I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1418: Shouldn't it be blocked?

   Chapter 1418 Shouldn't it be blocked?

Finally, in the harsh sound of insults, the building in the center of the survivor base was opened by a powerful force. Seeing the insults, he quickly reacted and covered his ears quickly, as expected, as expected. The next second after the central building was opened, a harsh sound rang out, and the sound wave rippled in all directions!


The terrifying sound waves blew a violent hurricane, and the silver armored corpses running at the front were just thrown out in an instant, like the dust in the sky, the scene was so shocking, even the dense escaping from them. The thick black fog was also blown away a lot by this sound!

   "Clumsy successor! Come on! Let me see what you can do!"

   The Shining Armored Corpse, which was half human and half tentacled, continued to roar in the direction of the sound. The scarlet eyes were filled with endless violence, with the unique madness and destructive desire of Shining Armored Corpse!

   He moved his steel-like feet and ran towards the place where the sound came from!

  The sound waves not only dispelled the thick black fog on the ground, but also swayed the clouds in the sky into a perfect circle.

   The shrill voice was louder than the next, but it was continuous. The decibel height was not only human, but even the faces of many silver armored corpses became more distorted, falling to the ground and waving their sharp claws crazily.

   But even so, there are still four or five powerful silver armored corpses marching forward against the sound waves that form violent waves, and they continue to let out their own roars to express their fierceness, desperately approaching the source of the sound!

The person who made the    sound also seemed to realize that his situation was not good, and quickly stopped the sound, the huge body flashed in the sky, and fell heavily to the ground!

   "Disrespectful infidels, all yours is in the sight of my lord!"

When the EEG was transmitted into the brains of a group of silver armored corpses, an eighth-order magic sound zombie appeared in front of him. It was more than six meters tall, and its back was covered with black horns, which hung down naturally without paying attention. Just like hair, it has the same characteristics as other demonic zombies, slender arms and thick forearms, and many dark purple tendon tentacles are wrapped around the front of the body.

From its lower jaw to its neck, there are countless pustules the size of an egg, and its feet are huge, with several ferocious bones piercing the flesh growing out of the bare feet, and the countless barbs on the thighs make the People shuddered when they saw it!

   This eighth-order Demonic Zombie is familiar to many people, and it is one of the followers of Lan O's Corpse King!

  Codename: Malicious!

At this time, its eyes almost burst into flames. At this level, its intelligence is no less than that of a normal person. Maybe a real person doesn't really understand what "bad successor" means, but for it, But for other demonic zombies, as soon as they heard these words, they knew that they were specifically insulting themselves!

   How could it not be angry!

   "Infidels! Infidels! You will pay dearly for your words and deeds!"

   "The poor heir! The heir to the trash! Hohoho~haha!"

The silver-armored corpse covered in dark silver, half-man and half-corpse not only repeated those words, but his voice became more and more hoarse, but he was not tired of it. The tentacles that grew out of him and kept waving in the air seemed to express his heart at the moment The ease in it.

   In the same way, his behavior is like barrels of gasoline, not only pouring it into the raging fire, making the flames burn more and more vigorously!

   After a long time, this eighth-order demonic zombie can no longer bear it, and the rabbit will bite when it is anxious? What's more, this is an eighth-order zombie that can bite people without a hurry?

I saw the muscles of his whole body begin to tighten, and he stepped out of his huge soles with a "bang", and the ground also burst with a whine, and the slight earthquake was like the last straw that crushed the camel. The building that was struggling to support could no longer stand, and collapsed suddenly, dust everywhere!

   It started to run, with the bloodthirsty and madness unique to zombies, it seemed to return to the low-level zombies before the fourth order, only instinct!

The other demonic zombies that followed also let out a roar, and the silver-armored corpses moved along with them. The thick black fog became even thicker at this moment. They roared up to the sky, revealing their hideous fangs, facing the opposite side. The same corpse trend is gone!


   The four eighth-order silver armored corpses present at the scene also erupted at the same time, and the surrounding black fog condensed with their thoughts, turning into black lights full of annihilation, shooting at the rushing eighth-order demonic zombies!

   The opponent screamed and ran with all his strength, and collided with the halfling half-corpse guy!

   For it, this zombie is the most damnable!

   The collision of two eighth-order zombies, each biting the mouth of each other, tearing off large pieces of flesh and blood at every instant, those rotting flesh was thrown up like sand, and then fell to the ground like rain!

   Unlike the battle between new humans and new humans, the battle between high-level zombies is extremely rough, and every action is full of extreme violence and blood!

   But this battle was not fair from the beginning. How could it face the attack of four silver armored corpses of the same rank?

Soon, as a pillar of black light smashed down at any time before, the black **** behind the eighth-order demonic zombie was smashed, and black-red viscous blood spurted out, carrying a lot of blood. A solidified block.

   This heavy blow caused its power to stop, and the huge body shook a few times and fell into the ruins with a "bang".

Pale white eyes looked at the high-level silver armored corpses that were approaching him. It could only keep roaring, and other movements seemed to be locked and could not be made at all. It felt that the place where it was hit by the black light beam had already appeared. It was very strangely rotten, and it seemed that something was devouring its own original things.

   "My Lord is watching you! My Lord is watching you! You will be remembered! Massacred! Paid a terrible price!"

   Its brain electricity continued to sound in the heads of several high-level silver armored corpses, and finally it started intermittently.

   "Food...all food, you...should not stop...sharing...that's...you shouldn't...my Lord watch...you..."

   Before its EEG was completely sent out, a big silver foot stomped heavily on its head!


   There were dense cracks on the ground again, and a lot of soil was poured into it. In the thick black mist, the pair of scarlet eyes and pale eyes looked at each other.

   "If you enter our king's land, you will be expelled by us! Poor successor!"

   (end of this chapter)

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