I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1448: "Mysterious Organization"

   Chapter 1448 "Mysterious Organization" People

   "That...that kind of thing is hard to come across, right?" The young couple looked at Tang Ye with a very strange expression and then said it for granted. Seeing them like this, it is very possible that they have already determined that they are transmigrators.

"This..." Tang Ye was at a loss for words for a while. He found that his cognition was very different from this young couple. In his opinion, ordinary people live in this world and face so many rules. The probability of death will be very high, so I think this world is dangerous, but for the indigenous people here, they have become accustomed to this way of life, and they think this way is normal, and they don't feel very good.

Just like different games, some games do not need to move and do not need to dodge skills, only need to stand and roll immediately, while the other needs to constantly move to avoid the attack of monsters, and they will become accustomed over time, but one day these two Players are swapped, and the previous cognition and habits will still be retained.

   Players who have mastered different gameplay will feel that the mechanism of the game is very abnormal when they play different games, but the players of the original game think it is very reasonable. Is there any problem with the hiding skills? No!

   And what is abnormal in this world is normal in their eyesight.

Although people in the world need to deal with the regulations, they have become accustomed to this kind of life, and have always acted according to the instructions in the regulations. They are used to it, and some strange things will be dealt with to some extent. Over time, they will follow the regulations. The habit of regulations is engraved in their genes. Unless there are some accidents, they will generally not violate the regulations. Just like the real world before the end of the world, people who do not understand the law do not know that some of their actions have violated the law. But no one restrained them, and no one told them.

Until one day when they came to a big city, they were repeatedly brought to the police for tea because of their habitual illegal behavior. In their minds, they would only feel that all this was annoying, strange, and that there should be no laws. .

   People who understand the law have always been bound by the law, and they have become accustomed to this kind of life under the constraints for a long time. Knowing that it is illegal to steal, robbery, and murder, they will naturally avoid those illegal behaviors.

In the general environment, everyone is like this, so it is difficult for ordinary people to see illegal acts. Just like people in this world, it is difficult for them to see other people who violate the regulations, so such things are in their eyes. It's hard to meet them. What they can see is usually on the Internet, but in reality, they have never seen it with their own eyes.

   "Okay... By the way, I need to determine one thing, whether the consequences of violating the regulations will be nightmares"

Lu Xin hesitated for a moment, nodded but shook his head quickly, and said: "I'm not sure about this, usually nightmares are a chance given to you by the evil god, just like me, although nightmares mean that it won't last long. You will die, but at least you have time to find a solution, under normal circumstances, you will die on the same day if you violate the regulations."

"Yes, it may be that after we encountered the school violence, we only stopped but did not kill the perpetrator according to the permissible regulations, so we had nightmares, hey~ you instigated a person to violate the permissible regulations before, that ... maybe That person is already dead!" As she spoke, Xiaoru suddenly exclaimed as if Tang Ye had told her at the beginning.

   This kind of behavior similar to opening your eyes after the forbidden time will die in a very miserable manner after a while, and they who have nightmares seem to have never heard of it.

   When the girl said this, Tang Ye raised his brows. Before he could check what happened to the man in the hotel, his phone suddenly rang!

  Tang Ye took out Shun's cell phone and called a number marked with [Unfamiliar Number], which was the man in the hotel.

   He didn't hesitate to click to answer, and at the same time turned his gaze to the man over there in the hotel.

   "Hey, young man, where are you, there seems to be something here, a big eye!"

  The man's voice sounded in Tang Ye's ears, and the young couple who was narrating couldn't help but put their ears close, wanting to hear what happened on the man's side.

And what Tang Ye is looking at now is the hotel room where the man is. At this time, the light in the room has been turned on. The man is talking to himself with a mobile phone in one hand, and the other hand is holding a stick that he doesn't know where to hang. The stick removed from the hanger looked around nervously, and the voice seemed very urgent in Tang Ye's ears.

  Tang Ye frowned. He didn't find anything strange. The arrangement in the room was a little messier than before he left, but the overall arrangement has not changed.

   "Hey, talk to me, didn't I call you when something strange happened? Hey?... What are you doing? Talk!"

   Seeing that no one answered the phone for a while, the man couldn't help but speak again, and the expression on his face became more and more frightened as time passed.

   Fortunately, Tang Ye didn't pretend to be dumb, and soon he said, "There doesn't seem to be anything over there?"

   "How is that possible! I just saw a big four-footed eye looking at me from the wall at the door, and it disappeared as soon as I turned on the light!"

   The man's voice suddenly became louder, as if he was trying his best to prove something, Tang Ye saw him sweeping around, but found nothing.

   "Eyes with four feet?" Tang Ye repeated the man's description.

   "Yes! It's four-legged eyes! Anyone who rides a horse knows what it is! Mad!"

  The man was obviously frightened, and he couldn't help but keep swearing! However, Tang Ye couldn't help but smile. What the man said was not a monster, but the eyes he had inserted into his. Maybe he saw him accidentally, so he jumped up from the bed in fright, and immediately contacted myself.

"You don't have to be afraid, I know that thing, it won't hurt anyone, don't worry, I just like to peep." Tang Ye comforted over the phone, but what he said shocked the couple next to him and the man on the opposite side. His face was also startled, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

   "How do you know that that thing won't hurt anyone? You're not an ordinary person, are you?"

   "Almost, go to sleep, if you find something else contacting me."

   "Then... that's fine." The man was dubious, but in the end he chose to trust Tang Ye and quickly hung up the phone.

   As soon as the man hung up the phone, the young couple next to him couldn't help but ask curiously, "That...are you from some mysterious organization? How do you know about those monsters?"

   (end of this chapter)

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