I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1483: Performance

   Chapter 1483 Performance


  The monster struggled to pull his body out of the wall, turned to face Tang Ye, opened his mouth and roared, as if to deter the opponent!

   "Is there no way?"

Put the candle in his hand on the ground. Now Tang Ye doesn't need it anymore, but then again, the flame of this candle is quite strong. At such a fast speed, it just doesn't go out. The flames would have weakened under the pressure of the wind, but now they stopped, wobbled a few times, and then flourished again.

This is very strange. The ordinary flame is very likely to be blown out by the wind pressure when he starts to run, but the flame on this candle is extremely tenacious, and so is everything around him. When he passed the corridor Although the damage caused seems to be the same as the outside world, it also gave him a very tenacious feeling, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, and he didn't know where this feeling came from.

   He looked at the monster in front of him, stretched out his hand and drew out his own flesh and blood knife, approaching step by step! The killing intent emanating from Tang Ye made the surrounding air plummet several degrees!

   When he was less than one meter away from the opponent, Tang Ye suddenly lifted the long knife up, and the tip of the knife was aimed straight at the guy in front of him.

   "I ask, you answer!"

   Tang Ye opened his mouth and said, and after the voice fell, he felt a little bit up in some places, and frowned.

I don't know if the other party understands it. It tried hard to support its body with the remaining limbs. It slashed the fracture of its own body with a knife. All kinds of internal organs dragged along, and a lot of viscous body fluids flowed out. Covers up the pattern on the floor and the crack it caused when it hit the wall.

   It stretched out its arms towards Tang Ye, and the joints of both arms twisted, like a female dancer dancing ballet, except that it didn't move its lower body and upper body.

Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, and he didn't know what this guy was going to do. Judging from the strength it showed just now, it was no longer possible for the eighth-order level to exert itself. There is a gap of one number, but the reality is that the eighth-order is just a mouse in front of the ninth-order. A person faces a mouse. Maybe the mouse dies in a desperate situation and can bite off a piece of human flesh. But if a person uses enough force, he can kill a mouse with one foot!

   And the direct gap between himself and the guy in front of him is more like a person facing a vicious dog. A vicious dog can kill a person, but it is also very easy for a person to take a little damage to kill the opponent. Of course, the premise is that this person is not afraid of being injured!

   In short, now this monster has surpassed the eighth-order level, but it is not completely ninth-order, and the situation seems to be similar to himself...

   Also, I'm not sure if this guy is Deria Tangye.

  Tang Ye stared at the passionately dancing monster in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seconds by second, Tang Ye didn't get an answer from the other party. He seemed to be waiting for what he would do next, and he also seemed to be watching his performance. After about a minute or so, the quiet dance was no longer silent. Breathing, it opened its mouth, chanting in its throat, and the melody was tactful, which was extremely strange in such an environment.

   spit out one syllable after another from its mouth, which seemed to be a word in a certain language, but after Tang Ye had not come into contact with such a language, even in the age of information explosion before the end of the world, he had never heard a similar language!

  It waved its arms as it chanted, and the strange and eccentric melody made people feel as if they were walking on a lonely highway with a thick fog ahead and no destination in sight.

   shook his head, Tang Ye tried his best to focus his sight and became more vigilant. Was this feeling just an illusion or an imagination?

   Tang Ye was a little confused.

   At this moment, the singing stopped abruptly, and the voice from the other party's mouth suddenly became sharp!

   In a blur, Tang Ye saw that the guy in front of him actually rushed towards him! The sharp ends of several arthropods were inserted towards themselves!

  In desperation, Tang Ye slashed across with a knife!

  A huge force acted on him, Tang Ye felt that the skin and flesh on his body were torn apart by the arthropods, and the knife in his hand also cut off something, with a "crack"!

   Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, a violent storm was generated, and the decorations on the walls around the hall were blown off by the strong wind! Cracks appeared one after another on the wall, and in just an instant, these cracks covered the entire hall in all directions!

   The pendant decoration on the ceiling loosened directly after these cracks came out, and fell directly in the next second! Then, in other places, those rubble seemed to never stop, and all kinds of rubble and debris not only fell!

   And Tang Ye and the opponent fought for a moment, and they both retreated towards the rear!

  Boom! bang rumbling~ clack~

With two loud noises in succession, Tang Ye slammed directly on the wall, and a pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters appeared on the wall. Tang Ye's body was deeply immersed in it, and the ceiling was already full of debris on the wall. The dust filled the sky and quickly covered Tang Ye's body, so that they could not see each other.


The hall began to tilt, a crack about one meter wide appeared on the ceiling, and a large amount of gravel drowned Tang Ye's body like rain. He jumped out with a long knife and a disgraced face, but at this time his body was already more than five meters, with thick long white hair that reached his waist, and billows of black smoke kept coming out of his body, which made the atmosphere here even more strange.

  The tentacles on the back are like pythons, waving and straightening in an instant with Tang Ye's rampage!


   With a roar, Tang Ye jumped up to a height of four or five meters, the blood-colored long knife in his hand was wrapped in thick black mist and smashed to another place where the dust was scattered, and the flesh flap on his back also poked towards that side!

   The air seems to be torn apart wherever the blade passes! Time seemed to stop at this moment, and on the other side, the chanting sounded again, but it seemed to be more tired than before.


   The blood-colored long knife was inserted straight into the ground, and the four fleshy petals were also inserted into the four sides of the blade with precision. At the same time, the entire hall was completely shrouded in dust, and only the faint rays of light from the candles could be seen faintly!

  The corner of the wall exploded immediately, and some fragments that were hit by the bullseye were crushed into fine particles by the strong air pressure on the spot!

   The strange and cold chant stopped at this moment, and after a while, as a black shadow flew into the sky from the long dust, the strong air pressure destroyed the hall so that the original appearance could no longer be seen!

   (end of this chapter)

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