I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1360: Story 2

   Chapter 1360 Story 2

In the end, he was sent to the orphanage in the town, and he became an orphan in the real sense. At that time, he was overwhelmed and didn't know who he would meet next. In the new environment, he would go back to adapt.

There, he knew a girl who was five years older than him. Many people called her innocent. The area where he lived was a very poor place, and there were not many volunteers in the orphanage. Usually, many children were called by this name. innocent girls to take care of.

Although he was only five years older than him, this girl seemed to know everyone, what they had experienced, and how to comfort each other. He still remembered that day when she was like an angel, holding a small red flower in her hand , and what she said.

"Little brother, don't you use this expression, okay? In fact, what each of us has experienced is destined, and it is arranged by God for us, because we are all unique in this world, and He is testing us. , as long as there is still hope in my heart, the future will gradually get better, come, this is for you."

   "Huh? Flowers? What is this for?"

   "Because, a child with flowers doesn't need a god."

She pointed one finger at the bunch of red flowers on the side of the road. The flowers in her hand were picked from that place. Lin Jie didn't know what she said, but her words seemed to have the magic power to soothe people's hearts, making his nervous heart unconscious. It calmed down for a while, this was the moment, Lin Jie had a different feeling for her, he just thought she was very kind.

After the teacher who received him completed some formalities, his home officially became the unknown welfare home. Along the way, he looked at the pictures formed by the surrounding buildings, and always felt that there was something hidden, so that his Fear was born in my heart, and I involuntarily approached her.

He talked about what he had experienced. It seemed that Teacher Zhang, who was in his twenties, reached out his hand to touch his head with pity, but he seemed to have a deep guard against this female teacher. When he turned his head, Lin Jie would subconsciously hide away and run to the innocent side.

He didn't know why, why he had a strange feeling in his heart. At that time, he couldn't describe it. He just felt that this world should not be the world he lived in. It was like a dream, but it was a very lucid dream. , In this dream, Lin Jie knew that this was not the real world.

  Mr. Zhang seemed to know that there was something abnormal about this child. Since then, he has never extended that hand again. He told everything he had encountered, causing her to shake her head sympathetically from time to time.

In fact, his remarks are more for the innocent. She is always patient, and every time she replies to comfort, she will be at the right time in a gentle tone, a little bit to repair his injured heart, but every time she speaks At the time, he found that his innocent hands would keep fiddling with the words.

   He thought it was very interesting, and he learned to make gestures with her hands while talking. The random and comical movements attracted laughter from the two of them, and he was also laughing along.

Innocent also told him that the bad luck in people will always disappear, and it will always be when people are most unlucky, because they don't look down on people who are too unlucky, and the bad luck in him has disappeared, and the future life will be better and better. of.

   He took it seriously, and felt that he would not be tortured by God.

It may be because of his innocence that he no longer worries about what he will meet and who he will meet after entering that orphanage. On the contrary, he has a glimmer of expectation in his heart. This gentle girl five years older than him has satisfied his childhood satisfaction. Some fantasies in his mind.

   However, his heart was not healed, he became a monster who couldn't live in the dark, but the girl named innocent became a lamp.

He didn't know that the images of the children around him, the excess between his parents, the suicide of his grandmother, had become the roots buried deep in his heart, he didn't dare to look up at the sky, didn't like summer, didn't dare to be with people When speaking, he only likes to watch others play, with no expression on his face, just like a sculpture. Only when he is innocent by his side will he act like a normal person and have a lot to say.

Day by day, he saw a lot of things. The children in the orphanage fought over a toy. Couples who were going to adopt a child came here. The children dressed themselves up so that they could have a pair of parents. In the sky, I have seen the icy roof, and I have also seen the icy frescoes with blue as the main color. The image given to him by the orphanage is that a piece of pure music with a slow rhythm and a piano as the melody is in the air. A touch of coldness.

   He saw Qingbai showing the same tenderness when taking care of other children, which made him feel sour from time to time. He thought that the big sister should be unique to him, but he dared not say it, he was afraid that it would make Qingbai feel selfish.

   There are also a small number of children here who are born deaf and mute and have difficulty communicating. He also understands why his hands make different gestures when he speaks innocently. This is subconscious. This is also a language called sign language.

On that day, he saw Qing Bai passing by him, which seemed to come from his spiritual thirst for light. He hurriedly walked towards her, but she ignored him, as if she had something to do, even if she fell down because of her panic. She was scratched by a stone on the palm of the ground, and she just glanced back, but did not come.

Her figure trotted and disappeared in front of him. The back figure overlapped with that when his parents left him that day. The fear, anxiety, and coldness seemed to make him return to that hillside, blowing the summer's best sound. icy wind.

   The flame on the wick was crumbling and seemed to go out at any moment. He didn't know what to do. It was as if he was in the middle of the great plain, surrounded by white mist. He wanted to get out of here, but where was the right direction?

   He returned to the corner where he often stayed, and at that moment, he seemed to understand why his grandmother committed suicide.

He sat there, not wanting to move at all, watching the ants on the ground carry small white lumps in and out of the small hole. Before he knew it, he fell asleep, or because of anticipation in his heart, he woke up. After coming, nothing has changed, but I don't know if it will be successful.

He didn't know how long it had passed. When he woke up, it was already evening. He seemed to be woken up by someone. When he opened his eyes, he saw her face. The small box of the cross, and the hand that was scratched by the stone has been wrapped in white gauze, and it is bulging.

   "Why are you so careless, I thought you would go to the infirmary, why don't you go? You will get infected!"

   "Forget it, are you alright?"

   (end of this chapter)

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