I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1364: Is it a reminder or a joke

   Chapter 1364 Is it a reminder or a joke

  I...I...I didn't come to you, I...I don't know, really! I'm just here..."


  's innocent reaction was beyond his expectations, which made him feel extremely ashamed. In order to cover up, he could only say this.

Before he finished speaking, the green leather train coming from afar covered all the boy's voice with the noise of "woo woo". He remained silent, looking at the stack of red bills in his hand, and then at the back. Facing the figure who was already several dozen meters away from him.

   reached out his hand subconsciously, he wanted to take out the stuffed bear, but the other party didn't see it.

   He stared blankly, at this moment, he understood everything from the perspective of a bystander, his world was filled with this light, only her.

   But in her world, which is very big and can hold many, many people, she has no obligation to focus on herself.

  I am a passerby, that's all...

   For her, just like the classmates she met in elementary school, they are not important people, they are just classmates.

The back of her leaving is like the parents who have left him. The lamp used its own handle to smash him from heaven into hell. The iron wheel of the train ran over the rails and crushed the weak heart of the young man. The dream that passed by the wind blew up yellow dust and hit him like the icy summer wind that year, making him shiver.

The band-aid barely held the wound that could not be healed. When the wound was turbulent, there was nothing to stop the thing called pain. This time, the tearing feeling ripped apart his heart and the band-aid. .

He laughed, like a mournful sound pulled out by an old erhu, and there was a sense of joy. He suddenly remembered a comedy movie, a boy born in the countryside packed his luggage and prepared to cross 2,000 kilometers. I went to a big city to find my childhood sweetheart, and I was looking forward to it.

In the process of   , the protagonist makes a ridiculous incident, with that ridiculous simplicity.

   It turns out that the girl who was going to have a private life with her in the past was addicted to a life of intoxication and money, and she no longer despised herself.

   This is comedy, but wrapped in tragedy that is impossible to look at.

   And isn't that what the movie described?

   In this world, he is just an inconspicuous corner here. He doesn't care about what happened, and the whole world will not change in any way.

The only sound that could be heard in his ears was the sound of a green-skinned train whining past him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw faces in the window. They looked at him. Lin Jie didn't know what was in their eyes or in their hearts. What kind of thinking, until they and the green-skinned train completely passed by her side, heading towards an unknown distance, and the figure she had expected and fantasized about never looked back. It was a passerby who passed by. The two sides should have no image, and then went their separate ways, but he just acted affectionately.

   The dust stirred up by the train passing by did not stop immediately. They swayed with the breeze in front of Lin Jie's eyes. The sun was still full of freedom, but at the same time it also reflected his confusion.

He never thought it would end like this. He arranged all the plots according to his own fantasy, but it turned out to be like this. At the beginning, he lost all clues. He wanted to lie to himself, but he didn't find Liang Qingbai. Came to this city, but the memory put the truth **** in front of him.

"The emotions brought by what I experienced at that time will not stay on people for too long. Time will make people forget a lot of things. Those heart-piercing pains will change when they look back at a certain moment. It's bland, some people say that it takes seven years, and seven years will make people forget everything, but the truth is not that long, maybe only a few months, maybe three years..."

   "Some people keep the emotions at that time forever. The passage of time will not let them be forgotten, but will deepen a little bit. Such people are regarded as abnormal people by normal people."

   "Is it over?" Tang Ye tilted his head and said.

   "The story ends here." Lin Jie replied.

   "What about the next thing?"

Lin Jie smiled, raised his hand and tucked the corner of his mouth with his little finger, he shook his head, and said casually: "Later, I came to Qingquan Town, I entered the factory, and met a girl, she and I Same, my parents got divorced and she has been working there since she was fourteen, she regards it as her home, maybe because my experience is a bit similar to hers, we both walked together and was pregnant with my child ,Then……"

   Having said this, Lin Jie fell silent, no emotion could be seen in his eyes, he turned his head to look at Tang Ye, seemed to have lost his patience, and said, "The next thing is very long, I don't want to talk about it anymore."

   "You actually have a wife and children, so what about them now?"

   "Dead, all dead, the child is stillborn and poor."

   "Forgive me for opening your scars."

Lin Jie didn't tell the story, but from the story he told, although he was a little different from normal people at that time, he was far from the point where he became a murderer. If it was just Liang Qingbai's emotional relationship with Lin Jie The neglect is not enough for Lin Jie to find her like this in the apocalypse, but what he has experienced later, what has his wife and children experienced, Tang Ye can only make up his mind. to moral matters.

   For Tang Ye's apology, Lin Jie was unmoved and did not respond. He was waiting for something, and he was also giving Tang Ye time to think about the story he told.

   And Tang Ye also knew that when Lin Jie told himself this story, he just wanted to tell himself that he had the same experience as him, that he took some things too seriously, and he had too much expectations, but the other party was not like that.

   However, is this a kind reminder or a joke?

   Just when the two sides were silent, Tang Ye suddenly felt something and slapped Lin Jie next to him.


  Lin Jie's head smashed open directly, and a black liquid burst out, Tang Ye frowned: "Run?"

He swept his eyes to the other direction, instantly smashed the window sill and the window glass above, jumped into the crowd, his eyes quickly locked on a figure in the crowd that didn't seem to be at all strange, with a wave of his hand, the whole figure was like a teleportation. Zi changed positions, and in his hand, there was also a person who was firmly pressed against the wall by himself. He tore off the other's hood, revealing a face that he was completely unfamiliar with.

The    person is dead, but this person is not Lin Jie.

   And around Kanuojie, Huang Quanjiu, Bai Xipeng, Ba Ersi, and other strong men in the royal court quickly gathered, looking at the person in Tang Ye's hands, their brows also wrinkled.

   "It's Mo Jun."

   (end of this chapter)

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