I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1518: bad manners

   Chapter 1518 Bad manners

  After the soldiers broke into the door, the Piccolo couple sat on a seat not far from themselves at the same time.

Not long after, the seven soldiers surrounded the five members of the Piccolo family, including Tang Yeben's corpse. One of the soldiers roared at Piccolo's eldest daughter. She was so frightened that she quickly moved back. When eating her own food, there were grievances and unwillingness in her eyes. Just a second before she was about to speak, Tang Ye took the lead: "Hey, everyone, it is very impolite to enter someone else's house without knocking on the door."

The second after he finished speaking, the soldier on the side scolded something, and suddenly raised the gun in his hand and aimed at Tang Ye. Although the other party's English Tang Ye could not understand most of the meaning, but he knew a man. Break the sentence!

   Yellowskinmonkey! (yellow monkey)

  It doesn’t need to be said, as long as a normal person thinks with his toes, he knows that he is scolding himself.

In an instant, Tang Ye's face became icy cold. As his mood changed, the surrounding air seemed to have dropped several degrees. Before the gun pointed at his forehead had fired a bullet, Tang Ye suddenly got up and moved very quickly. Hurry up, people now only feel the flowers in front of their eyes, and then they see broken pistols, and various parts fly into the air and scatter!


   The gun in his hand disappeared suddenly, he let out a puzzled voice, but the next second, he felt a great force operating under his chin!

He hadn't reacted, and he couldn't even make a scream. The whole person flew up, slammed **** the ceiling and hit the ground again. Everyone looked up at the ceiling, and the soldier's body was actually on the ceiling. Leave a human crack pattern!

"Ready to fight!"

   "Kill him! The devil!"

  Other soldiers' faces changed after seeing this scene! They turned their guns on Tang Ye! But just when the guns in their hands were just raised, two people each made a scream, accompanied by a "click" sound of broken bones!

The two assault rifles fell to the ground, and then, a flower was seen in front of several soldiers, and then they heard a muffled sound. One of their companions flew straight out of the living room and slammed into the wall in the corridor. A large mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and his life and death are uncertain!

   "Oh! God! Where is he!"

   "Here, shit, kill him! Shit! I don't… ah!"

The screams sounded again, and another soldier's neck was pinched by a hand, and he was lifted up abruptly. He saw Tang Ye's icy face, and in the next second, he felt that he began to briefly and quickly. Moving quickly, in the end, he was smashed into the wall by the opponent, and he heard a "click" from his body!

   He knew that he had fractures in at least ten places, but it happened so fast that he didn't even feel pain, he only felt that his consciousness was a little drowsy, and his breathing became more and more difficult as time passed!

   In just a few seconds, three of the seven soldiers didn't know whether they were dead or alive, and among the remaining four, one's arm was completely twisted! Before he could take the gun from his companion, he saw an afterimage whistling towards him!

   That seems like... a slap in the face?

   At that moment, he saw the approximate appearance of Tang Ye's palm, and the next moment, the explosive force exploded on his face! At this moment, he only felt that he was accidentally hit by a full-speed train, everything he could see turned black in an instant, and the world lost all sound at this moment!

He didn't hear anything, he didn't see anything, he didn't know if he heard his screams, or even if he screamed, he just felt that the bones of his face were slapped in this slap After all the dislocation deformation occurred!

   In the eyes of others, the soldier flew in mid-air, his body flipped several 360 degrees in the air and fell to the ground, and then he couldn't see any movement!

Of the seven soldiers, one fell to the ground, and the remaining two soldiers saw that things were not good. Finally, Bengbu stopped and ran towards the door without saying a word, but the companions lying on the opposite corridor wall seemed to be talking about them. The end of the game, just took a step, and only took the next step, and the two felt that something was wrong.

  How did your body become lighter?

   The two soldiers looked at each other before looking down at their feet, and their feet had already left the ground at this moment. When they turned around, they saw Tang Ye's devilish face!


One of the soldiers let out a loud cry, and the hand holding the gun fired randomly, but all of them were lonely, and in the next instant, the perspective of the soldier who shot the gun was extremely downward, and the ground came into contact with the ground. A close encounter! Then, a huge force exploded in the back of the head!

   Similarly, he didn't feel any pain, but he couldn't control his body to slide forward quickly, and then slammed into the wall opposite the corridor, and immediately passed out!

The last soldier saw his companion die tragically right in front of his eyes again. He didn't even see how the other party made a move. This caused particularly serious damage to his psychology. !

   No matter how hard he struggled, the rescue handle behind him couldn't break free from Tang Ye's gripping hand like iron clamps!

Soon, he was turned around by Tang Ye, and his eyes met with Tang Ye's eyes, and at this moment, some of his heart was just a desire for life, and he kept sending out English words similar to forgiveness from his mouth. Words, but Tang Ye didn't seem to understand or didn't listen at all, and he punched him without saying a word!


The assault rifle in   's hand exploded violently, and even with him, he punched him in the chest!

   In this second, he finally felt that Tang Ye let go of his hand, but his body was flying backwards, and finally hit the corridor wall. As the world turned dark, his breathing was cut off at this time.

   "You rude guy, it's settled now."

   After finishing the incident, Tang Ye clapped his hands and sat down in his seat. In the battle just now, most of his energy was on how to control his own strength. From this, the masterpiece just now was perfect.

  Although it caused some damage to this house, in general, with my level of strength, it is not bad to only cause such damage after the battle. If you don’t suppress it, there will be several major earthquakes in this entire city.

   Tang Ye, who sat back in his seat, picked up the knife and fork, and said to the surprised family of five, "It's alright, let's eat."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Ye lowered his head and scooped up a mass of batter with a fork, but before it was put into his mouth, he realized something was wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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