I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1522: my Lord

   Chapter 1522 My God

   A gunshot rang out, the bullet shot out of the barrel, and flew to Tang Ye's forehead with precision!

   But in the next instant, both Duolin and the captain opened their mouths wide, looking incredible!

   "This... this is impossible! How is this possible?"

At the moment when the child popped and bored, the hands of the young man in front of them began to work, pulling out afterimages, and in the next second, the long knife in his hand, which was as tall as an adult, was horizontally raised, with the same precision. Stop that bullet!

   And when the powerful bullets hit that knife in the past, it didn't even leave a trace!

   When the two opened their mouths, their eyes could not help but keep their eyes open. Is this how human beings can react? Although there are records of people blocking bullets with knives, they are all in the form of videos. There are very few people who have actually seen them with their own eyes, and whether it is really open to question, but in this scene, people use knives to block bullets. As things unfolded in front of them, there was only one thought in their hearts!

   That is, are you dreaming? how can that be?

   After the opponent blocked the bullet with a knife, he did not stop there and continued to walk towards him step by step. The hearts of Duolin and the captain who had just calmed down immediately began to beat! That kind of tension suddenly soared to the extreme!

   "Don't come here! Shit! I told you not to come! Are you deaf! Shit!"

  Dolin yelled, the gun in his hand fired several times in a row, and the captain next to him also fired several shots in a row with his assault rifle, but in the end, he was completely blocked by this boy!

The two kept retreating and entered the warehouse. In the end, there was no way to go. The young man came to them step by step like this. Dolin shot frantically, but the bullets in the pistol were quickly exhausted. The sound of "Kakaka", but he was so flustered that he couldn't care about it at all. He kept pulling the trigger, imagining that a bullet suddenly appeared and the guy in front of him died!

   But miracles are obviously not so easy to happen. After the young man came to the two, the captain next to him immediately slumped down and threw away the assault rifle in his hand!

"Oh no!"

Under the long knife, it was the young man's face that could not see any emotion. With the movements in his hand, the long knife that seemed to be extremely heavy was easily lifted. Willfully across the body of the two!



With the sound of the blade breaking through the clothes and flesh and the screams of people, the blood on the two of them slanted on the side wall. After the two died, the man with the knife looked at the ceiling above his head. He heard someone coming down the stairs.

   glanced at the corpse at the entrance of the city hall, then looked at the two sentences in front of him, and spit out two words from his mouth



   The footsteps coming downstairs from above are getting closer and closer to my ears!

"what happened?"

   "Dorin? Where are you?"

   "Demis, you go there and see."

   "Wait, who are you looking at?"

   "Lance? What's wrong with you?"

"he died!"

   "Damn, who killed him!"

   "There's an intruder! Give me the gun, and I'm going to smash that **** guy into a sieve!"

   "That guy is in the warehouse!"

   Not long after several soldiers came down, one of them noticed something abnormal from the warehouse! For a time, the four soldiers gathered together and pointed their guns at the warehouse door. They looked defensive. After a while, they saw a stranger they didn't know in the warehouse, dragging A long blood-colored long knife came out step by step!

"go to hell!"

   As soon as he saw someone coming out, one of the soldiers shot without saying a word! As the muzzle of the gun continued to spit out the tongue of flame, bullets flew towards the young man!

   But then, the four soldiers all felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the next second, they saw several bullet holes in the wall, but the figure of the Asian young man disappeared at some point!

"Be careful!"

  Suddenly, a companion next to him let out a scream, and the others quickly turned around to see that a companion was dragged to the ground by something after the reminder! I don't know how much effort was used, but the soldier who was dragged to the ground turned red and looked very painful!

   "Fuck off!"

   The others hurriedly turned their guns behind the fallen companion, but saw nothing!

   "Get up!"

   Don't care so much, another soldier stretched out his hand to pull his companion from the ground, but the moment he just stretched out his hand, he felt his neck tighten and it became difficult to breathe!


He let out a scream, the whole person actually flew up, and finally was thrown into the air. Before he could see what it was, his body smashed to the ground, and before it hit the ground, a huge force was on his waist. Suddenly, a more shrill cry resounded throughout the city hall. His body flew out ten meters away, and the blood gushing out of his body suddenly dyed the walls blood red, and that huge force pushed him His body slammed into the wall abruptly!

   "It seems like I'm using a lot of strength..."

   The young man muttered to himself and turned his head sharply. The soldier next to him who could still move normally had already aimed his gun at him, and fired the moment he turned his head!

   bang bang bang!

Several bullets flew towards Tang Ye, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and took down a few bullets, and the soldier who fired the gun was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Karma was messed up in the behavior just now!

"my Lord!"

   His mouth was full of incredible exclamation, and his eyes were full of fear!

The Asian youth in his eyes looked at himself, those eyes exuded an extremely exaggerated sense of oppression, almost suffocating, he didn't know what to do anymore, he couldn't figure out the scene just now, it was too unreal, Like a dream, he doesn't even know if he should escape at this moment, and is it possible to escape?

   But time won't give him too much time, and soon, he saw the young Asian man waving the knife in his hand!


Under the threat of death, the soldier lost all his senses and could no longer take care of it any more. He directly chose to continue shooting, but his finger had not yet pulled the trigger. He pulled out a red shadow like a pistol, and in an instant, the assault rifle in his hand was divided into two, and he, like the gun in his hand, was divided into two halves by the sharp blade!

   (end of this chapter)

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