I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1495: I am Li Henian

   Chapter 1495 I am Li Henian

   Looking at Tang Ye with a puzzled expression, Delia seemed impatient. Her face was originally expressionless, but at this moment there was a hint of anger!

  I saw her suddenly open her mouth, her body leaned slightly to the back, and made a sharp cry like a night owl, and the space in front of Tang Ye suddenly swelled with layers of sound waves!


   At this moment, Tang Ye only felt that his ears were stuffed with countless knives, piercing his eardrums! As soon as he let out a roar, Tang Ye's whole body was blasted upside down by the sound waves!


Tang Ye slammed into the pure black wall, and then slid down. Before he could stand up, Delia raised her hand in front of him. Strangely, everything except her body was absolutely black. The wall, why wasn't her hand blocked by the wall, and she was surrounded by "walls"!

With her movement, Tang Ye who was standing on her hand was also raised up. He watched the huge head getting closer and closer to him, and then opened his mouth again. This time, Tang Ye saw Clearly, the two rows of teeth in Deria's mouth are not the normal teeth of ordinary people, but countless rows of fangs, exuding a cold light!

   The sound wave storm that was rolled up by the screaming voice like a night owl came again, Tang Ye only felt that there was a huge force acting on every part of his body! Squeeze every inch of your body!

  Tang Ye covered his ears all of a sudden, bent down subconsciously, and fully resisted the influence of the sound waves from Deria, and his face gradually showed a color of pain, and after a while he let out bursts of roars!

   "Come...Come on!"

   With a roar, the flesh and blood around his ears squirmed, blocking the ear canals and blocking his hearing, and the body that had been bent down by the sound wave slowly stood up.

Realizing that her demonic voice could not affect Tang Ye, Darya closed her mouth, raised her head, and began to sing. After a while, a purple light appeared in the seemingly endless darkness behind her. This purple light was like a wall. A crack in the scorpion ripped apart everything as soon as it appeared, revealing an even more strange space, and in this space, stretched out one thick arm after another!

   Soon, these arms were filled with cracks, and the chanting from Deria's mouth slowly appeared accented, as if there were countless Derias! The sturdy arm sticking out from the crack behind her clenched her fist and hit Tang Ye like rain!

  Boom! Boom!

   Huge movements sounded one after another, and Tang Ye's whole body was smashed against the wall again and again, but this absolutely black wall did not show any damage!

The    chant became louder and louder. Although Tang Ye no longer heard these voices, Deria's ability seemed to have the ability to penetrate, and the voice was inaudible, but he was still affected!

   hallucinations began to appear in his eyes, and he saw that those arms stopped attacking, and a part of the surrounding darkness began to differentiate, and began to form various things like clouds in the sky.

For example, plush dolls, certain furniture and kitchen supplies, all kinds and countless, are tools used by people in life before the end of the world, but in the end, these things began to disappear, and he seemed to see some memories, but these memories were intermittent. , very short, but many.

He saw several children looking at him condescendingly, and everyone stretched out their hands to him. Tang Ye didn't respond at first, until he felt a burning pain in his face, he didn't know that these children were slapping him. , Tang Ye seemed to have forgotten where he was a second ago, the pain on his face suddenly set off the bloodthirsty instinct of the zombies, and he subconsciously wanted to tear these little bear children to pieces.

But later, when he realized that he couldn't control his body to do what he wanted, he realized that it was someone else's memory. When he came back to his senses, these arrogant children began to tear their clothes. Looking down, Tang Ye realized that He was actually wearing a pink skirt, the skirt was thin and messy, and the surrounding environment seemed to be a toilet?

   "Deria's memory?"

  Tang Ye remembered one of the regulations, as if the toilet was a taboo place?

   Is it because of this?

Tang Ye watched from the first perspective, the little bear children quickly tore off half of the clothes on Deria's body, but at this moment, when the picture turned, he found himself lying on a piece of sand and stone again. The surrounding scenery was moving a little bit, and the perspective moved. He saw that his (Deria) collar was being carried by a man and dragged towards the front.

After a while, the picture changed again. He saw the mirror. In the mirror was Delia's face. The face was still very young, with tears in the corners of her eyes. He watched her pick up the old and rusty scissors and cut them. Towards his hair, the next second, the picture changes again!

  In this way, countless scattered memories appear in my own perspective in the form of seeing! Sometimes countless adults crowded together, picked up the stone on the ground and threw it somewhere, shouting, as if insulting, the stone they threw hurt the person who was hit, and sometimes they saw a The man drank a glass of water, looked at himself with strange eyes, and sometimes saw people with firearms passing by him, and one of them suddenly pointed the dark muzzle at him when he passed by!

   These memories are many, but some of them are very short, most of them are like videos of only a few seconds, some are only a few frames, and some are even pictures!

Everything, Tang Ye played Derrya from the first perspective, and he could feel Derry's mood at that time, the kind of panic, uneasiness, fear, every day he was worried, and he felt that kind of feeling. He tried his best to avoid everything, but all fears will find their feelings at some point!

   This kind of feeling seems to be eroding Tang Ye's heart, making him panic just like Deria, and gradually filling his heart with thick resentment!

  Tang Ye began to struggle, he refused to understand Deria's experience! Wanting to resist, he subconsciously recalled his own memories, and the past memories emerged. He wanted to call out his name, but hesitated for a while.

   "I... I'm Li Henian!"

   At the critical moment, Tang Ye can't control so much. For him, he may not be Li Henian, but Li Henian is definitely himself! He began to repeat the words "I am Li Henian". This approach seemed to have some results. Under the countless chaotic memory fragments, he saw the space with the huge body of Deria!

   While the other party was singing, his eyes turned blood red unknowingly, and with naked malice, he opened his **** mouth to bite at Tang Ye!

   (end of this chapter)

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