I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1407: We are already tall

   Chapter 1407 We are already tall

   Many people's eyes quickly turned away after Su Sigui swept it once. An unknown, far-reaching and unknown pressure was sitting on top of their heads like Mount Tai, causing everyone to forget what they wanted to say for a while!

   And the eighth-order powerhouse who wanted to question Su Sigui before also fell silent, with no expression on his face.

   Without saying a word, she came to the top position step by step and turned on the console above. This scene made everyone's heart skip a beat, and a question arose at the same time.

   How did she get permission?

   But this time is obviously not the time to ask questions. Everyone watched Su Sigui's actions. Fortunately, she didn't do anything to harm everyone, but just turned on the viewing mode.

The inner wall began to become transparent, presenting everything outside to everyone. Everyone could see the buildings below, where they could see the black dots formed by the moving people. It is a city that people are shocked by. This is the last double S-class sheltered city for mankind. Its area exceeds any city before the end of the world.

Everything on the edge of the city could not be seen, only a row of tall walls stood there alone. The distance made such a huge wall look like a small loaf of bread, and the details could not be seen clearly, but between the clouds , so that everyone here has a little peace of mind.

   They saw a lot of tall buildings, some of the huge screens on the tall buildings were playing a certain video, and the male voice full of magnetism and arrogance sounded over and over again, as if to remind people of something.

   "Did you see it?" Su Sigui stood at the top and stared at it for a while before asking such a question.

   At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that the screen building closest to them was a city that had fallen. They seemed to know what Su Sigui wanted to express, but no one spoke.

However, Su Sigui didn't do anything extreme, she just said: "Actually, this meeting is not too important, I called everyone on a whim, but I believe that there should be people like me who are seeing Wan The moment Star Sanctuary fell, I had the same feeling as mine."

"No one is a real fool. Ordinary people can understand and realize. I don't believe that everyone here doesn't understand, don't understand, and can't see. Continue to be a blind man waiting to die, watching the sharp knife pierce into his eyes little by little. , but did not respond at all."

"I also know what you are afraid of, but any gain and loss has a corresponding price, and sacrifice is inevitable. If I don't change, I will choose to be the same as you, indifferent, just for the peace and rights at this time. With enjoyment, I can't let go of everything I will lose, I will be selfish, I will regret it, and I will do despicable things like a villain."

"But everyone, do you understand that rights correspond to equal responsibilities, and evasion can't solve everything. When the sky falls, there are tall people, but we are already tall. If we don't support, do we rely on ordinary people? Look Step by step into the abyss and naively fantasize about miracles? Think a hero will save everything?"

"There are no heroes anymore. Now, the only ones who can be heroes are everyone here. The heroes who created the current situation are strong, and the yin smile created by the current situation is fragile. We have nothing to rely on. Only us, everyone understands. , people, have been very lonely."

"I know, maybe a lot of people are already laughing at me in their hearts. After talking about being naive, like my father already said, I am a child who doesn't understand anything, but I also want to be naive, but the hardest thing to deceive is Myself, well, I won't say more, it's ridiculous, I'm calling everyone because of this, but what I want is everyone's attitude..."

At this moment, the combat ceiling of a Mingyunxia base fell into silence. They wanted to refute something, but they really thought that as she said, the sharp knife was already in front of them, but they didn't move, like a blind man ! Also like an indecisive coward, constantly thinking about the losses and consequences of doing evasive actions.

   But such an idea is temporary. Soon, the major powerhouses present began to think about things from their own standpoint. The first thing, what attitude does Su Sigui want? The sudden call is just to say such a thing?

   This event is very important, more important than anything in the past, but it is also the most trivial. Everyone here has experienced it many times, and they are already used to it.

There was silence in the huge conference room. I don't know how long it took, Su Sigui sat down in the top position, and at the same time took out a card from his pocket and placed it not far in front of him to ensure that everyone could see it. Location.

   Everyone's eyes were drawn to this card, wondering what Su Sigui's action meant. They started with this card, which only had a four-character Chinese Dongying name and four numbers: 1171.

   After looking at it for a long time, no one understood what it meant, so I had to let it go.

   Someone finally asked Su Sigui, the position where Su Sigui is sitting is the most informative spot!

   "Mayor Su, I have a question before that, where is Mr. Qu?"

  Su Sigui looked at the person who asked the question. She knew everyone here, and this person was called Ji Jinchan, who was also a famous eighth-order new human.

Before the question, Ji Jinchan wanted to look directly into Su Sigui's eyes, but for some reason, he always felt that the other's eyes were inexplicably dazzling, and a pressure that he wanted to understand suddenly blocked his heart, making him breathe. It was a little difficult, but after holding on for a few seconds, he simply lowered his head and didn't look at it.

   For his question, Su Sigui only replied a few words briefly, but these words made the hair stand on the back of his neck!

   "I have already driven west."

After the voice fell, Yu Jianghui sounded again with a smile: "Hey, you want to avenge that old bird, if you have this idea, I support you, a gold, I will give you the murderer's information, I promise you You can find him, but the premise is that you have to go and return with your life."

Ji Jinchan snorted coldly and stopped talking. How could he go back to take revenge? In the original Yunxia base, the eighth-order new human powerhouses are not only the people on the scene. There are several people here who have killed the eighth-order powerhouses. The high-profile record only caused some turbulence in the Yunxia base afterwards, but I have never heard of that Hanhan going to avenge the dead eighth-order powerhouse.

   He just wanted to know what happened to Qu Yangming now.

   (end of this chapter)

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