I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1373: Too perfect is a disaster

   Chapter 1373 Too perfect is a disaster

Through their conversation, Tang Ye learned that this inconspicuous dean is the branch of the Dujin Association in Yunxia Base, but this branch is also the headquarters of the Dujin Association in Yunxia Base from a certain perspective. Because this place is the transfer station for all S-class slaves to go to that institute.

   From this point of view, the research institute is located in the Yunxia base.

The three fifth-order new humans are talking about the same thing, that is, if they leave the Yunxia base, people at their level will be as sharp as foxes. They know what an S-level slave is. The top handsome men and pretty women, and Gong Xiao, deserves it!

She has surpassed the S-level slave defined by the Dujin Club, Midea can drive any man crazy, and they quickly realized that after seeing such a person, the person standing behind the Dujin Club must be I won't let too many people know about Gong Xiao's news.

  The mouths of the dead are the strictest, and in order not to let too many people know, the only way is to kill all those who know Gong Xiao!

   And they are a few Tier 5 new humans, but they don't have the ability to deal with the powerhouses in Yunxia Base. If any Tier 6 new humans shoot, they have no chance of escape!

   Except for the deputy at the beginning, the other two fifth-order new humans fell into a sluggish moment when they saw Gong Xiao, and it took a long time to recover.

   "Damn, these S-rank slaves can satisfy that cub!"

   "How can this be done? Think about what to do next, not to mention the organization behind, even the general manager will not let us go."

   "You can only leave the Yunxia base...Fuck! If I knew I would never come!"

   "Who are you blaming? It's not that I can't stand my curiosity, okay, I have to escape from the Yunxia base. This is the best choice. I don't want to die."

   "If you have to leave anyway, it's better to do a vote."

   "Unfortunately, such a person is going to become that guy's plaything, I'm not willing to think about it!"

   "You still want to take it away? You won't be able to live anywhere if you take it away. Who knows who the eighth-order new human behind the Dujin Club is? Just expose it to him and see what he does."

   "You know we're still talking here?"

The conversation of several people was heard by Gong Xiao, who was on the side. She naturally showed a look of fear, which also attracted the distress of the fifth-order new humans, and one of them immediately said: "You don't have to worry about it. , In fact, that's not a bad thing, after all... I can live well, unlike us..."

   "Yeah, anyway, I'm going to get married in the future. With your appearance, it's a sure thing to make that eighth-order new human fall in love with you, although I don't know if that eighth-order new human is male or female, maybe it's an old man."

   "You're talking about the surnamed Zhai in the council?"

   "He's the most likely."

"Forget it, don't make trouble, the most urgent thing is to get out of here as soon as possible, it's pointless to do this, there is a possibility..." The deputy minister didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious, and his words also changed the atmosphere here again. gotta get heavier.

In the end, the three called an ordinary member of the Independent Gold Association. This unfortunate person was also stupid and didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. When they learned that their task was to look after Gong Xiao inside, they agreed with joy, not at all. I didn't realize that I had been treated as a scapegoat!

   Not long after the three fifth-order new humans left, a man in overalls came in from the outside, and a second after he entered, a large number of soldiers with the logo of the Independent Gold Association poured in outside the door.

  The man in overalls glanced around. There were only two ordinary people in the entire yard, both in the room.

The man in the workwear thought for a while, then opened the door and entered the side room. All he saw was a common man from the Independent Founding Society staring blankly at a woman not far away, the expression in his eyes was just about to move, as if he wanted to do something, the man looked In the past, it was also sluggish for a while.


   At this moment, the whole world paled, only the woman in her eyes was wearing a colorful suit, and the soldiers of the Independent Gold Association behind wanted to come in, but the man in tooling quickly reacted.

   "Get out!"

The soldiers were taken aback, look at me, I look at you, and stood there for a while, then the man in the workwear looked at Gong Xiao again, but couldn't help but lose his voice, he forcibly suppressed the stormy waves in his heart and held back. That impulse, he didn't dare to look at it again, he was afraid that he would do something disqualifying!

  The man in the workwear threw the dazed member of the Independent Gold Association out, and closed the door with a trembling body, as if there was some monster inside.

"Deal with him," he said to the soldiers. The target of the treatment was, of course, an unlucky member of the UCF. The soldiers immediately understood that one of the soldiers opened the safety of the laser weapon and fired the gun at the unfortunate one. brain.

   Under the threat of death, let Du suddenly sober up, and when he saw the laser weapon's energy-focused muzzle pointing straight at him, his face instantly paled, and he cried out, "No!..."

But just after shouting a word, with the laser flashing, a headless corpse fell to the ground, only his remnant lingered in the air and then slowly disappeared, a rain of blood fell, dripping on the top of everyone's heads, making him There's a bit of weird beauty here.

   After seeing the man in tooling, he glanced around, as if looking for something.

"What about Hu Shengtong and the others?" He questioned. Until now, the voice from his mouth was still trembling uncontrollably. The face he saw inside seemed to be deeply engraved in his mind at that moment. in, lingering!

   But the thought of it made his heart feel uneasy. A kind of instinct that belongs to human beings kept growing in his heart. If it wasn't for his strong self-control, he might have made some crazy actions.

   At that moment, his three views have become loyal followers of the five senses!

At the same time, the man in the workwear also realized the seriousness of the matter. That woman was too lethal. Just that face might cause another war between the two major forces. No, it would even affect Li Henian. Imagine!

   Just thinking of this, his first reaction was to kill everyone who had seen that woman with his own eyes!

   No one answered his question, but no one needed to answer. The man in the workwear quickly said, "Retrieve Hu Shengtong, Wang Hao, and Zhang Mingming, they must be caught!"


   Seeing the seriousness on the man's face, the soldiers in front of him nodded in unison, and then quickly walked out the door. Only the remaining man in the workmanship glanced at the room and shook his head.

  It is good to have too many perfect things, but too much perfection is a disaster!

   (end of this chapter)

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