I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1367: a big business

   Chapter 1367 A big business

   In this case, when contacting Song Li's situation, what he wants to do is clear at a glance!

Someone kicked the door, but they were all ordinary people. When they stepped down, the door was kicked with a "dong dong" sound, but it didn't work at all. It also attracted the attention of some passers-by. Several men Immediately felt boring for a while, the old blushed red, and quickly spread out as if nothing was wrong.

   They almost forgot that in the last days, it is not a very correct way to meddle in business affairs. Why bother with other people's affairs?

   But although they thought so in their hearts, they always felt a little aggrieved.

The sound inside continued for a while, and finally, the sound of water spraying ended. Song Li didn't know what he was doing inside. Someone pretended to hear the sound of "kakaka" from inside when they passed by. It seemed that someone was there. Taking pictures with a cell phone.

Not long after, Song Li opened the door and came out, holding a knife in his hand, and looked around with cold eyes. The men who had just surrounded his door did not leave. They were in different places, watching own side.

The corner of Song Li's mouth twitched, showing a sneer at them, and said in a very strange tone: "I have locked the door, you can take care of this matter, the labor and management have to leave for a while, you kick it hard! Lao Tzu kicked away, let me see if any of you can survive in the end! If Lao Tzu is dead, he can still pull a few backs!"

His words made those men turn their heads quickly, pretending that he was not talking about himself, and they were not stupid. Song Liyue's attitude would also make them feel ghosts, and the thoughts in their hearts dissipated all of a sudden. Not a lot.

  Song Li saw this, snorted coldly, put the phone in his pocket, and left here without any hesitation.

   He hit a car with the only Yakin left on his body, and after he said his destination, the driver took him to the periphery of Yunxia Base.

The Yunxia Base Economic Restoration Area was originally a total of thirteen areas from Xia C14 to Xia C26. Due to the war between the two major forces and the city of Mingyue some time ago, there was a lot of fighting, and those who originally lived in The people here also end up homeless in a short period of time. In general, this place has become the same existence as the wasteland city.

At the same time, the battle of the eighth-order new human beings launched by the two major forces against the capital of the bright moon has destroyed 90% of the buildings here, causing great economic losses. Those who survived began to go to other management areas. There are also some survivors who choose to continue in this place.

In order to repair this place, the two major forces brought the entrances of other places here after discussion, and made corresponding subsidies, and set these thirteen districts as economic restoration areas, but in this way, the entire economic restoration area became The fish and dragons mixed up, and a large number of non-good people poured into this place, including those foreigners, and some refugees who left here also returned to this place.

   They are penniless and cannot survive in other places. With the increasing population, the economic restoration area has completely become a concentration of refugees.

   In the same way, the famine caused by the lack of food has driven people crazy, and it has also become a breeding ground for sin and gray industries.

   Here, there are killer organizations and slave trade organizations everywhere. Here, there is the largest slave trade organization in China, the Independent Gold Association!

On the old address of the original Qingshui Square, huge tents have been erected one after another, covering the entire square. Each tent has a huge circular sign on it. Look closely, the pattern on the sign is that **** sandwich a piece. The square object, this logo, everyone who knows it knows that this is the logo of the Independent Gold Association.

At the entrance of the square, a large number of people were lined up. The slave owners beat the slaves they had collected and drove these slaves of different skin colors into the square like a flock of sheep. There were also some families who could not survive with their children or He came here alone, and moved forward with the crowd.

   Not far away, trucks loaded with building materials drove into the square and built the frame of the building at the rear.

   "Okay, stop crying, we'll starve to death with us, there's nothing wrong with being a slave, you can still eat..."

   "Come on! What are you dawdling for?"

   "That **** ran away! Chase me!"

   "Everyone over there is here, stand up! Count the number of people."

   "Don't! Let me go! I don't want to be a slave!"

   "It's up to you to decide?"


   People's voices came one after another, Song Muyuan ran out of the car, looked at the knife in his hand, and looked at the driver who fled, and shook his head involuntarily.

   "Really, is it necessary to be so scared?...Hehe, my acting skills are pretty good."

He smiled, with pride on his face, and glanced into the square. He didn't go in immediately, and brewed his emotions for a while. The expression on his face quickly became heavy. He took the mobile phone and squeezed the crowd to go inside. .

   "Cut the line! Stand behind!"

  Song Muyuan's behavior made the people around him feel unhappy, and someone immediately shouted, Song Muyuan ignored it and continued to squeeze in front of the crowd.

   Perception swept around, Song Muyuan immediately locked on the members of the Du Jinhui who were holding laser weapons not far away, and kept approaching each other at the same time.

   "Hey, buddy." He forced a smile with a hint of flattery and called out to the member of the Independent Gold Association.

   The other party frowned when he heard the voice, and after a while he was sure that the men with kidney deficiency were calling him.

   looked around, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and walked forward, he swung the weapon in one hand, drove the people in front of him aside, pointed to Song Muyuan, and said, "Call me?"

   "Yes yes yes! I have something to do."

   "Then come out."


  Song Muyuan had a happy face and got out of the crowd.

"What's up?"

   "I have a big business to do, can you help me get in touch with the big guys in it?"

   Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the members of the Independent Financial Institution who thought that Song Muyuan needed help from him and gave him some bribes suddenly became less friendly.

   "What big business? Talk about it?"

   "Oh, it's really big business, I can't say it right now, besides, if I show it to you now, it might be... dangerous..."

   "Dangerous? What danger can I be in? Go away, don't bother me."

   "Hey, hey, don't tell me, I didn't lie to you, buddy, just let me jump in." Song Muyuan's face showed a pleading look.

The other party looked at him and thought for a while, probably because he was afraid that he would let the organization miss something, he could only nod his head, and then said to Song Muyuan in a warning tone: "Okay, you can cut the queue, if you say The big business is fake, and you may not be able to get out."

"of course."

"go in."

   (end of this chapter)

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