I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1491: half chance

   Chapter 1491 Half chance

   As soon as she finished speaking, she hurriedly ran out of the hotel lobby door with her bag in hand. After a corner, her figure disappeared.

When    went out, Tang Ye heard her mutter something, although it was a little far away, he still heard it.

   "How come people still write letters these days..."

   shook his head, and in a blink of an eye, there were not many people in the hotel. Apart from the front desk, the sofa used to entertain guests and the display cabinet not far away in the hall, he was the only one left here.

He glanced at the envelope in his hand and checked it. The sealing wax on it was not damaged, which meant that the letter had not been read by Bill. He opened the envelope and Tang Ye took out the letterhead paper inside. Not much content, just a few paragraphs of text.

[I don't know if this letter will end up in your hands, what the result will be, I can only pray to God, I hope it will appear in your hands, if you see it, don't wonder why this letter appeared In your hands, because I have my own way. 】

"Huh?" The content at the beginning made Tang Ye sound suspicious. At first, he didn't think there was anything suspicious about the letter, but after seeing the content on it, he didn't want to wonder why the letter appeared in him. After holding it in his hands, he was puzzled. Isn't this place without three hundred taels of silver?

   Originally, no one would pay attention to your broken place. You have to remind others that there is nothing suspicious. The first reaction of normal people is of course that there is something strange about the place!

Suppressing his instinctive irritability, Tang Ye carefully observed the letter and thought about what was unreasonable. He quickly realized that, yes, the front desk lady handed over this letter to him on behalf of Lu Xiaojie, then Lu Xiaojie was By what means do you know that you are staying at the Xiangyi Hotel?

   At this moment, Lu Xiaojie seemed to be wrapped in a thick fog in Tang Ye's mind, making people unable to see the whole picture, all kinds of puzzles!

  【You should be looking for me now, I can tell you clearly, if you cannot find me by your own means, you should remember everything from last night, right? I hope you still remember, I can only pray that you still remember, the recycling bin I took you to is that place, if you want to find me, go to the recycling bin, follow the route I took you in, there is no basement, and no Going upstairs, I don't know the specific operation. Anyway, if you want to find me, go to the recycle bin. You have a half chance of finding me, it only depends on your luck. 】

  【Remember, no matter what happens to you, you must abide by the regulations! Be sure to follow! It must be done in accordance with the handling methods in the regulations, Deria is targeting you, I can only say so much! 】


After reading the contents of the entire letter, Tang Ye couldn't help but scolded him. He felt that Lu Xiaojie was playing tricks on him. He had perfectly avoided the correct answer before. Even though Lu Xiaojie was in the recycle bin, he thought that the other party would not be in such a complicated place. Waiting to see you again.

At this moment, he seems to understand the meaning of Lu Xiaojie's sentence "I'm so annoying" last night, and now he wants to shout "I'm so annoying", because his thinking is affected by something, and the trajectory of things he thinks will go wrong. The direction deviates, but I can realize it, but I can't change it!

As for the last paragraph of the letter, it looks more like a reminder from Lu Xiaojie. It seems to be a serious stop, but it should not be difficult to comply with the regulations. It is the paragraph [Darya is targeting herself] that makes Tang Ye a little confused. What kind of means will the other party have.

  Just, what do you mean by this half chance forward? You don't really see your face, do you?

   looked around and glanced at the letter in his hand again. Tang Ye wanted to throw it away at will, but he thought of something. He tore the letter and ate it.

"How about this."

   After doing this, Tang Ye walked out of the hotel and went to the recycling station again.

It didn't take long for Tang Ye to come to the recycling station again. At this time, there were not many people in the recycling station. Inside the wide recycling station, only a black coat could be seen in the distance carrying two large bags into the car. Then he got into the car, and as the car started, no one could be seen inside the recycling station.

And Tang Ye didn't need to sneak in. He swaggered to the largest building inside, opened the door and walked into the hall. Similarly, there was no one inside. He looked around and saw the layout of the place. Just like when he and Lu Xiaojie came in together last night, Tang Ye quickly walked towards the corridor on the left, quickly found the stairway, and went all the way down the stairs.

"Lu Xiaojie will be here?" After walking for a long time, Tang Ye couldn't help but think in his heart that he could feel that there was no vitality for human beings in this building at all, and only a few people were felt in other buildings. If Lu Xiaojie was here, he should be able to feel the breath of the other party, but what he actually felt was nothingness, which made him suspicious.

I don't know how long I walked along the stairs. At this moment, Tang Ye's perception of time seemed to be extremely blurred. As long as he walked all the way down the stairs, he seemed to be able to walk halfway through Xijiang City. It felt like it didn't take long.

   After a short while, he came to the end of the winding stairs, opened the old door, he saw the corridor, looked down at the ground, there was no graffiti on it, not a single one! It was in stark contrast to the ground that was completely covered up by the graffiti of figures when I first came in last night.

The corridor was brightly lit. Tang Ye subconsciously felt that the light here was very different from last night. It felt completely different from the corridor he saw last night. In doing so, he was stunned.


In this corridor, the candles that were supposed to be on both sides of the corridor did not exist at all at this time. He glanced up and realized that it was no longer the candles that illuminated this corridor, but the ceiling. It's no wonder that when you first see the corridor, it feels a little strange.

He looked towards the darkness in the depths of the corridor. Like last night, there was no longer any light in the corridor in the distance. However, the darkness shrouded there was no longer pure darkness. In the middle of the night, Tang Ye didn't need lighting to clearly see the interior of the corridor. Even in the dark corridor, he didn't see any graffiti, but the ground was clean, as if someone came to clean it often.

   "Lu Xiaojie?"

"Where are you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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