tang Ye left this place, and the people around seemed to regard this place as a teleportation point, and they were looking for something with excitement. In their opinion, there is a specific item here that can activate this " teleportation point."

   After a while, everyone at the scene was shocked. In many perspectives, two corpses suddenly appeared, a hole was broken in their heads, and there was nothing inside.

"This is……"

   "It's Lucik, and Wu Long!"

   "The two of them...but the eighth-order new human beings!"

   "That person just now seems to be Lusik, who just disappeared here, why did he die?"

"I go!"


The excitement in people's eyes suddenly turned into fear. Two eighth-order new humans died here inexplicably. How could they dare to continue their activities here? It's too weird, there was nothing before, and now there are two corpses, both of which are the corpses of the eighth-order new human beings!

   It’s not right to think about it!

Someone took a photo with a mobile phone and uploaded it to the Internet, but later learned that today, not only the two eighth-order new human beings, Lucik and Wu Long, have died, but the other two eighth-order new human beings are named Ji Nanyang and Mei Zhong respectively. Yu's fame, the eighth-order new human also died in the hands of Li Henian's men. Both of them died tragically under the siege of several eighth-order powerhouses and eighth-order zombies, and the evolutionary crystal nucleus in their brains had been taken away.

   In one day, four new human beings of the eighth-order died like this, setting off a huge wave on the Internet!


  The door was opened, revealing the figure of a man. He looked at the woman at the door and breathed a sigh of relief: "Mengyun, you're back, are you okay?"

   "It's okay." The woman named Mengyun shook her head and walked into the door, and the man closed the door as well.

Inside the gate was a yard, not too big or too small. There were a group of children and a few adults. In addition to the man who opened the door for her, there was Ryoko Sugiyama, the girl Yin Huangcheng was looking for, Long. Yingjia, adults and children here have different skin colors, some are black, some are white, some are Eastern Ying people, and some are Chinese.

   When they saw her come in, the children immediately shouted and rushed towards her.

  ps: My mentality is a bit broken these days, I'll calm down first, ask for a day off, sorry and ask for forgiveness! !

   (end of this chapter)

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