I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1349: borrowed and repaid 1

   Chapter 1349 Borrowed and Repaid 1

   The effect of this animal skin should be real. This is a piece of living equipment. After all, Angie does feel the same kind of breath from this skin.

   But such products are usually very expensive. Xu Mengyun doesn't seem to have the financial ability to buy them, so she can only look at them every day. She seems to be making sure whether this item has been bought or not. She can also see that she is very keen on Kuai Zombie's skin.

   But he didn't really feel relieved. No matter when the other party went out, he would control the flying insects to follow her and accompany her through the streets.

This time, he watched Xu Mengyun go back to the yard and distribute some homemade brown sugar bought from a certain trading place to the children. He also relaxed and used his brain computer to chat with his peers who were "self-cultivating". .

   "Hey hey hey, when are you changing?"

   "It's hard to say, you'd better do it well, hey hey, come back, I will give you a promotion."

   "I don't like it! Do you know how I got here? Three days and three nights! I work without food or drink, and the donkeys in the production team don't work so hard!"

   "You have to ask Brother Hu, unless you can beat him."

"Fuck you, don't talk slanderous words, you don't know when she will be a head, it may take at least half a month for that girl to really act, I can't wait that much, hurry up and let Blanche change shifts with me! "

   "I can't do this, don't beg me, it's useless!"

   "Fuck! Go and tell Brother Hu, or you won't want the four thousand Yajin that you owe you."

   "You ride a horse..."

   "Ahhh! This mad woman goes out on a horse hundreds of times a day, I'm going to go crazy! If I don't change shifts, I will really become the first zombie to be driven mad by human beings!...Okay! This Lan Shi has gone out again!"

Seeing that the small door of the yard was opened again, Xu Mengyun's figure was revealed. She seemed to be carrying a student's schoolbag behind her. In an instant, Fei'e uttered such a sentence in his heart in a very lame dialect. He didn't know where the dialect was, but he learned from Huang Quanjiu anyway.

  圡e is a bit crazy, this is more tiring than the shit-chasing soul-killing assembly line in the end of the world? How long has it been? The woman who just went in is now going out again. Is the shopping addiction so serious?

   "Okay, keep an eye on it, I'll tell Brother Hu, but you have to hold on, brother, it doesn't matter if you die, the important thing is my four thousand gold, before you die, you have to smash the pot and sell it for me!"

   "Fuck Nima!"

  圡E roared in her heart, and when she looked at Xu Mengyun, her heart was filled with deep anger and resentment!

   He was right, Xu Mengyun, who had just been in for a minute, came out again, but this time, besides her, there was the man named Wang Zhixing from three days ago.

"Dean, I'll leave first. I'm pretty sure that you are all real philanthropists who really think about these poor children, so I can rest assured. I've informed my subordinates, and I'll be back in a while. Someone will bring the supplies you want."

   "You don't have to be so polite, I'm still far worse than you and me. If you borrow me, I will find a way to pay you back."

"Hahaha, it's not a big deal, just treat it as a gift from me, this ten thousand Yajin is more precious and rarer than your character, Dean, maybe I'll be rewarded soon, I Always so optimistic."

   The man said indifferently, and after a few words of greetings with Xu Mengyun, he waved goodbye.

Seeing the other party's car leaving, Xu Mengyun watched the other party, knowing that he had completely disappeared from sight after driving, she weighed the schoolbag on her back, and there was a sudden "ping, ping, pong," crashing sound, which seemed to be some kind of sound. crystal.

These Yajin can be said to be free, but Xu Mengyun doesn't think so, because she knows that there will never be a free lunch in this world, Wang Zhixing may not be wrong, he will get it from himself in the near future In return, but I don't know what to report to the other party.

  圡e controlled the flying insects to penetrate through the gap of the zipper. After seeing the contents of the backpack, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I go!"

   Xu Mengyun's schoolbag is full of evolutionary crystals! If all counted as Asian gold, at least 14,000 or so!

On the    compound eyes of the flying insects, the transparent crystals were reflected, and even the body of Yuan'e, which was five or six hundred meters away from Xu Mengyun, was called blind for a while!

   "Made! I really want to rob you!"

Since he started playing cards with Jima Chuza, the amount of Yakin in his hand has not exceeded two hundred, and the more than 10,000 Yakin has made him tremble. run!

   But he still held back, he knew that the Yakin in this woman's schoolbag was used to buy the zombie skin.

   "What a luxury!"

He couldn't help heartache. If he had known that this woman would use more than 10,000 yajin to buy a piece of living equipment, he would go directly to Hazhen to extort one piece. In this way, the more than 10,000 yajin would be Own it!

  For Lie, this 10,000-odd Yakin, not to mention too much, is a full 10,000. Even if the multiplier of each game is the largest he has ever encountered in his life, it is enough for him to lose 20 rounds!

After Wang Zhixing left, Xu Mengyun didn't stay here for too long. She ran to the dead end before and changed into men's clothes at the fastest speed. He seemed very excited, no longer as leisurely as a few days ago.

  圡e followed her, weaving through the crowd, keeping his eyes on each other until she entered the trading place, and with a wave of her hand, little bugs followed.

The vendor who sold zombie skins is still there. He arrives every day. There are many people around the booth. Many people's eyes are on the zombie skin, but a living zombie skin is for those who want to go out often. Needless to say, how useful the bounty hunter is, its value is completely sky-high, more than 10,000 Asian gold, which no one can collect even if they go bankrupt.

   Therefore, not many people can afford this piece of animal skin on the stall. As for bargaining? The seller said that the minimum price is 13,000, and if it is less, it will not be sold.

Xu Mengyun squeezed through the crowd, and just like the previous two days, she saw the vendor and placed it on the zombie skin. She wanted to reach out and touch the skin, but the next second, the vendor's very unfriendly voice sounded. stand up.

   "Hey, I said, don't touch it if you don't buy it. I've come here a few times, and I can see you every time. If you can't afford it, don't come here, really."

   "How do you know that I can't afford it?" Xu Mengyun replied dissatisfiedly.

   "Buy it if you can afford it!"

   Xu Mengyun came here so many times a day, and the stall owner recognized her at a glance.

   "Okay! I'll buy it!" She said unhappily, with a bit of suffocation in her tone,

   (end of this chapter)

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