I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1382: Secret on the second floor

   Chapter 1382 The secret on the second floor

"Oh, okay, I remembered it, but if it's really like what you said, other than the daily food needs, these entertainment venues can't be played for long? Who is in that mood at this time?" Gong Xiao "Depressed" said.

   And the woman shook her head, a look of pity flashed on her face, and said, "That's right, so before you enter a state of suspended animation, I will try to satisfy you as much as possible."

   "That's kind of human."

"Okay, you still accept your fate, unless all the eighth-order new humans above can accurately find this place, otherwise, no one can save you, remember my words, except for these three places, you can't step into the halfway. Step, otherwise, you will be deprived of even what you can enjoy now!"

"Oh yes, this is the first floor, and there is another floor below. If you see the stairs, don't think about it, get away quickly, as far as you want, don't look at it! That place is the biggest secret here, inside The horror is comparable to the corpse king!"

   "The Corpse King? What's on the second floor?" Gong Xiao's face was shocked, and her originally boring heart was suddenly filled with a strong sense of curiosity. What could be comparable to the Corpse King?

   Tang Ye, who was looking at Gong Xiao's perspective, was also staring. The woman didn't lie on her face, and when she talked about the second floor, an instinctive fear flashed on her face.

"The second floor?" Tang Ye looked at where Gong Xiao was. In the sky, he could see flocks of red-feathered birds. At this moment, he had some guesses in his heart. Those red-feathered birds just appeared there. The place doesn't seem to be accidental.

   seems to be attracted by something, or instructed by someone, more like the torso differentiation of some kind of high-level creature.

   Gong Xiao stared at the woman in front of him, and Tang Ye also observed the woman's every move through her perspective.

   But to Gong Xiao's disappointment, the woman did not answer, but said, "This is not what you should know."

   "OK... OK..."

   Gong Xiao also expected that the other party would not answer this question, but felt a little pity.

  The woman continued to lead her towards the front. Judging from the map she saw before, she should now take herself to her residence.

   On the way, Gong Xiao stopped her: "Hey, that...the place is specialized in human clones? Will there be a lot of me in the future?"

   The woman walking in front nodded and replied, "My surname is Zhou. You can call me Sister Zhou in the future, but you won't call me that name for too long. Maybe you won't be you when I see you in the future."

   "Hmmm..." Gong Xiao's mood became "depressed" again, but the next second, she thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Then...then are you a clone?"

   "Huh?" Sister Zhou was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I'm not a clone."

   "Isn't this place dedicated to human clones? Are those people I saw before clones?"

   "Neither, you've actually seen clones."


   "Only one Order Guard brought you in?"

   "What is Order Guard?"

   "It's the girl who brought you in."

   "She? So she's a clone?"

   "Yes, didn't you notice that she didn't talk much along the way?"

   "I found out, I thought it was just that man's temperament was cold."

   "Like a robot."

   "Yes, just as you described."

   "That girl is a clone. There are many others who look just like her. Maybe you only have one. They can be said to be not human. It is appropriate to describe them as robots. These people have only one name, they are called Order Guards..."

  The woman's words paused for a while, and then continued: "This tells you that it should be fine."


   "The purpose of this place's existence is to mass-produce these order guards. Now all the δ-sequence ones have been eliminated. If you see people who have been called order guards, they are all ε-sequence order guards."

   "Delta? Epsilon? What does that mean?"

"It is the level of combat power of the Order Helper. Unlike the new humans, the ε-sequence is equivalent to the level of the eighth-order new humans, but they do not gain powerful strength through evolution step by step, but by forcibly breaking the human genes. Lock to get it! I heard that some people below are already preparing to create an Ω-sequence order guard. Compared with the eighth-order new human beings who have evolved to the ninth order by luck, the orderly guard breaks through the genetic lock and promotes by forcibly integrating anti-life substances into it. The nine-level approach is easier."

"What?" Gong Xiao was completely shocked by this woman's words. At this moment, the expression on her face was not fake, but a real shock. Even Tang Ye's pupils on the other side couldn't help shrinking. !

   "If the ninth-order order guards can really be produced, does that mean that ninth-order new humans can be mass-produced?" Gong Xiao couldn't help asking.

The woman nodded: "Theoretically, yes, but the conditions required to mass-produce the ninth-order order guards are very high, and the human body cannot carry too much power in a short period of time. It's not a few months or a few years, but within five hundred years. These five hundred years are indeed very long for a person's lifespan, but in terms of the evolutionary history of human beings outside, this is only a short period of time. ."

   "Perhaps... We humans are gods from the moment we are born, but there are many things we don't understand."

   "I don't understand a bit."

"Let's put it this way, if you want a person to become an eighth-order powerhouse within a few months, you must continue to hone in the next five hundred years, using our own genetic adaptability step by step. To make the descendants more tough, only at a certain stage, the ninth-order new humans can be mass-produced, but now, normal people simply can't bear the consequences of unlocking all the genetic locks!"

"Of course, creating order guards is not as simple as you think. Every clone has to take a great risk of death when the gene lock is unlocked. It can be said that there is no one out of ten! Even after success, their The lifespan is also extremely short, only two years, the only exception is the No. 0 Order Guard."

   "Number 0?"

"That's the former controller here. You have never seen her order guard. It's a man, about forty years old. It's different from the current order guard. When the former controller managed this place, her Order guards have names, but they are all called by the same name, Ning Tianlang!"

   "Then..." Gong Xiao nodded, and wanted to continue to ask. Just after the woman said these words, she became intensely curious about the second floor, and down there, was creating a ninth-order new human being?

   (end of this chapter)

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