I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1387: There's someone down here

   Chapter 1387 Someone is coming from below

   "Khan, pack up." Bai Xipeng took out the evolutionary crystal nucleus from the body of the orderly guard and nodded to Tang Ye.

   Everyone gathered again, as did Gong Xiao, who had already come to this place.

   Every existence here is the existence of the eighth-order level, and the breath that unconsciously emanates from standing together makes the air here seem a little depressing.

  Tang Ye set his eyes on Gong Xiao, and the other party quickly understood the meaning: "People are still alive."

   said this to Tang Ye, Gong Xiao looked at a certain place and shouted, "Come out, don't hide."

   "Ah! Oh... well!"

Following her voice, the woman surnamed Zhou walked out tremblingly, looking at Gong Xiao with fear in her eyes. She never expected that this beautiful woman who was like a fairy in the sky and had a bit of an unintelligible head turned out to be An eighth-order powerhouse!

This strong contrast caught her off guard. She walked out of the corridor where the walls were destroyed and completely exposed. Every step was extremely restrained. Every part of her body, even her lips and eyes, would follow She trembled with slight movements, obviously, her body was struggling, and she instinctively refused to approach the Tang Ye group.

   "Who are you guys?" She looked at Tang Ye and his group, Su Sigui knew her, but besides her, there was another man who looked like a leader, but she didn't know this person at all.

   Hearing his words, Yu Jianghui couldn't help joking: "Who? Of course we are good people."

  The woman surnamed Zhou ignored Yu Jianghui's sarcastic words, looked at Tang Ye, and was extremely nervous.

   Her current situation can be said to be dancing on a tightrope. If she is not careful, she will be smashed to pieces. If the other party is upset, she will die if she dies, and she will not be able to make a splash!

   Since she entered the research institute, she has rarely encountered such a situation. She has adapted to such a safe environment a long time ago. At this moment, the situation has suddenly changed. Can you imagine the fear in her heart?

   "You can rest assured, as long as you don't provoke me, at least you are safe. Now, you can answer whatever I ask."

   "Ah? Oh good?" The woman was stunned for a moment, then nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice.

   "Who controls this place?"

   "It's our general manager, named Qu Yangming. It seems to be the steward of some council. I know all this, but I don't know the specifics."

Tang Ye and Su Sigui looked at each other, Su Sigui said to himself: "It seems that it is him, many people's guesses are correct, but they, including myself, have been mistaken by cleverness, and I am not sure. "

Tang Ye nodded, that's true. Qu Yangming's hobby is like this. Since the institute changed its owner, it is well known that order guards have become those handsome men and women. From this bad taste, it is easy to guess who There are characters with similar hobbies in this area, but because of this, it is too easy for those who think too much to become hesitant.

   "Okay, second one, hasn't the general manager of this place changed?"

  The woman surnamed Zhou hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Yes."

   "What was the name of the previous chief?"

   "We don't know this. I haven't seen the previous chief, I only know the order guards under her."

   "Your name is Ning Tianlang?"


   "That chief is a woman?"

   "It seems to be."

  Tang Ye immediately fell silent. A lot of questions suddenly appeared in his mind, but these questions could not be answered by this woman surnamed Zhou, and he had to get the answers from Su Sigui.

He glanced at Su Sigui next to him, and the moment he looked away, the other party also turned to look at him, with some doubts in his eyes, but she soon remembered something, and if she thought about it, she focused on other places.

   "Then how did this place become like this? When?"

   "This... I don't know very well about this, and I also feel that it was very sudden. The former director did not know where to go, and then the current director took over for him not long after, just about two years ago."

   "About two years ago?" Su Sigui asked.

   And the woman quickly added: "Around mid-May."

   "In the middle of May two years ago, it should have been around the 14th." Su Sigui said to himself.

  Tang Ye looked at her, a little puzzled, he asked, "How do you know?"

"At that time, the red feather birds rioted collectively, affecting large-scale residents and attacking the council building. At that time, we also wondered why the gentle red feather birds suddenly became so aggressive. It seems that the general manager It's about the replacement." Su Sigui said while looking at Tang Ye, but the emotion in her eyes was very strange.

   "Perhaps, the person you are looking for is related to the red feather bird."

   These words reminded Tang Ye of the red-feathered bird that was disfigured by the spider. It was the red-feathered bird who brought him back to Linshi, which gave him a profound image.

And the habits of red feather birds are not close to people. They will hover in groups over the city of human shelter. Feathers can be used as things, but no one can touch them or even approach them, because once there is a human distance When they are within a distance of six meters, they will fly away quickly, and only some strong people with bad thoughts in their hearts will forcefully capture them.

The fastest flight speed of the red feather bird can reach a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than many vehicles before the end of the world. Because of this, they can be said to be invisible and unreachable, but such things will actually take the initiative. Approaching him made Tang Ye also puzzled.

   At least, he has never seen anyone touch red feather birds without restraining them.

  The woman surnamed Zhou saw that Tang Ye fell into silence again, hesitated for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Is there any problem with that?"

  Tang Ye came back to his senses, nodded, and asked, "You said that the Omega Order Guard really exists under the second floor?"

  The woman was dumbfounded on the spot. She didn't seem to have said this to this man who looked extremely strange?

   She looked at Gong Xiao, she really didn't know if something had happened around when she was talking to her before.

   Just when she was about to answer, Tang Ye said first: "Just stop here, then people will come."

The    woman reacted and found that each of these eighth-order powerhouses around her were in a fighting posture. She immediately thought of something and said quickly: "I'll go first!"

  No one cared about her, and she saw no one cared about her and quickly left.

   After a while, at the place where Tang Ye and the others were facing, most of the walls were violently smashed open with a "bang", revealing figures one after another, all of them being orderly guards with handsome looks!

   (end of this chapter)

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