I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1404: Gentlemen, come on!

   Chapter 1404 You gentlemen, come on!

  The boy glanced in the direction the man was pointing at, then tilted his head and said, "I just came here, so you can't do it right?"

   "This is a deal, and if you don't want to make this deal and stay here, I'll kick it out immediately."

   "You are very rude."

   "Polite? Probably only a monster like you would say it."

   "Then will your corpse king speak?"

   "Guess he will take down your evolutionary crystals and cultivate a corpse king who is loyal to himself?"

   "It turns out that he is the same kind, it's a bit boring."

   "But you are just like him."

   "Really? I don't think so."

   "Are you going to talk about this deal? I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you, I don't have that much patience."

   "I finally came here, and now I have to go back, and I have to go further..."

   "It's your neighbor, do I know it better than you?"

   "I think you may have misunderstood something, I haven't been in contact with it, and, I don't think he's a good talker."

   "So, you're not very willing to accept this as a business?"

   "Oh no, I don't want to wait until my food and those guys in the sea unite before acting. Don't think about it, I mean you need to come with me yourself."

   "What's in the sea?"

   "Well, I shouldn't have said so much, but since you asked, I'll tell you, in the sea my kind is not as proud of us on land, you see that poor Mr. Octopus is starting to come ashore."

   "It is said that the conditions in the sea are similar to those on the mainland, and..."

   "No no no, this is not a simple competition for food and predators, but a more complex situation, like a lion and a tiger, the loser will be driven out."

   "Okay, I don't want to talk about this, when are you leaving?"

   "I'm an action guy, I can do it now."

   "Then let's go."

   "Oh no, I think if we're really looking for that guy, we need some gear."


   "Like a mirror or something..."


In a certain building in Yunxia Base, a severed finger was placed on the table. Tang Ye opened the bottle with orange liquid in his hand and put a drop of the liquid in it. These liquids belong to Geert and the others. What was found in the research institute, I didn't know what it was at the time, but Blanche almost lost his life because of this thing, so he couldn't help being taken seriously.

  Tang Ye didn't know what the liquid was, it would slowly lose its effect when exposed to the air, and the liquid in his hand was the only thing left, and a container made of special materials could store this liquid.

After the liquid dripped on the severed finger, the finger swelled rapidly, and pustules formed one by one. The flesh and blood on it seemed to lose its adhesion, and the anti-life substance inside quickly decomposed. After a while, things similar to Tai Sui flowed out. The table was full, but it was not over yet. The "Tai Sui" gradually occupied the area of ​​the room, and stopped after a long time. The ocean formed by the "Tai Sui" directly drowned Tang Ye's calf!

   He reached out and crawled away from the "Tai Sui" piled up on the table, revealing a severed finger with a melted knuckle.

"It seems that the ninth-order ones are a little harder to decompose." Tang Ye looked at the "Tai Sui" around him and couldn't help but exclaimed, he didn't expect that only a small part of his finger could decompose so many substances, if there were more One point, one of his fingers should be able to fill the entire room. He couldn't help thinking of Blanche's melted half of his body, which would have filled the already small space directly. He didn't know that Blanche touched it. How many such liquids, but the power should not be underestimated.

   "Is it a purifier?" Tang Ye frowned and poured all the remaining liquid in the glass bottle into the ashtray, letting it gradually lose its effect in the air.

   In fact, he had laughed at the selfishness of those high-ranking people before, but when it was his turn, he suddenly understood their thoughts, and sure enough, his own interests would not make people anxious when they were not endangered.

   Even Tang Ye himself is like this.

   But he has no intention of sacrificing himself for others, so it's better not to appear...

Thinking like this, Tang Ye shook his head mockingly and looked into the distance. A very unfamiliar perception appeared in that place a few days ago and scanned it all the way to the west. His own perception caused overlapping reactions, but Tang Ye still felt it.

Standing by the window, he was not sure if a new ninth-order corpse king was born, or if the corpse king from other continents came here, he was not sure, after all, that strange perception came and went quickly. It seems to be just determining something, and the possibility of the former is very small, because a traveler said that there are only six corpse kings on the entire continent, and it has been verified.

   Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the butterfly effect indirectly changed an inconspicuous zombie, giving it a chance to be promoted to the zombie king.

At this time, the door was opened, and the visitor saw the thick layer of yellowish transparent "Tai Sui" flooded in the room. He was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized something, and said to Tang Ye: "Khan, I found all of them, and there is no that below. Liquid."

   "Well, first block the entrance for a period of time, and let others find out if there are other entrances and exits. Don't let people come in during this time, and let all those things lose their effect."

   "Well, what shall we do next?"

  Tang Ye was silent for a while, and looked out the window. On the opposite side was a tall building that was only the same as Shuming Building. On the side of the tall building facing Tang Ye, there was a huge screen.

   The whiteboard that was originally a white board suddenly lit up, and a passionate sound sounded from it.

[Not long ago, the Wanxing Sanctuary City in Western China was suddenly attacked by a corpse tide and declared its fall on the 21st. The royal zombie group from Lan'o is continuing to move towards the east. Please take shelter in the possible area. The city base is ready! 】

  【Under this sky, none of us will be an island, we will unite and advance and retreat together. We believe that there will be a better tomorrow waiting for us, all the haze will disappear, revealing a flawless blue sky, as long as we live, hope will appear, and there will be miracles! 】

  【Everyone, come on! 】

The male voice full of magnetism clearly uttered one word after another in a high-spirited tone. With the vague background music, many people's eyes lit up slightly, and some people continued to be numb. The windows of the building next to them were opened one by one. He stuck his head out and looked at the screen on the building, and the people walking on the ground also looked up at the screen and said nothing for a long time.

   (end of this chapter)

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