I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1465: The flood of "ninth order"

   Chapter 1465 The flood of "Ninth Order"

   "My kind?" Tang Ye raised his head and glanced again.


   "Do zombies become these things after being digested?"

"Digestion? Your reaction is very fast, and you thought of this word so quickly, but you are wrong, they are indeed your kind, but they can become ordinary people, only normal people or intelligence can already be compared to ordinary people. High-level zombies, for Deria, they are just waste without nutrients, they are exiled here, and they are usually fed some garbage to eat."

   "Some low-level zombies?"

   "Correct, it's the kind that has just turned from a normal creature into a zombie, without any ability to think, only the zombies who know how to eat, that is, your kind. You also came this way, right?"

   "My situation may be different." Tang Ye muttered in his heart, but didn't say it.

   He noticed a word in the woman's words.


These two words suddenly reminded him of his zombie brood. The brood produces a large number of zombies every day, and these zombies compete with each other inside the brood, and the weak will be eliminated. The powerful zombies that capsize will also be collected by the purification crystals like those weak zombies, to provide themselves and the following Ah Fu with the vitality to act.

This false world seems to be the "zombie brood" of the Nightmare Corpse King. Its existence is the same as its own, but the way to replenish its vitality is different. It relies on absorbing nutrients from the "people" of this world to ensure that it has actions. The vitality of the Nightmare Corpse King seems to be more gentle than the means of his own violent expropriation.

Although I don't know the reason why the Nightmare Corpse King did this, there seems to be only one possibility. The reason why the zombies eat is only to supplement the energy for action, and the evolution is only a secondary requirement, but this method generally causes a certain degree of waste. , if food is plentiful, people should not care about these wastes, but if they are in a very scarce state, they have to make careful calculations.

It may be for this reason that from the perspective of the Nightmare Corpse King, the simple feeding of ordinary zombies is undoubtedly just killing chickens and getting eggs, but this short-term and lasting absorption is the long-term solution. However, this woman is a few months before the end of the world. Just come in. Could it be that the Nightmare Corpse King realized this so early, and has always had a good habit of cherishing food?

   It is very wrong to think about it this way, but according to the instinct of zombies, zombies should not be so boring, which may be the reason for the way it eats.

   However, this way of saving will also make a resource exhausted in the end, otherwise, there will be no zombies drawn here.

   "Is there any problem? Now it's my turn."

   "Wait, I have another question."

   The woman frowned, but she suppressed the restlessness in her heart and said patiently, "Okay, ask."

   "If this is false, or does it mean that everything I see here is actually nothingness, then what is my current situation when I am here and outside?"

  Because of the unknown influence of being here before, Tang Ye couldn't think of this question for a while. He thought it would be the last question he asked the woman before, but he thought of a new question.

   "Forgive me for not being able to answer this question, because I haven't been out, and I don't know what the real me looks like outside."

   "Now, is it gone?"

   "This should be the last one."

"Just ask."

   "Do you know the grave keeper?"

   "You know, people with this profession can be seen everywhere, right?"

   "You know the tomb keeper of the Martyrs Cemetery in Xijiang City, right?"

   "The tomb keeper of the Martyrs Cemetery? What's so strange about him?" Hearing Tang Ye's words, the woman looked puzzled. Looking at her like this, she obviously knew the tomb keeper, but she didn't know what was strange about the tomb keeper.

Tang Ye told the woman about the abnormal situation he saw from the tomb keeper at the Martyrs Cemetery in Xijiang City. The more the woman listened, the tighter her brows became. It was Tang Ye, but it was probably the process that Zi Ah told. I thought of the explanation, but I was not so puzzled.

   That grave keeper may have already entered the so-called deeper world in the mouth of women because of violation of the regulations, but Tang Ye always felt that something was a bit strange, but there were some places that could not be explained.

   "This tomb keeper..." The woman's tone became stagnant, as if she didn't know how to explain the situation of the tomb keeper in the Martyrs Cemetery in Xijiang City. Tang Ye frowned as he looked at him.

   This grave keeper seems really not easy?


The woman in front of her hesitated for a long time in front of her, but she still didn't give a complete answer. In the end, she could only say to Tang Ye: "This may be something I didn't notice or ignored, so I can't give an answer. "

   "Okay then." Tang Ye nodded and continued: "Okay, my questions are over, it's your turn."

The    woman gave a sigh of relief: "My question is the same as before, do you fight well? Don't answer anything, it's almost okay, what I want is an accurate answer."

  Tang Ye thought for a while: "How can I say it, if I am facing the complete body of Deria, I can only protect myself. If it is her actualized consciousness in front of me, I will open it up."

   "Huh?" After hearing Tang Ye's answer, the woman was also at a loss.

   "I'm a little confused..."

  Tang Ye was also a little helpless. The woman in front of him came in in the early stage of the apocalypse, and he could say that he had no understanding of the changes in the entire apocalypse, so he could only say: "When you came in, the new humans had them."

"Yes, I have."

   "Have you heard of the first order and the second order?"

   "I heard, before I came in, there was a second-order new human being in the survivor base of Di Luolan. I remember that there is a study saying that the second-order is the highest level of new human beings?"

   "No, there are already ninth steps outside."

   "The ninth order?" The woman was shocked, but she was only surprised, there was no other reaction, obviously she didn't know the meaning of the ninth order.

   "Then are you a ninth order?"


   "Could it be that you were ninth-order before?"


   "Is there so much in the ninth order, I have met so many times." The woman muttered.

  Tang Ye felt speechless. She didn't know much about the division of strength between zombies and new humans. She didn't know how strong the destructive power of the ninth rank was. She had already regarded the power shown by the existence of the eighth rank as the ninth rank.

   "By the way, what is the rank of Deria outside?"

   (end of this chapter)

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