I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1436: should not exist

   Chapter 1436 should not exist

   After clicking on UC, Tang Ye resisted to look at the browsing records, and directly entered a paragraph of text: [What will happen after dark? 】

Input, click on the "magnifying glass", and as the interface of the mobile phone jumps, Tang Ye's expression becomes slightly strange. The question he is searching for and the answer displayed on the interface of the mobile phone are not the answer he wants at all. It's just some regulations about other areas. Tang Ye read a few, and they were basically the same as the notices he saw on the first floor, except for a small difference.

Among them, he saw one of the most popular and commented posts, which was about the regulations of the Lan'o region. One of them mentioned a profession called ban people. People who do this kind of work will seal up all churches. In the Lango area, any building that appears to be similar to a conversation in a church will be closed for the first time!

   Moreover, the local clearly stipulates that missionaries, believers and nuns are allowed to exist, but the church is not allowed to exist!

  Once a church appears and is discovered, it will be closed on the spot!

  Tang Ye scrolled down for a long time, and saw a similar topic.

  【What will happen if you violate the regulations? 】

   This post didn’t get many hits, and there was only one reply. It was a dog head emoji, which made people wonder what it meant.

   Tang Ye frowned, and then he was about to search again, but just after typing a few words, he remembered something and typed the word [church] in the search box.

   Immediately after, the mobile phone interface jumped, and after seeing the answer he had searched, Tang Ye frowned again. Regarding the church, someone had posted a similar topic, such as one of them: [Why should the church be closed? 】

   And the replies below this topic are also very confusing and unreasonable at all, but the meanings expressed are the same.

  Reply: [Church is a forbidden place, if you encounter it, it will be handled in accordance with local regulations. 】

  Reply: [Churches shouldn't exist! 】

   After seeing these two replies, Tang Ye had only one thought in his mind, since it shouldn't exist, who built it?

   So, he typed in the search box: [When was the church built? 】

   He thought that according to big data, he would be randomly given the start and completion time of a famous church that is often asked by people, but after the interface jumped, he saw a blank space.

  【Sorry, no search results yet. 】

   Seeing these words, Tang Ye just wanted to burst out, this is simply out of line!

  In the normal pre-apocalyptic world, any search engine with a few periods will have results, but there are no search results for such a simple question?

There are only two reasons, either everything about this has been dealt with by special departments, or it is in the perception of people in this world that there is danger in the night, and churches should not appear, which is all right, and It won't be surprising.

It's like a person who often drinks turbid water. The drinking water he sees is khaki and algae green, but he has never seen clear water again. He will think that the water is khaki or algae green. After seeing the clear and transparent water, I thought it was a poisonous liquid, and I was very surprised when I saw others drinking it.

   The people here don't seem to have seen a really normal night, so think the night here is normal?

   Of course, it’s fine if it’s just that, the question is, why would anyone be curious about it?

   This is obviously very unreasonable!

There are also people who may not be in any danger in the dark night. Everything is just scaring themselves, and the regulations on the permit are frightened. After all, when a normal person suddenly sees these rules, his scalp will be numb, and people will bring it to others. great psychological pressure.

However, the sense of fear brought by this rule has a weak effect on Tang Ye. Since all fears come from lack of firepower, his firepower will be sufficient during this period of time, unless he lacks too much vitality and falls into a sinking face. , or the existence of the corpse king personally came to the area of ​​Yunxia base to grind himself to death, otherwise, it would be difficult to kill himself, and it would be difficult to kill himself.

   may have thought of something, and the feeling of forgetting struck again.

Having experienced this kind of feeling for a long time, Tang Ye himself has long realized that this kind of feeling that his thinking is restricted by something and cannot think too much feels as if he is being forcibly corrected by someone "bad" habit. If you come out, you will be subject to this kind of "punishment" that seems to be painless now.

Tang Ye's feelings are like this. For example, you see the floor is dirty now, and you want to pick up the broom to clean it in the next second, but your thoughts suddenly appear blank, and then you can't remember what you wanted to do just now. .

I lay on the bed with my phone and swiped for a while. Except that I couldn't find what I wanted on the Internet, the other things about military affairs, celebrity scandals, etc. were exactly the same as before the end of the world. If it wasn't for Tang Ye, those **** comments would have known this earlier. The world is wrong, it's fake, I thought those guys were normal people!

   But I don’t know if it’s a normal person, Tang Ye. Only after figuring out everything can we redefine it.

  This world does not exist under the proof of his own memory. If it is true, no matter how powerful the mastermind behind the scenes is, he can’t create so many living creatures, right? If there is such an ability, it should not be defined by zombies, but by the creator! That is Almighty God!

   But thinking of the creator, Tang Ye remembered the painting. The giant in white robes inserted a cross into the ground with his hands. What does this painting want to express?

   And the church has a relationship with the creator!

Rubbing his fingers, Tang Ye opened UC again and searched for Yahweh, the **** of Western religions. The first search result that caught his eye was a Western man in a white robe and a beard, which was compared with the painting in his memory. , the person in this portrait of God is exactly the same as the person in the picture that I saw!

   "Could it be that the Nightmare Corpse King is a believer of God? But if so, this world was created by this guy, why did he do this?"

  Thinking of people who are not deeply taboo about the church, Tang Ye is even more puzzled. If the Nightmare Corpse King is a believer of Jehovah, then what he sees here should be more like a Western religious incense ceremony?

   Soon, a smile appeared on Tang Ye's face. He didn't seem to understand whether Jehovah was the main **** of Christianity or Catholicism...

  I wanted to learn more about Western religions, but when I saw that the phone had only 5% battery left, I had to give it up.

   "Maybe it's time to buy a charger tomorrow."

   (end of this chapter)

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