I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1509: Camberlet

   Chapter 1509 Camberlite

   "I just want to ask something, don't be nervous, just be a passerby."

Tang Ye had a Chinese test, and at the same time was observing whether the other party could speak Chinese. If not, he was forced to use his half-hearted English level to communicate with the other party. Of course, if the other party didn't even know English, then There is no need to waste time. Maybe he should go back to the father and son. I have more English vocabulary than myself, and basic communication is still barely enough.

   After hearing Tang Ye's words, the man tilted his head, and the expression on his face was familiar to Tang Ye. Obviously, the other party did not understand Chinese.

   In desperation, he could only repeat the sentence in English: "Can you speak Chinese?"

The man looked at Tang Ye, understood the English sentence, and nodded. At present, it seemed that Tang Ye really had no ill will towards him, but he did not relax his vigilance completely. There was a sudden explosion and injury, and Tang Ye also looked at the man.

He was wearing a coat full of patches. He could see many holes in the collar. A part of the cotton wool had been drilled out of the holes. The inside of the coat was a lining, which should have been matched with formal clothes. During the Taiping period, he should have been a high-ranking person, but now, the Uchimura has become not only stained with dirt, but also has a large part of the fabric on the chest less, revealing the skin inside.

   His lower body was wearing wide overalls with a lot of pockets that could be used to hold things. The steel pipe in his hand, which was used to prevent Tang Ye, was polished brightly. Obviously, he was holding it in his hand, and it was rounded.

   From the scene where the opponent was chased by the two men with guns just now, the man should be the same as the first person Tang Ye met. He was also a homeless person and lived by searching for supplies in the city.

   The second homeless man Tang Ye met and Tang Ye looked at each other for a while, and then said something in English.

   Tang Ye didn't hear the previous paragraph clearly, but he heard the interrogative sentence, which should be asking himself what he wanted to do.

   took a deep breath, Tang Ye began to organize English sentences in his mind to answer the other party's question, but this was very troublesome for him, who did not understand English, and after a while, he slowly uttered a syllable.

   "This...here is...what place?"

   After hesitating for a long time, Tang Ye said what he wanted to ask in English, but this was only the first question, and there were many more questions to come.

No. 2 Wanderer frowned. The words that Tang Ye expressed in his extremely poor English level made No. 2 Wanderer unable to hear it for a while, but after thinking about it, he probably understood what it meant, and immediately replied. : "This is Camberlite."

   Of course, Tang Ye didn't understand his answer at all. Maybe he said that the speed of the other party's speech was a bit too fast for him, and he only heard a "Kabulit"?


  Tang Ye expressed doubts to him, and the other party tilted his head again, as if realizing that Tang Ye's English level could not communicate with him normally.

"where is this place?"

  Tang Ye repeated what he just said in English again, this time he hoped that the other party's answer would be slower, so that he could understand where this place is.

   And Wanderer 2 patiently replied again: "Camberlet! Our place is called Camberlet now, understand? OK? Dude?"

   There was no surprise, Tang Ye still listened to a general idea, and the other party repeated several syllables in his words, which was "Kabritt", which should be the name of this city in normal logic.

  Unfortunately, Tang Ye had never heard of the name of this city. Whether it was before or during the apocalypse, the city was very small, and the scale was enough to show that the city would not be too famous before the apocalypse.

   Now that he knew the name of the city, Tang Ye didn't continue to struggle with this issue, and quickly organized the English sentence for the next question in his mind, but it was more difficult.

   Not long after Tang Ye put on the mask of pain, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten a function on his mobile phone, and then quickly took out the mobile phone, called up the voice system, opened the translation, and then entered a paragraph in the input box.

  【What happened here? 】

   The interface of the mobile phone translation function starts to load, but the next second, it shows that there is no network connection with five words.


  Tang Ye scolded, and with his scolding, the No. 2 homeless person in front of him actually said something. Tang Ye didn't understand the previous words, but he heard three bad Chinese characters after the sentence.

   "Where's Cao?..."

Glancing at this guy, Tang Ye shook his head, this may be a common problem of all human beings, no matter what language, it will take some time to learn, and make sure that he can remember some necessary vocabulary in communicating with people, in these vocabulary In the middle, often the only thing that makes sense is swearing.

Looking at the questioning on the other side's face, Tang Ye shook his head and said "NO" a few times. He pointed to his mobile phone and said that he just made the sound because of the content on the mobile phone. No. 2 tramp saw He hesitated for a while after his action, but he still came over and looked closer. After seeing the boxy mobile phone in Tang Ye's hand, he had a puzzled look on his face, and spoke to Tang Ye in English. asked, "What is this?"

   Tang Ye heard these words clearly, and immediately remembered the English pronunciation of the mobile phone in his mind, and said, "Mobilephone! This is a mobile phone! Mobile phone!"

"cell phone?"

The No. 2 homeless repeated it again, and looked at the phone in Tang Ye's hand. Like a curious baby, he kept looking at the phone. He wanted to reach out and touch it a few times, but he didn't care about Tang Ye. Do.

Tang Ye also noticed his expression, and the movement on his hand stopped. Looking at the man in front of him, his eyes narrowed. Such an expression on the other's face is very informative. Smartphones have already become popular in the 21st century. , Although there was a war in this city called Camberlite, can you see it if you haven't used it?

   And the expression on the other side's face seemed like he had never heard of this thing, let alone used it before. Tang Ye could feel that he was very unfamiliar with such things from his repetition of the word mobile phone before.

   This is very strange, Tang Ye immediately asked: "You... forget it! Time! Time! Time? Understand? Time? Time, Time!"

   "Time?" The man repeated the word again. He wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth quickly. He remembered that Tang Ye couldn't understand most of the English.

   (end of this chapter)

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