I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1513: family of five

   Chapter 1513 The House of Five

   The next second when Tang Ye smelled one of the five scents of living creatures, not far from the ground, a man's voice sounded from the darkness in front of him to the right!


After this voice, there was a "dang dang dang" voice over there. The owner of this voice seemed to be looking for something suitable for use as a weapon. After a while, a man's voice came out of the darkness. The dropped mop handle hid part of his body in the wall beside him, as if to prevent Tang Ye from drawing a gun at any time, and at the same time with vigilance in his eyes.

   His language sounded undoubtedly the local language here, Tang Ye couldn't understand it, but judging from his expression, Tang Ye could also guess what the other party meant.

Tang Ye raised his hands and used this action to tell the other party that he was not a bad person. The man over there was puzzled and moved out part of his body hidden in the wall. The movement of raising his hands also told the man Tang in disguise. Ye didn't have a gun on his body, which made the man relax a lot.

   "Who are you? How did you find this place?"

   The other party did not approach Tang Ye, and asked Tang Ye in the local language from a distance.

"Uh... how do you say it?" After pondering for a while, Tang Ye continued to say the sentence intermittently with his half-hearted English level: "I... have a lot of questions, I need someone... um... help me answer."

   "Who is Ingrid?"

   "Ah yes yes yes yes!"

   "Oh, I don't understand what you're talking about, but I think your English is terrible."


   Tang Ye didn't understand the words behind the man. He only heard Ingrid who came out again at the end. Maybe he was mocking his English level, but Tang Ye wasn't sure.

   "Where are you from? I don't think there are Asians in Camberlite."

   "Sorry...I didn't...get it?"

   "Maybe you should learn English. English is very important here. Dongying is very safe. There is no need to come here. If you are an adventurer, this will be the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life."

The man was talking to himself, without noticing that Tang Ye couldn't understand most of what he said, but it is worth mentioning that the man's English pronunciation was very different from the previous people, and it was very fluent. , is also very standard, like watching the male and female protagonists in a Hollywood movie talking.

   But unfortunately, without subtitles, Tang Ye has no idea what the content is.

The man looked at Tang Ye while talking, and finally asked: "What do you want to ask, did you come here to find your relatives? If so, I can only apologize to you, it is very dangerous here, people who are still alive not much."

Tang Ye also didn't understand his words, but after so many times like this, he was used to it, he ignored what the man said, and said in broken English: "I... Huaxia , OK? You...get it?"


   "Jesus, I'm from China, as you can tell...my English...is not...good...I need someone who can speak...Chinese Chinese, I hope you can understand, OK?"

  Tang Ye's words made the man unresponsive for a while, but after taking a closer look, he immediately understood and suddenly realized: "Oh, so you are from China, I haven't seen a Chinese person for a long time, sorry."


   "Oh oh oh, you don't need to use your terrible English now, I can speak Chinese, you can speak Chinese directly...Tell me, understand?"

   At this time, the man's language suddenly changed to crooked Chinese, Tang Ye was a little stunned, and then his eyes suddenly lit up! He was looking for someone to find it! This guy in front of him can speak Chinese!

   "This stopped me by surprise."

   "I think there should be no problem with our communication."

Although the Chinese pronunciation of    is a bit awkward for men, basic communication between people is no longer a problem.

   "Yes, yes, then let me ask, is this called Kabrite? This is the city."

   "Ah? So that's the case. The Chinese name of this city translates to Camberlite. There was a war here last year, so, as you said, there won't be too many people here."

   "Then do you know the regulations?"

   Tang Ye asked as he walked towards the man, but he was stopped by the man after just a few steps.

   "Wait a minute, in order to keep mine and my family safe, I have to make sure you are absolutely not in danger."

   "How to be sure?"

   "I don't allow anyone to carry guns, you know, guns are dangerous things here."

   "I don't have a gun."

   In order to gain the trust of this person, Tang Ye turned out all his bags and pockets while answering, and the man was completely relieved when he saw it.

"I can trust you, but I can't guarantee that I know all the information. You may not understand what I said just now. I repeat, if you come here looking for relatives, I hope you will be mentally prepared. It's dead here. There are too many people, and God can't guarantee whether there are any of your relatives among them."

   "No, that's not it, I'm really looking for someone, but I'm sure she won't die."

"who is it?"

   "Like me, she is also a Chinese with short hair. I don't know what clothes she wears, and her height is about this place."

   "I haven't seen it before." The man thought for a while and replied, Tang Ye wanted to continue asking, but was interrupted by the man the next second.

   "Wait, this is not a place to talk, let me in first, it's safer up there."

   "Who's up there?"

  The man glanced at the residential building, and asked back in doubt, "How do you know there is someone above?"

   "I can feel it."

   "Are you a soldier?"

   "It could be said, but not at all."


   "Maybe it's not what you think."

   "I don't really understand the meaning of too many words in Huaxia Chinese."

   "You will understand slowly."

   "Let's go up, you don't have to worry, it's all my family."

"your family?"

  The man greeted Tang Ye and walked upstairs, but he didn't notice that Tang Ye's face became weird.

   "Five people, are they a family?"

For some reason, he always felt that this scene was a bit familiar, as if he had experienced it somewhere. Before entering the residential building, Tang Ye observed the surroundings. Indeed, the surrounding buildings also gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before. Feeling, but he knew he had never been to this place.

  Led by the man, the two climbed all the way up to the fourth floor. When they came to a room, the man knocked on the door carefully, and then the door was opened, revealing a woman with a face of Lano.

   "Bick, you're finally here... Who is this person next to you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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