I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1527: Deliberate enthusiasm

   Chapter 1527 Deliberate enthusiasm

After Piccolo followed his wife into the bedroom, Ariana closed the door. It seemed that Piccolo was talking about some privacy issues. After a while, Tang Ye could listen to the chatter coming from inside. He could hear the voice. It's very clear, but both of them speak the local language, and he doesn't understand the language here at all!

The conversation between the two was smooth at first, but gradually, Piccolo and his wife seemed to be arguing, and the voice became louder and louder, and Ariana became more and more excited, but in the end she didn't know what Piccolo said. What, Ariana's mood suddenly calmed down.

  Tang Ye frowned, and he didn't know what he was thinking. This scene didn't appear at all when he came here two times, so what happened to the Bick family when he came here two times?

   He glanced at the door of the room of Bick's three children, and there was a steady snoring sound from inside. It seemed that someone was taking a nap, but from time to time there would be some subtle friction, some people fell asleep, and some couldn't take a nap.

The bedroom was quiet for a while, and after a while, Piccolo and his wife came out. The expression on Ariana's face was the same as before entering the bedroom. It seemed that the quarrel with Piccolo just didn't happen at all. In front of the three children's bedrooms, the door was opened a crack, and the eldest daughter's name was called.


   "Oh Le?"

There was a response from Qina from inside. After a while, Qina came out of the room. Ariana didn't say anything, and brought Qina into her and Piccolo's bedroom, as if she was preparing something. thing.

   This is, Piccolo is sitting next to Tang Ye with a mysterious smile on his face. Tang Ye doesn't need to think about what this smile means.

   Sure enough, after a while, he heard Piccolo say: "I just said I'm going to give you a surprise, do you know what kind of surprise this is?"

   "What surprise?" Tang Ye pretended not to know.

   "Wait a while and you'll find out, I won't let you down." Bick's smile grew wider.

   "By the way, how old are you?"

Tang Ye cast a glance at Bick, this guy's tone is like a matchmaker checking the household registration, he also wants to tell the truth about his actual age, but his appearance says that he is almost forty years old, not only does he not know Make people believe, but also make the other party feel that they are playing tricks on the other party.

   After thinking for a while, Tang Ye replied: "Twenty-three or twenty-four... I didn't deliberately remember how old I was."

   "Oh my God, I thought you were still an ungraduated college student, you look so young!"

"Maybe I'm getting old slowly." Tang Ye shook his head and glanced at Piccolo again. The interest in the other party's eyes did not seem to have diminished because of the conversation just now. After a while, his wife Ariana took Qina from the bedroom. She walked out, and compared to just now, the current China has changed into a set of clothes, which made people shine under Ariana's special dressing.

"What does this mean?"

   "I mean obviously, I hope you're not pretending to be stupid, she's my daughter, look at her, before there was a war here, my daughter Qina was very popular."

Tang Ye looked at Qina. To be honest, after carefully dressing up, Qina is like an elf in a fairy tale, which can't help but make people imagine beautiful things. If you look at it, you will find that she is very similar to Chloe Moretz, the star who was in Lan'o continent before the end of the world.

   The plot has shifted a bit. Although the first two times Bick wanted to give him his daughter, the biggest difference this time is that China was the first to dress up, giving Bick a more sincere feeling.

   Fortunately, with the experience of the first two times, Tang Ye has euphemistic language to reject Bick, only to hear him ask: "How old is your daughter Qina this year?"

   "Ten...Sixteen!" After hesitating for a while, Piccolo replied.

  Tang Ye knew that Piccolo had lied, not to mention Qina's actual age, her current appearance is that she may be false if she is fifteen years old, and it is impossible for her to be sixteen.

   But the funniest thing is that Piccolo lied to himself? You know, he didn't hide Qina's name from himself twice before, and Tang Ye didn't know what it meant.

Tang Ye didn't bother about Bick's lie, just listened to him continue: "Your kindness, I can only say sorry, now I don't think I have the ability to take care of others, in Huaxia, a child as big as your daughter They are still enjoying their freedom, and they have the right to choose their own path in the future, rather than being forced to live by their parents' orders."

Tang Ye said this in one breath, but Bick didn't seem to listen carefully. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he asked: "Do you think she is not beautiful enough? Does it not conform to your Chinese aesthetic? "

   "Huh?...I didn't mean that..." Tang Ye lowered his voice as he spoke, Piccolo is a father, how could he say such a thing? Completely disregarding her daughter's feelings.

   Before Tang Ye could continue speaking, Piccolo continued, "That's not what you meant? What do you mean? You..."

  Bick's voice stopped abruptly, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and quickly said to Tang Ye: "Sorry, I shouldn't decide something for you, please forgive me."

   This sudden change made Tang Ye frown slightly, but he didn't say anything and replied, "It's okay, maybe you don't have bad thoughts about me."

   Although he said so, in his heart, Tang Ye smiled coldly, and at the same time, he was also wondering why Bick was in such a strange state.

Under Piccolo's suggestion, Ariana walked into the room with her eldest daughter Qina, and the atmosphere in the living room became strange from this moment. Piccolo sat next to Tang Ye, without saying a word, The same is true for Tang Ye, sometimes the two of them will show a very embarrassing smile when their eyes meet, but then they fall into silence again.

   After a while, Piccolo seemed to be unable to bear the atmosphere, and said to Tang Ye first: "Sit down for a while, I'll go talk to my wife about something."

Tang Ye just wanted to nod, but Ariana just came out at this time, Piccolo was standing in front of her, a little overwhelmed, and when Piccolo reached out to drag Ariana into the room, the three children's room rang Delia's voice.


   Although it was in the local language, Tang Ye understood it. Immediately, the door of the room was opened, revealing Deria's head. At this moment, the atmosphere in the living room became even more weird.


"Who is he?"

   "She's not a bad person, we don't have to worry."

   All of a sudden, Bick and his wife showed a warm smile on their faces. This smile was so deliberate in Tang Ye's eyes!

   (end of this chapter)

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