I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1424: the feeling of forgetting something

   Chapter 1424 The feeling of forgetting something

Shortly after Su Sigui left, Tang Ye also turned off his mobile phone and left here, and went to his temporary residence here. Of course, members of the royal court came to Yunxia Base for temporary residence. It was arranged by the City of Bright Moon to use the office. The building was transformed into a residential building, but Tang Ye himself did not plan to develop in the Yunxia Base. The zombies and new humans who came here with him were just for fights, so everyone here was very idle.

Ah Fu didn't know where he went, maybe he was spending time in a high-end bar, Tang Ye didn't bother to care about him, but what surprised him was that Xu Haihai didn't know where he went, and the suite assigned to him was not There is no one, only a bunch of evolutionary crystals are piled up in a corner. This situation is very rare, but Tang Ye thinks about it carefully. It seems that Xu Haihui has not been seen often in recent days. When he saw him yesterday, he seemed to have prepared a lot of Yajin. There are also foods that normal people can eat, and I don’t know where these things are used.

When passing by the stairs, Tang Ye saw Ji Mara pulling two people into a poker game, maybe because he won too much, he had a smile on his face, and the other two were unhappy, Li Man simply put the cards Throw it, take out your phone and start a joke.

  [The large underground research institute of the nutrient processing factory was exposed to the public. According to the news, the red feather bird in the sky suddenly rioted in the production areas where the order was guarded. Is it directly related to some existence? What does the recent earthquake have to do with what happened at the Institute? The surviving members of the institute have all disappeared recently, and a huge conspiracy is brewing! Below I will take you to analyze these things in detail. 】

  【Reminder: The following content is the personal speculation of the video author, do not take it seriously. 】

   "Huh?" Tang Ye was stunned when he heard the content from Li Man's phone.

   "Those survivors disappeared?"

Before, he sent someone to rescue a few lucky people who were still alive from the research institute, and asked about some things, but because they were too low-level and didn't know much about the research institute, it didn't take long for Tang Ye to set them free, and at this moment, Those who entered and disappeared?

  The only reason for them to disappear is to be kidnapped, and the purpose of kidnapping them is only that the person behind the scenes wants to know something about the institute, but who would do that?

The only rank-eight new humans in Yunxia Base, no matter how low their status is compared to others, are still rank-eight new humans. As the highest combat power of Yunxia Base, they undoubtedly have the absolute right to know. That ability goes into the underground research institute to find out, and everything that remains in it will make them guess what. As for the members of the research institute who survived, although they know some things, these things are not for the eighth-order new human being. It's all irrelevant. Even if you really want to know, it's just a few hundred Yakin. It seems that you can't use the means of kidnapping to achieve your goal, right?

  These thoughts flashed through Tang Ye's mind, and he didn't know why he thought about these things, but from the beginning, he felt as if he had forgotten something, and he was still a little uneasy.

   As for why he felt uneasy and wondered why he felt uneasy, Tang Ye racked his brains and couldn't figure it out.

"What's going on?" Tang Ye frowned and finally glanced towards the north. What can I say about this feeling? It's as if a high rank went to a low rank to fry fish, and he could hang and beat all enemies at will. Is it still free to go up against an opponent of the same level as yourself?

   It was such a feeling that Tang Ye couldn't help but want to gather all his strength and let himself hold the power of a ninth-order corpse king in his heyday, but in this way, it seemed that everything became boring.

   And, where did this feeling come from?

   All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he finally suppressed them one by one, and then walked towards the entrance of the elevator, but after a while, his brows wrinkled again.

   "Did I forget what to do just now?"

He questioned himself, and recalling his actions just now, it seemed that everything was normal, and there was nothing unusual worthy of his attention, but just like this, he became more and more strange. The feeling of doing something is coming again!

   He kept thinking about it, and in the end he only felt that his thinking became blocked, and he always forgot what he should do next, which made him very uncomfortable, and the more he was not used to it, the more strange it became.

   "Could it be..."

  Tang Ye looked at his hand, and seemed to think of something and smiled at himself. In the end, he stopped thinking about what he had forgotten, and pressed the elevator button, and the elevator door in front of him opened the next moment.

   pressed the top floor button, the elevator slowly ascended, and after a while, the elevator door opened again, and the floor sign with "8F" appeared in his eyes.

The bright colors of the air are circulating in his own perspective. The wind blows, and he can see the shadow of the wind. The window at the end of the corridor is shaken a few times by the breeze. swoosh" sound.

He saw a row of murals on the left side of the corridor, each of which was an oil painting. Although Tang Ye didn't know much about the art of painting, even a layman like him could see that every painting on these walls was The painting skills shown in a painting are not like those that ordinary people can do.

It was also because of these paintings that Tang Ye walked on the far right of the corridor, looking at these paintings as he walked. Some of these paintings were of plump, blond women of foreign descent wearing tulle, half-bared, and some of them were rotting fruits in ashtrays. , Under the fruit, you can see the ash remaining at the bottom of the tank, the details are perfect, some are a man in a riding suit sitting on the sofa, looking at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, seems to be thinking about something, very trance, some are from A long column of water flowed out of the spout and poured into the water glass.

   Tang Ye admired the paintings on the wall, but frowned from time to time. Every time he finished reading a painting, something that had forgotten something suddenly appeared.

  The corridor is not very long, and he soon came to his rest suite. Tang Ye opened the door and was about to go in when Yu Guang suddenly swept to the next corner.

   "I don't think I've seen it before?"

  Tang Ye thought for a while, then frowned again, that feeling came again?

   He didn't know how many times he went in and out of the door, but he had never entered the corner, and he didn't know what the corner used to be like.

   So, Tang Ye walked over, and at this moment, a strange feeling struck again, and he seemed to have forgotten something?

   (end of this chapter)

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