I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1347: Wang Zhixing

   Chapter 1347 Wang Zhixing

  No matter what you get, you have to pay a price. There is no free lunch in the world. This sentence may be the only truth. Everything needs something else in exchange.

   In order to get the purifying agent from Lin Jie, the only bargaining chip in her hand was one person, one person's life!

   This may be the most sinful thing she has ever done in her life, which is equivalent to using a living person to sacrifice so that others can survive!

   It's like she killed an innocent person with her own hands!

   Maybe other people will think that this is nothing to blame, and it is no big deal. It is the most correct choice to trade one person's life for the survival of all people. However, what if the person to be sacrificed is your relative?

   That man is your father? is that your mother? Is it your brother and sister who are very good to you? Obedient siblings? It was you who broke the bones and connected the tendons, what about the closest relatives?

   Would you give up your loved ones for the benefit of all mankind?

  No one has the right to decide other people's choices, this is a naked sin!

   But on the other hand, it is a very stupid thing to give up the chance of survival for all human beings because of human morality!

She is not stupid, and she will not give up for people's ridiculous morality. Reason makes her must choose the most correct thing, which is to sacrifice an innocent person. No matter how hard and miserable the other person's life is, she can't have any pity for that person. , Xu Mengyun could only say "sorry" to her in her heart, other than that, there is nothing to compensate the other party.

   There were children running past him, and a group of children not far away looked at him with anticipation in their eyes. This scene made Xu Mengyun react.

  Perhaps, it's time for her to fulfill the promise she made to the children.

  The phone vibrated suddenly, opened it and saw that it was a message from Kimura Yujang, which read:

  【The one who just shot is Li Henian. That person has not only 8th-order new humans but also 8th-order zombies. I don’t know what else is staring at you. You must pay attention. 】

   "Li Henian?"

Xu Mengyun murmured, the name Li Henian reminded her of Xiang Shan's words. Three years ago, Li Henian had a legend that there was a corpse king standing behind him, but he could order zombies. .

   Now, she has to suspect that among the eighth-order powerhouses who entered with Li Henian, there is an inconspicuous character who is the Corpse King!

   "What is Li Henian going to do?"

   She was shocked, now she has no doubt that there is an eighth-order zombie looking at her somewhere, but she just doesn't know if it has noticed Xiangshan.

   On the phone, she looked at the message from Kimura Yujang for a while, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I don't know what's the point of going out and doing these things often before?"

   complained, walked towards a small door with a feeling of wasting something, and said to the children: "Wait a while, my sister will be back soon and bring you something delicious."

   As the children said "good" in unison, Xu Mengyun opened the small door and walked out with a smile. In the alley, she stopped abruptly after taking a few steps, as if she was thinking of something.

   "Go out often..."

   murmured a few words, her eyes suddenly lit up, she seemed to have thought of some good way and continued to move forward, but her footsteps became lighter than before, and she didn't seem to be worried that someone was staring at her.

   "Come out again?"

   Lue, who had been lurking in the dark, scratched his head and looked at the figure of the other party. Her behavior made him feel very strange.

   "Going to see Lin Jie so soon?"

   A few mosquito-sized flying insects were spit out of his mouth, Yuan'e moved with Xu Mengyun's advance, and was ready to notify Tang Ye at any time.

When Xu Mengyun came to a dead end, she suddenly loosened the tied hair, then pulled the long hair on top of her head, put on a peaked cap, and held down the long hair on the top of her head. The long hair draped over her shoulders turned into bangs instantly. If she didn't take off her peaked cap, others would see her as a handsome young man without hesitation.

   "Fuck, you can play!"

  圡e couldn't help but exclaimed, and then she saw Xu Mengyun strutting out, looking at the pace, it didn't look like a little girl should walk at all.

She followed her from Xia A7 area to Xia A11 area, crossing two management areas all the way, and only after entering a prosperous area did Xu Mengyun arrive at her destination. traveler.

He watched her enter a trading area, subconsciously thinking that Lin Jie was inside, and spit out a lot of flying insects and flew in with her, but in the end, to his disappointment, Xu Mengyun was not looking for Lin Jie, she just bought it Some food items, many of which are sweets, seem to cost quite a bit.


She couldn't help roaring angrily, and followed the other party all the way back to the Xia A7 area. Strangely, during the process, Xu Mengyun would suddenly enter a certain building, and several times she made her think that her goal "this time" Just looking for Lin Jie.

She followed cursingly until she entered the yard behind the building on Liangyi Street, and was about to relax when she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be an aura of living creatures inside, and a car appeared on the side of the road in front of the gate. .

   "Huh? Another person?"

   He didn't enter, he just wondered, and when Xu Mengyun entered the yard, she found a very strange man!

  The man was squatting, there were many boxes around him, which contained many things that children liked. He took out the things one by one and distributed them evenly to each child. The children who got candy and toys were all excited.

"Who are you?"

  Long Yingjia, Sugiyama Ryoko, Uncle Li and others all had doubts on their faces, but they didn't show much, and forced a smile similar to that of relief.

   Hearing Xu Mengyun's figure, the man looked at her, took out a business card, and said politely, "Hello, my name is Wang Zhixing, maybe you don't know me, but you should know my father, Wang Changsheng."

   "Ah? Are you Wang Changsheng's eldest son?"


Of course Xu Mengyun knew about Wang Changsheng. That person was also a powerful person in Yunxia Base. He was a seventh-order rookie. Most people knew that there was such a number one person. Although she didn't ask much about Wang Changsheng's son, she knew about this person. It seems that he has created a charity organization, and he doesn't know what he usually does. His organization and Wang Zhixing himself are a little mysterious and rarely show up. However, many major events have some relationship with Wang Zhixing.

   (end of this chapter)

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