I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1451: silhouette doodle

   Chapter 1451 Figure Graffiti

Maybe it was because he felt that something strange had entered the zoo. The sleeping animals seemed to have a sudden movement. Tang Ye, who was moving forward, suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the ostrich below, and frowned. From the time he came in, he felt that something was wrong, and it was okay for people to obey the regulations. After all, they were intelligent creatures and knew how to avoid some dangerous things.

It seems a little impossible for these animals to abide by the rules, but when he came in, he saw that every animal in the zoo was like a human, in a dreamland, and the ostrich not far from him, Tang Ye felt that it should be awake, but it seemed to be pressed to the ground by an invisible hand, with his eyes closed, forcing him to obey the regulations.

On the white wall with a bulletin board hanging next to it, there is a human-shaped graffiti that seems to be drawn by a child with chalk. Tang Ye doesn't know if he has seen this kind of graffiti during the day. He seems to have seen it, but there seems to be no seen?

   Walking in front of the figure graffiti, Tang Ye stretched out a hand and touched it. His fingers were stained with some ash, and he leaned in front of his nose and asked, it really smelled like chalk.

   "There shouldn't be anything strange." After taking a look at the figure's graffiti, Tang Ye left the place and walked towards the place with the crow according to the map on the announcement.

As he walked forward, he saw more and more figures and graffiti, but some strange lines were intertwined with each other, just like some well-known painters using brushes on the drawing board to learn children to randomly pull out a few Lines, and such paintings sell for sky-high prices in the market, but the people who buy them don’t really know what the painter is trying to express.

These graffiti look really weird. Although it is most likely left by a young and innocent child, these graffiti look extremely scary in this zoo completely shrouded in darkness. Walking in it, It always makes people feel that something in this painting has come to life, and they open their terrifying eyes and look directly at themselves!

  These graffiti are not what a zoo should have. They are like a large scorched part of the grassland. They look so out of place and out of place!

Tang Ye, who came to the corner, stopped. At this time, he suddenly felt a sense of being watched, but his body sense seemed to be blurred by something, and he couldn't emotionally feel where the stare came from. . He didn't look back, and in an instant, like a robot, the main switch was suddenly turned off, and he stayed in place, motionless.

   After about three or four minutes, the feeling of being watched began to disappear, and Tang Ye continued to walk forward. After a while, he saw the viewing cage that the crow was holding out from the zoo.

In this world, the crows seen are obviously very different from other animals. They are not sleeping. They are standing on the branches and looking into the distance. The brown pain exudes a strange light in the dark night. It seems that they are aware of Tang Ye. When I approached, I also felt that this "person" had no good intentions towards him. When Tang Ye was still more than fifty meters away from them, the crow standing on the branch began to spread its wings and fly!

   However, they are locked in the cage and cannot fly out at all. They can only linger on the top of the cage, hitting the cage from time to time to make a "crack clap clap" sound, and their mouths make a piercing cry!

  ! quack! woo~

  Tang Ye walked to the cage, probably because some of the things he expected did not happen, and there was some disappointment on his face.

   "It's nothing, it's just normal."

  In an environment where everything is abnormal, things that should be normal will be marked as "abnormal".

To him, the   iron cage was actually no different from non-existence. It was very easy to open the cage, and as a tentacle stretched in, two of the crows in it unfortunately became Tang Ye’s target.

The    tentacles wrapped around the feet of the two crows like lightning. In the next second, two crows appeared in Tang Ye's hands. They couldn't struggle from Tang Ye's power, and could only keep making harsh and unpleasant calls.

   Just as Tang Ye was about to restore the cage with the crows, he suddenly felt something and turned his head sharply. There was nothing behind him, but on a big tree facing him, there was a figure graffiti.

   "Do I really have dementia?"

  Tang Ye's eyes narrowed, he was very sure and certain that when he just came over, there was no graffiti on the tree, but only after he caught these two crows.

   "Is this a weird thing?"

He muttered to himself, he held two crows in one hand, walked to the figure graffiti that suddenly appeared on the big tree, stretched out his hand and touched it, and then put it in front of his nose to smell it, it was not strange. It's just pure chalk.

   Maybe thinking of something, an imperceptible touch flashed across Tang Ye's face, and then left as if he thought he had a bad memory.

What I heard, heard, heard and felt, this time was very quiet, only the sound of my own footsteps echoed in this gloomy zoo, here and in the daytime are like two worlds, people live here, but in this place where no one can be seen. Somewhere, Tang Ye couldn't feel any vitality, only lifeless, quiet enough to make people crazy.

One step, two steps, three steps, Tang Ye's voice gradually merged into the darkness, as if he had entered the darkness, and as if the darkness had swallowed him, but soon, his figure appeared again from the darkness, with the exception of holding Two poor crows, in the other hand there is an extra **** long knife!

   He came to the figure graffiti and cut it without a word!

   A shrill scream rang out in the silent night sky, causing the chills on the back of the neck to shrink unconsciously!

The big tree that the two of them hugged was cut into two sections. The graffiti of the figure in front of them disappeared, and some viscous black liquid appeared on the ground. At the same time, a shadow that was not Tang Ye appeared on the ground. Two pieces!


   There were strange noises around, Tang Ye raised his head, a rotten head was in front of him, those eyes looked at him and seemed to be still turning, as if there was still life?

   "Is this your true face?"

   He walked over and smashed the head with one foot. At the same time, other monsters hidden in unknown corners were about to move, but Tang Ye didn't move. He seems to be being blinded now?

   I saw his brows furrowed tightly, not looking anywhere, as if he was resisting something, and only he could understand his current feelings.

   (end of this chapter)

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