I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 145: genetic forbidden area

   Chapter 145 Gene forbidden area

   "What did you do in your career before?"

   "High school student."

   "Assembly line production is not a profession."

  In a registration room, one of Chen Chaoyang slapped Erlang's legs, and the other was eating crunchy noodles while looking at the registrar in front of him, ignoring him at all.

   But this person is not surprised. He is just an ordinary person, and he does not dare to tell them what is wrong with their behavior. If Chen Chaoyang and the two are unhappy and kill him with a knife, Yan Zhaofeng will not say anything.

   The end times are so cruel! Ordinary people are fish, new people are knives!

   He can only give them grades as soon as possible, and when they train later, someone will naturally clean them up to ensure that they will reform themselves!

   Most of the people who joined the defense team came for those benefits. There were also many teenagers like Xiang Chen Chaoyang and the others, and they didn't want to care about adults and minors.

   Among them are the fugitive felons before the end of the world.

   "Come on, all right."

   wrote something on two pieces of paper with a pen, and the registrar respectfully handed it to the two of them. After that, a woman came in and took them out to the training camp.


Five minutes later, the woman led them into an army green tent, pointed to the stack of clothes and suits not far away, and said, "The two of you can choose a suit that suits you, and then just rest here for a while and wait. Someone will take you there in a moment, I'll go first if I have nothing to do."

   The woman's voice is very nice. When she was nearly thirty years old, the voice she said turned out to be a loli voice, which made Chen Chaoyang's heart agitate. The moment she walked out, he stretched out his hand on the woman's **** and grabbed it hard.

The anxious woman's face turned red and white, but she didn't care when she saw Chen Chaoyang's sly face, she couldn't help it, her husband was also a newcomer, but Chen Chaoyang and Yan Jie seemed to be in the same group. Well, it's better to pretend nothing happened.

After the woman left, Yan Jie looked at Chen Chaoyang with strange eyes, as if to say, "Brother, why are you so lecherous?"

   seemed to understand the meaning in his eyes, Chen Chaoyang said, "Ahhhh, don't look at me like this, what's this, no one cares now, it's better to have fun, or else that fate will be gone!"

   "Die, die, drop!"

  Chen Chaoyang made a grimace to frighten him, but Yan Jie was unmoved and glanced around with curious eyes, trying on a suit of suitable size.


   After Dongying's base was breached, all parties in the world were in an uproar and began to laugh at Dongying's inaction.

   The first country where the survivor base was breached has appeared, and Dongying has also been ridiculed, but it didn’t take long for a video of third-order zombies to climb up the anti-corpse wall and slaughter soldiers on the Internet in the apocalypse.

  This video is bloody, although these scenes are very common, but the hearts of countless survivors are panicked!

   It's not how strong the third-order zombies are, but its appearance means that the evolution of zombies is not only the second-order! It is very likely that it will evolve to the fourth and fifth orders!

This evolutionary strength of each level will produce earth-shaking changes. If the second-order zombie is accurate enough, it can be shot in the head, but in that video, although I don’t know how the defense of the third-order zombie is, its The speed has reached the point where it is terrifying!

   It is not only the general survivors who are panicking, but also some senior officials are beginning to feel uneasy, and let the zombies evolve, and they don’t know what changes will happen in the future.

  Huachen Jiangtian's spacious conference room.

  Ning Tianlang frowned and looked at the picture on the big screen in front of him. When he knew that the picture was over, he lowered his eyes and lit a cigarette. Under the smoke, a long cigarette was slowly sucked into a column of ash.

   Pressed down the baton in his hand, the big screen in the center went black, he left here with a stack of files, turned a page from the file, and the other line read: [Chenhua Technology Anti-Life Matter Research Report]

  【New Human Gene Research】

  【Forbidden Place for Human Life: Genetic Programming】

  【Anti-Life Matter Transformation New Humanity Project】

   After Ning Tianlang left, the door of the huge conference room was opened again, and a large group of people walked in. The two people in the front were talking to each other, but one had a smile on his face, while the other had an ugly face.

   "You Dongying really have all kinds of monsters and monsters, and we are not mocking you, hahaha!"

   The man in the suit on the right laughed without any scruples, and saw that the man on the left had a darker face!

   A third-order zombie is not strong enough to destroy the world, but because of its appearance, the base of Jiwuben has fallen.

   Or because of this third-order zombie, but the bigger reason is because of the base of the base.

  Citakemoto Base occupies a huge area, but it was established for too short a time, and the anti-corpse wall is not very high. There are more than 100,000 survivors inside, but it is also a riot of new human beings.

   From the former Yinnan Shiren to Yamuqiao Zhensui, Yamuqiao Zhensui was an employee of a shipping company before the apocalypse, and after the apocalypse, he became a new human, or a second-order new human!

   He has been living at the bottom of the society and suddenly became an emperor who has just been on the top. How can this be able to reach the world at the same time?

After killing Yinnan Shiren, he immediately became extravagant. On the day when the third-order zombies led the corpse tide to attack the base, Yagiqiao Shinsui just celebrated his birthday and invited most of the forces in the base, even many guards. They were all transferred away, and only Zhurou Ikeda, whom he did not want to see, was left to guard.

   The corpse tide moves very fast, especially under the leadership of a third-order speed zombie, how can a soldier with less than 300 people hold it?

   As soon as the third-order zombie scorpion climbed the corpse wall, it announced that the base was destroyed. Waiting for the arrival of support, the corpse tide had already entered the base, and there was nothing to do!

   There are only two second-order new human beings born in such a small area of ​​​​Dongying, and now one is dead, and even the body can't be seen!

   Seeing the situation in Dongying, and the first Tier 3 zombies still appeared in their place, Zuo Yushan was naturally very happy!

   This devil who intended to encroach on China's territory during World War II, seeing them suffer, Zuo Yushan couldn't help clapping his hands and cheering!

   Aren't you rumored about ghosts and ghosts? hold head high? Now there is a monster running rampant in you! It really deserves it!

  Izaki Chenghui was full of black lines, and his heart was full of anger, but he endured it later. Now that he is under the fence, he can't return to his own country, so he can only rely on this neighbor.

   But he endured it, but a new human teenager who followed him couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

   "Bastard, how can you talk to senior like this, go to hell!"

   The young Dongying had blue veins on his forehead, stretched out his hand and attacked Zuo Yushan's key point, but before he touched it, a young man dressed in ancient costumes stopped him, and then kicked and flew out.

   "This is not Dongying, please pay attention to your words and deeds, and next time, don't blame my men for being merciless!"

   (end of this chapter)

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