I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1412: a lot to eat

   Chapter 1412 A lot of food

   "Okay, okay, be optimistic, who knows what happened at that time?"

"That's it, the things have been delivered, and we should leave, otherwise we may bring those suspicious guys over again, but before that, I want to ask, Mayor Su, you don't seem to need it before. ..." At the end, Ji Jinchan began to express his doubts, because in his opinion, what Su Sigui had done in the conference room just now was completely superfluous.

However, Su Sigui also knew what he was wondering, and said directly: "As I said just now, it's just an attitude, and of course they can choose to do nothing, but the time is given by this end of the world, and it's also given by me, keep it simple. In other words, it is cleaning, before doing this work, I need to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, the last days give time, and I give opportunities."

  Su Sigui said this, a few people seemed to understand something, Ji Jinchan took the lead and stood up, bowed to Su Sigui, didn't ask anything, and put the answer in his stomach.

"Then there is no problem, Mayor Su, let's go first. After you read the content of the letter, you can choose to tell us, or you can choose not to tell us, but no matter what, we will act according to your will, I hope You won't let us down."

   "I see, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Su Sigui watched the six people leave for a while, until the door of the conference room was tightly closed, and then she focused on the letter. The sealing wax on it had not been touched. She observed it for a while. In the north, I saw a few crooked Chinese characters.

  【Su Sigui’s personal initiation…】

She recalled the man written by Hideto Nakama. The man who leaned towards the eastern style was really Hideto Nakama's handwriting, and there was no trace of imitation. It seemed that Hideto Nakama trusted Ji Jinchan and others, and they also No lie, I did not read the contents of the letter.

   This made Su Sigui completely reassured about the group of six.

   As for why Hideto Nakama used the method of writing a letter... In fact, it is easier to be monitored by technical means than a private letter on the Internet. This method of writing a letter is more secretive, after all, you can burn it after reading it.

  Su Sigui hesitated for a while before opening the letter. There were several reasons. The first was what did Hideto Nakama write in the letter?

   The second is how Hideto Nakama knows what he wants to know?

   The third is how Hideto Nakama, a second-order new human being, has the ability to let Ji Jinchan and the six people act according to their instructions unconditionally?

   The fourth is what do the six people of Ji Jinchan know?

   The fifth is what Hideto Nakama said to Ji Jinchan and the other six?

   In the end, Su Sigui opened the envelope, took out the folded letterhead paper, opened it, and a twisted word came into view.

  【That...if you are looking for the raw material of reducing agent, I think you can give it up, because this thing...】

   Many of the Chinese characters in the letter were uncomplimentable, but this did not affect Su Sigui's reading. Soon, she read the contents of the letter, but she did not move the letter in front of her for a long time.

Her eyes narrowed, she looked at the outside world, and muttered to herself: "It seems that I have to walk a part of the road you have traveled, I don't know how you were feeling at the time, it was very painful... Thank you , Maybe it's the best ending for you to die earlier, at least you don't need to face this, seeing this, I can do things for you that make you angry without any burden."

   "Compared to all human beings, the sacrifice of one person is obviously insignificant. I just don't know if this is correct, but from the perspective of most people, it is very correct, and there is no choice..."

She stood up from the top position, everything outside caught her eye again, and in her heart, a piece of history would be revived. She didn't know why Ning Tianlang failed in the end, but she had to succeed, she didn't Be sure that you will have another chance!


   "Come here and get out of the way."

   "Oh~ is there any other delicious food?"


A huge bulldozer passed by, and the gravel on the ground was shoveled away, revealing the pitted ground. A gust of wind blew through, rolling up a lot of dust and covering the sky. The girl took the previous bag from her arms again and turned the brown mud inside. The object twisted down a little and placed it on the outstretched hand of the little boy in front of him.

The    boy took a bite, and a happy smile appeared on his face again.

   "I still want my sister."

   "Yes, you eat slowly, no one will rob you, and there are many more."

The girl twisted a piece off again and put it on the boy's palm. Compared with the satisfied smile on the boy's face, the expression on her face seemed a little helpless. People with tattered clothes passed by from time to time, but the strange thing was that they held the girl's hand. The food is not at all interesting.

Not far away, a large group of men smashed a building with tools. The excavator waved its big shovel and cut off a building in the middle. The glass **** and gravel were mixed together and crashed down. , the people below fled away in embarrassment.

   A building was quickly leveled, and his eyes looked into the distance. This was a survivor base, but it seemed a bit barren at the moment, and the dim sky made the atmosphere of dooms here even stronger.

  It is very imaginary, not long ago, this was a prosperous commercial area, but at this moment, everything is over, this place has become a paradise, people are no longer short of food, but everyone is happy.

  People who wantonly vent their desires can be seen everywhere on the streets, with frenzied faces and heavy gasping sounds from their mouths, but people don’t take it seriously when they see it.

Except for the large-scale equipment used for construction, there is basically no other means of transportation here. The girl saw that the ground over there was torn down by people driving excavators, and the transport truck pulled black and fertile mud to cover the original concrete floor. Farther away are people planting seeds in the soil.

  The whole base, such scenes can be seen everywhere, a little prosperous, but also a little weird.

   "Sister, I still need it."

   "All right, all for you, let's go first."

"Hmm." The boy asked for the bag in his sister's hand and ate the food in it one bite at a time. It could be seen that he was very hungry. He also asked her sister if she wanted to eat it from time to time, but she shook her head, as if she didn't. Appetite, he watched his sister turn her head and observe everything around her. She seemed very uneasy, but he didn't understand what happened to her. He had been hungry for many days, but just yesterday, many big birds flew in the sky. A lot of edible things were sprinkled, and those uncles and aunts were frantically grabbing it, but he and his sister couldn't grab it.

   But today, those uncles and aunts don't seem to be robbing them, so he and his sister were able to eat these things...

   (end of this chapter)

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